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民政工作 civil affairs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-02 10:00:47


民政工作 civil affairs英语短句 例句大全

民政工作,civil affairs

1)civil affairs民政工作

1.This paper makes comments on seven points of views on the conformity ofcivil affairs in the departments of civil administrationover last twenty years,analyses the divergence of these views from various angles and summarizes the similarities of the views.本文集中评述了 2 0年来民政系统关于民政工作整合问题的七种主要观点 ,并从不同角度比较了这些观点的分歧所在 ,总结了这些观点的相同之处。


1.On Strengthening Ideological and Political Work in a New Period with the Aid of Superiority in the Civil Administractive Work;借助民政工作优势 加强新时期思想政治工作

2.Discussing the Work and Personnel Training in Civil Administrationduring The Tenth Five-year PlanPeriod;论“十五”时期的民政工作及民政人才培养

ments on the Categories of Social Work and Civil Administration inChina s Library Classification (Fourth Edition);《中图法》第四版社会工作和民政工作类目评析

4.Civil Administration Promoting the Establishment of Communitiesin Colleges and Universities;民政工作拓展大学社区建设的新思路

5.Intergovernmental Working Group on Migration Statistics移民统计政府间工作组

6.Task Force on Democracy, Governance and Participation民主、施政与参与工作队

7.Some Ideas about Ideological and Political Education of Peasant Workers in the New Period;新时期农民工思想政治教育工作初探

8.Research in the Psychology and the Ideological and Political Work for the New Generation s Peasant-workers;“新生代民工”的心理和思想政治工作

9.The Teachers Delegates Congress and Trade Union and the Democratic Political Construction in Universities;高校工会教代会工作与民主政治建设

10.Zhou Qiang, the Governor of Hunan Province, made a report of government work of year .湖南省人民政府省长周强作政府工作报告。

11.Task Force on Democratic Governance and Economic Development民主施政与经济发展工作队

12.The Research on Innovation of Jiangzemin s Theory of Ideological and Political Work;江泽民思想政治工作理论创新点研究

13.The Research on Strengthening the Ideological and Political Work of the Private Enterprises in Our Country;加强我国民营企业思想政治工作研究

14.On the Ideological and Political Work in National Minority Rural Area;少数民族地区农村思想政治工作浅论

15.Serving People s Livelihood: a Crucial View on Ideological and Political Work;服务民生:思想政治工作的重要视点

16.A Summary of the Reaction of the National Government to Japanese "Tong work";国民政府应对日本“桐工作”之始末

17.Exercising the State Power for the People--The Guide Line of the Whole Works of the Party;执政为民——党的一切工作的最高准则

18.The Analysis on the Value-oriented of Jiang Zemin s Ideology and Political Work;江泽民的思想政治工作价值定位论析


Civil Administration Social Work民政社会工作

1.the Advantages of RuralCivil Administration Social Work;农村民政社会工作的优势

3)civil service management reform民政工作改革

4)people"s political consultative work人民政协工作

5)local civil affairs administrator基层民政工作者

1.The paper is focusing on the statement of thelocal civil affairs administrators features,the usual problems and the requirement of their knowledge and capability in Chongqing.本研究采用问卷法和访谈法,对重庆市基层民政工作者的基本特征、工作中常见问题与困难、知识技能和需求状况进行了调查,并提出了相应的措施建议。

6)Ideological and Political Work of Private Enterprises民营企业思想政治工作


