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SRAP分子标记 SRAP molecular markers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-02 07:42:59


SRAP分子标记 SRAP molecular markers英语短句 例句大全

SRAP分子标记,SRAP molecular markers

1)SRAP molecular markersSRAP分子标记

1.Identification ofSRAP molecular markers linked to salt tolerance in Zoysia grasses结缕草属植物耐盐性SRAP分子标记研究

2.With 29 maize inbred lines utilized popularly in Henan,the genetic diversities and heterosis groups of Henan maize gerplasm were classified bySRAP molecular markers.以河南省常用的29个玉米自交系为材料,利用SRAP分子标记技术对河南省玉米种质遗传多样性及杂种优势群进行划分,对河南省主要的审定玉米品种亲本间遗传距离及杂种优势模式进行分析。


1.Study on the Purity Identification of Cultivated Watermelon by SRAP Molecular Marker;SRAP分子标记分析西瓜杂交种种子纯度

2.SRAP Molecular Marker in the Round Shape Trait of Cucumber Fruit;黄瓜果实圆形性状的SRAP分子标记

3.SRAP Molecular Marker Linked to Gl Gene in Cucumber黄瓜Gl基因连锁的SRAP分子标记

4.Establishment and Optimization of SRAP Reaction System in Glehnia littoralis北沙参SRAP分子标记体系的建立与优化

5.Genetic diversity of Changium smyrnioides based on SRAP明党参遗传多样性的SRAP分子标记

6.Optimization of SRAP Reaction System in Fraxinus mandshurica水曲柳SRAP分子标记反应系统的优化

7.Arctic fox SRAP marker polymorphism of the preliminary study北极狐SRAP分子标记的多态性初步研究

8.Linkage Maps of the Genus Hedychium (Zingiberaceae) Based on SRAP姜花属SRAP分子标记连锁图谱构建

9.Identification of SRAP molecular markers linked to salt tolerance in Zoysia grasses结缕草属植物耐盐性SRAP分子标记研究

10.The development and application of SRAP molecular markersSRAP分子标记的研究进展及其应用

11.Establishment and Optimization of Sequence-related Amplified Polymorphism Amplification System for Rehmannia glutinosa怀地黄SRAP分子标记优化体系的建立

12.Identification of Protoplast Fusion Hybrids of Ganoderma lucidum by SRAP Analysis灵芝原生质体融合子的SRAP分子标记鉴定

13.First-Pass Mapping of Gl Gene with SRAP Markers in Cucumber利用SRAP分子标记对黄瓜Gl基因的初步定位分析

14.SRAP Markers Linked to the Green Skin Trait of Cucumber;与黄瓜果皮绿色性状相关的SRAP分子标记

15.Synthesis Mechanism of the Pigment in Naturally Colored Brown Cotton Fiber and Its SRAP Molecular Marker;天然棕色棉纤维色素合成机理及其SRAP分子标记

16.SRAP Marker for Determining Somatic Variant by Low Temperature Screening in Paspalum notatum Flugge.百喜草体细胞低温筛选变异体SRAP分子标记

17.Analysis of Genetic Relationships of Osmanthus fragrans Based on SRAP Markers基于SRAP分子标记的桂花品种亲缘关系研究

18.The Classification of Maize Inbred Lines by SRAP Marker Technology用SRAP分子标记鉴定玉米自交系的遗传多样性


SSR and SRAP markersSSR与SRAP分子标记

3)SRAP markersSRAP标记

1.The cluster analysis based onSRAP markers showed that .选取27对SRAP标记引物进行基因组DNA扩增,扩增产生275条谱带,其中有131条带存在多态性,多态性条带比率为47。

2.It is demonstrated thatSRAP markers can be used for variety identification and genetic construction of litchi.这说明SRAP标记可用于荔枝的品种鉴定和群体遗传结构的研究。

4)SRAP markerSRAP标记

1.SRAP markers and genotypes of traits,were used,and their relative effectiveness was compared.以包含我国重要尖椒品种的亲本材料在内的31份优良自交系为材料,利用SRAP标记和基因型值分析技术开展了辣椒自交系间遗传差异的分析与类群划分研究。

2.ThreeSRAP markers,m11e33270,m16e7280 and m16e17370,were identified to be linked to the recessive g.根据SRAP引物设计规律设计了一套引物,结合混合集群分析法(BSA),对油菜隐性细胞核雄性不育两用系430AB的不育与可育DNA池进行筛选,用在不育和可育DNA池间存在差异的引物再对430AB群体进行检测,获得了与隐性核不育基因m s连锁的3个SRAP标记,即m11 e33270、m16 e7280和m16 e17370,它们位于核不育基因的同一侧,遗传图距分别为4。

3.Further analyzing the F2 segregating populations from the cross of SF42 and ZB90 using these primers,there are fiveSRAP markers produced by four primer combinations Me5+Em5、Me8+Em7、Me8+Em16 and Me12+Em7,which were linked with the powdery mildew resistance gene in ZB90.进一步用这些引物分析SF42×ZB90的F2分离群体,发现有4对引物组合Me5+Em5,Me8+Em7,Me8+Em16,Me12+Em7扩出的5个SRAP标记与小麦品种ZB90所含的抗白粉病基因连锁。


1.Molecular diversity of Auricularia polytricha revealed by AFLP andSRAP;利用AFLP和SRAP标记分析19株毛木耳的遗传多样性

2.Selecting suitableSRAP-PCR primers and establishing the optimal reaction system is the base of Alligator wild populations and captive population genetic research.SRAP-PCR引物筛选及其反应体系的建立,为今后利用SRAP标记技术开展扬子鳄种群的分子生物学研究提供了一个标准化程序和强有力的工具。

3.In this studySRAP-PCR system was established for Malus hupehensis (Pamp.本研究首先建立了湖北海棠SRAP标记反应体系,结果表明湖北海棠SRAP-PCR最佳反应体系为:Mg~(2+)2。

6)molecular marker分子标记

1.AFLPmolecular marker technique and its application in the medicinal plant research;AFLP分子标记技术及其在药用植物研究中的应用

2.Molecular markers in early diagnosis and clinical staging of young patie nts with colorectal carcinoma;年轻人结直肠癌早期诊断和临床分期的分子标记

3.Modification on three-locus self-cross method that constructs linkage maps ofmolecular markers;对三点自交法构建分子标记连锁图谱的改进


