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十六烷值改进剂 cetane number improver英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-05 18:32:55


十六烷值改进剂 cetane number improver英语短句 例句大全

十六烷值改进剂,cetane number improver

1)cetane number improver十六烷值改进剂

1.New synthesizing technique for dieselcetane number improver;柴油十六烷值改进剂的新工艺

2.Acetane number improver,diisopentyl oxalate,was synthesized with Ti(SO4)2/SiO2 as a catalyst.采用负载法制得Ti(SO_4)_2/SiO_2为催化剂合成了一种柴油十六烷值改进剂——草酸二异戊酯,在负载量20%,催化剂用量为草酸质量的5%,酸酶摩尔比1/2。

3.The significance, properties and characteristics, action mechanism and classification ofcetane number improver are introduced systematically in this paper.系统介绍了柴油十六烷值改进剂的意义、性能特点、作用机理及分类,展望了十六烷值改进剂的发展方向,并对十六烷值改进剂推广应用提出了几个需要解决的问题。

2)cetane improver十六烷值改进剂

1.The significance,types and mechanism of diesel fuelcetane improvers are introduced,and the characteristics of some typicalcetane improvers are compared in detail.就柴油十六烷值改进剂的种类、作用机理及其研制的重要意义做了综述,介绍了部分十六烷值改进剂的性能特点。

2.The new type ofcetane improver diisopentyl oxalate is synthesized by esterification of oxalic acid and isopentyl alcohol with p-toluene sulphonic acid as catalyst and cyclohexane as water-carrying agent.以草酸和异戊醇为原料,对甲苯磺酸为催化剂,环己烷为带水剂,合成了新型柴油十六烷值改进剂草酸二异戊酯。

3.The significance,types and mechanism of diesel fuelcetane improvers were introduced,and the characteristics of typicalcetane improvers were compared in detail.本文主要介绍了研制柴油十六烷值改进剂的重要意义、种类和作用机理,并介绍了典型十六烷值改进剂的特点。

3)cetane number booster十六烷值增强剂

4)ignition dope十六烷值添加剂

5)Cetane number十六烷值

1.Advance in hydroprocessing technology of manufacturing diesel with high cetane number from vegetable oil;植物油加氢制备高十六烷值柴油组分研究进展

pression of Wavelet Coefficients Applied in Calibration Model for Diesel Cetane Number by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy(NIRS);小波系数压缩用于柴油十六烷值近红外光谱分析建模

3.Prediction of cetane number and density of diesel fuel from its hydrocarbon groups;用柴油的烃族组成预测十六烷值和密度


1.diesel fuel improver提高柴油机燃料十六烷值的添加剂

2.determination of the ignition qualityof diesel fuels-cetane engine method着火性质测定法 (十六烷值法)

3.Diesel fuels-Determination of ignition quality by the cetane methodGB/T386-1991柴油着火性质测定法(十六烷值法)

4.Cetane Number Improvement of Diesel Fuels by Oxidation of Their Own Components over Supported HPA Catalysts;负载型杂多酸催化氧化柴油组分及提高十六烷值的研究

5.Improve the first industrial applications of the cetane number technology in the hydro-upgrading device of direct coal liquefaction effluent提高十六烷值技术在煤直接液化油加氢改质装置的首次工业应用

6.Co-Hydroprocessing of Soybean Oil and Fluid Catalytic Cracking Diesel Oil for Producing Clean Diesel Oil with High Cetane Number流化催化裂化柴油和豆油耦合加氢生产高十六烷值清洁柴油

7.cetane number (of diesel oil)(柴油的) 十六烷

8.CTAB (Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide)溴化十六烷三甲基铵

9.hexadecyldimethyl benzyl ammonium十六烷基二甲基·苄基铵

10.hexadecyl tributyl ammonium bromide十六烷基三丁基溴化胺

11.hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide溴化十六碳烷基三甲铵

12.cetrimonium bromide溴化十六烷基三甲基铵

13.CETAB (cetyl trimethy1 ammonium bromide)十六[烷]基三甲基溴化铵

14.hydrogen hexachloroplatinate (iv) hexahydrate二十六(烷) 六氯铂酸氢(六水合物)

15.The iodine number of the products after distillation is under 1. The product consists of stearic acid and palmitic acid in the ratio of 45:55 or 50:50. It therefore conforms to the specifications as required by the cosmetics industry.成品的碘值在1以下。 其中所含十八烷酸与十六烷酸的比例为45∶55或50∶50。

16.hexadecyl benzyl dimethly ammonium chloride十六烷基苄基二甲基氯化铵

17.cetalkonium chloride十六烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵

18.cetane index-measuring appliance for laboratories实验室用十六烷指数测量仪


cetane improver十六烷值改进剂

1.The significance,types and mechanism of diesel fuelcetane improvers are introduced,and the characteristics of some typicalcetane improvers are compared in detail.就柴油十六烷值改进剂的种类、作用机理及其研制的重要意义做了综述,介绍了部分十六烷值改进剂的性能特点。

2.The new type ofcetane improver diisopentyl oxalate is synthesized by esterification of oxalic acid and isopentyl alcohol with p-toluene sulphonic acid as catalyst and cyclohexane as water-carrying agent.以草酸和异戊醇为原料,对甲苯磺酸为催化剂,环己烷为带水剂,合成了新型柴油十六烷值改进剂草酸二异戊酯。

3.The significance,types and mechanism of diesel fuelcetane improvers were introduced,and the characteristics of typicalcetane improvers were compared in detail.本文主要介绍了研制柴油十六烷值改进剂的重要意义、种类和作用机理,并介绍了典型十六烷值改进剂的特点。

3)cetane number booster十六烷值增强剂

4)ignition dope十六烷值添加剂

5)Cetane number十六烷值

1.Advance in hydroprocessing technology of manufacturing diesel with high cetane number from vegetable oil;植物油加氢制备高十六烷值柴油组分研究进展

pression of Wavelet Coefficients Applied in Calibration Model for Diesel Cetane Number by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy(NIRS);小波系数压缩用于柴油十六烷值近红外光谱分析建模

3.Prediction of cetane number and density of diesel fuel from its hydrocarbon groups;用柴油的烃族组成预测十六烷值和密度


1.The Development of FC-18 Catalyst forDiesel Cetane Improvement;提高柴油十六烷值的FC-18催化剂研制开发

2.The various gradescetane of diesel oil were made determination and calculation in the practical production.根据柴油生产实际的检验与测定,用GB/T 11139—1989《馏分燃料十六烷指数计箅法》计算所得的十六烷指数与所测得十六烷值之间的最大差值和平均差值,随着柴油对应密度、50%馏出温度的减少与降低变得越来越大;其差值小于或等于2个十六烷值单位的个数占该组实验数据的百分比则呈递减现象,十六烷值呈递增变化,十六烷指数计算值则随对应柴油20℃时的密度、50%馏出温度的变化而变化。

3.With scientific experiment,this thesis mainly was concerned about the detailed ways of overhaul,debugging and sample test operation of diesel oilcetane Rating method.柴油十六烷值发动机引擎测定法是到目前为止唯一可靠的十六烷值测定法。


