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财经秩序 finance and economics order英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-09 18:49:34


财经秩序 finance and economics order英语短句 例句大全

财经秩序,finance and economics order

1)finance and economics order财经秩序

2)local fiscal order地方财经秩序

1.Chinese local budget auditing has regulated many aspects inlocal fiscal order since its appearance in 1995,and it has helped promoting economic system reform and keeping the healthy sustainable development in local economy.我国的地方预算执行审计自1995年开展以来,为规范地方财经秩序,促进经济体制改革,推动政府建章立制,保障地方经济持续健康和快速发展发挥了重要作用。

3)order of the Property Law财产法秩序


1.Resistance and Punishment:Rural Crimes and the Order of the Property Law in Jiading County in the 1950 s;反抗与惩罚 20世纪50年代嘉定县乡村的犯罪与财产法秩序

2.The UN Convention of State Immunity and International Legal Order;联合国《国家及其财产管辖豁免公约》与国际法律秩序

3.Dualism of Integrated Order: A case on property dispute;二元整合秩序:一个财产纠纷案的分析

4.Rule of Law and Rule of Law in China’s Countryside;论法治秩序与中国乡村社会法治秩序

5.On the Legal Morality and Legal Order of Social Middle Class社会中产阶层的法律品格及法律秩序效应

6.others organize promiscuity, or defraud people of money or property. They are a serious danger to the normal life and productive activities of the people.或聚众淫乱,诈骗钱财,严重危害人民正常的生活和生产秩序。

7.There have be a complete breakdown of law and order法律与秩序已荡然无存

8.order ruled in the streets; law and order.维护国家的法律秩序。

9.They will be trying to keep order.他们将设法维持秩序。

10.There has been a complete breakdown of law and order.法律与秩序已荡然无存。

11.On the Covert Order and Overt Order of Society;论社会隐秩序与显秩序——兼论德治与法治的关系

12.Roman law continued and where order evolved served as the basis for the development of property rights.罗马法得到了继承,而且那里的秩序地发展成了产权发展的基础。

13.Law or culture--How to establish a well-ordered system of Intellectual property;法制与文化建设之辩——论如何构建良好的知识产权秩序

14.All units and individuals shall be forbidden to disrupt the order of production and other work in coal mine areas.禁止任何单位和个人扰乱煤矿矿区的生产秩序和工作秩序。

15.Article 10 The State shall maintain order in production and other work in coal mine areas and protect the facilities of coal mining enterprises.第十条 国家维护煤矿矿区的生产秩序、工作秩序,保护煤矿企业设施。

16.Changes in Industrial Structure and Reconstruction of World Order--Historical Materialism in the Theory of World Order;产业结构变迁和世界秩序重建——历史唯物主义视野中的世界秩序

17.Law is order , and good law is good order.--Aristole, Ancient Greek philosopher法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。古希腊哲学家亚里士多德

18.Law is order, and good law is good order.--Aristotle法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德


local fiscal order地方财经秩序

1.Chinese local budget auditing has regulated many aspects inlocal fiscal order since its appearance in 1995,and it has helped promoting economic system reform and keeping the healthy sustainable development in local economy.我国的地方预算执行审计自1995年开展以来,为规范地方财经秩序,促进经济体制改革,推动政府建章立制,保障地方经济持续健康和快速发展发挥了重要作用。

3)order of the Property Law财产法秩序

4)the order of administration经营秩序

5)economic order经济秩序

1.A strategic study of rectifying and standardizingeconomic order of Shijiazhuang tourist market;整顿和规范石家庄市旅游市场经济秩序战略研究

2.Economic order is a behavior mode essentially and all kinds of economic bodies need this model.经济秩序本质上是一种行为模式,各种经济主体的行为都需要这种行为模式,也只有在这种模式里才能够正常进行。

3.It is the wasting effect in absence of equilibrium ofeconomic order that the Chinese institutions of income distribution cannot go out of the trap in low-efficiency.正是由于经济秩序失衡的耗散效应,才使中国式收入分配制度难以走出低效的陷阱。

6)economy order经济秩序


