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柑桔大实蝇 Chinese citrus fly英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-16 20:38:39


柑桔大实蝇 Chinese citrus fly英语短句 例句大全

柑桔大实蝇,Chinese citrus fly

1)Chinese citrus fly柑桔大实蝇

1.Some biological features ofChinese citrus fly, Dacus citri, have been reported here in condition of laboratoral feeding.报道了室内人工饲养条件下柑桔大实蝇的生物学特性研究结果。

2.Amorphological comparison study between the normal chromosome group and dis -torted by 60Co γ irradiation ofChinese citrus fly Dacus citri(Chen)was conducted.本文研究了柑桔大实蝇的染色体及60Coγ射线对染色体的影响。

2)Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel柑桔小实蝇

1.An experiment of suitable accession interval for controllingBactrocera dorsalis Hendel by Methyl Eugenol诱蝇醚防治柑桔小实蝇适宜添加间隔期的试验

2.Therefore, the province is necessary to intensify prevention and control ofBactrocera dorsalis Hendel technological research in order to eliminate the small orange fruit fly spread in the province, so in focus on scientific and technological project in Hunan Province established a comprehensive prevention and control ofBactrocera dorsalis Hendel technology research.柑桔小实蝇Bactrocera Porsalis为双翅目Diptera、实蝇科Tephritidae、寡毛实蝇亚科Dacinae、果实蝇属Bactrocera的昆虫。


1.An experiment of suitable accession interval for controlling Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel by Methyl Eugenol诱蝇醚防治柑桔小实蝇适宜添加间隔期的试验

2.juice bearing body (=juice sac)(柑桔果实的)汁囊

3.small black-and-white fly that damages citrus and other fruits by implanting eggs that hatch inside the fruit.黑白色的小蝇,通过在果中产卵并孵化而破坏柑桔和其它果类。

4.Influence of Intra-specific Competition on Population Dynamics of Bactrocera darsalis (Hendel)种内竞争对桔小实蝇种群动态的影响

prehensive technology of prevention and elimination of Dacus Dorsalis(Hendel) in loquat orchards in Yunxiao;云霄枇杷果园桔小实蝇综合防治技术

6.Establishment and Application of Gene Chip for Ceratitis Capitata, and Its Related Species and Bactrocera Dorsalis Complex (Diptera: Tephritidae);地中海实蝇及其近缘种和桔小实蝇复合种基因芯片的研制及应用

7.The Invading Risk Analysis of Bactrocera Dorsalis Hendel and Solenopsis Invicta Buren in Jiangsu Province of China;桔小实蝇和红火蚁在江苏省的入侵风险分析

8.Preliminary Study on Embryonic Development and Biochemistry & Physiology in Bactrocera Dorsalis (Hendel);桔小实蝇胚胎发育及生理生化的初步研究

9.Occurrence Regularity and Control of Bactrocera Dorsalis in Pear Orchards in Suzhou;苏州梨园桔小实蝇发生规律及防治研究

10.Parasitic Effect of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata on Bactrocera dorsalis前裂长管茧蜂对桔小实蝇的寄生效能研究

11.Economic Loss Evaluation and Risk Assessment of Damage by Oriental Fruit Fly in Fujian;桔小实蝇对福建省危害的经济损失评估与风险评价

12.Effects of Sweet Bait on the Attraction of Methyl Eugenol for Dacus dorsalis (Hendel)糖酒醋液对甲基丁香酚引诱桔小实蝇成虫效果的影响

13.Population life parameters and relative fitness of alpharmethrin-resistant Bactrocera dorsalis strain桔小实蝇抗高效氯氰菊酯品系种群生命参数与相对适合度

14.Study on Utilizing Microsatellite to Identificate Quarantine Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Partial COI Sequence to Research the Population Structure of B.dorsalis in China;利用微卫星标记鉴定寡毛实蝇属幼虫及利用线粒体序列分析中国桔小实蝇种群结构的研究

15.The attraction effect of fruitfly food lure to Chinese citrus fly.大实蝇食物诱剂对柑橘大实蝇的诱杀作用


17.The Immature Development and Morphology of Tamarixia radiata柑桔木虱姬小蜂的幼期发育及其形态

18.Flavonoids are one kind of the most important substance in citrus fruits.类黄酮是柑桔果实中的重要成分之一。


Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel柑桔小实蝇

1.An experiment of suitable accession interval for controllingBactrocera dorsalis Hendel by Methyl Eugenol诱蝇醚防治柑桔小实蝇适宜添加间隔期的试验

2.Therefore, the province is necessary to intensify prevention and control ofBactrocera dorsalis Hendel technological research in order to eliminate the small orange fruit fly spread in the province, so in focus on scientific and technological project in Hunan Province established a comprehensive prevention and control ofBactrocera dorsalis Hendel technology research.柑桔小实蝇Bactrocera Porsalis为双翅目Diptera、实蝇科Tephritidae、寡毛实蝇亚科Dacinae、果实蝇属Bactrocera的昆虫。

3)Tetradacus citri Chen桔大实蝇

1.This paper reviews the researches on biology,ecology,and control of theTetradacus citri Chen,including its distribution,host selection,morphological characteristics,developmental duration and its effecting factors,life history,population dynamics,and control measures such as agricultural control,chemical control,lure to destruction,biological control,and physical control.本文综述了桔大实蝇Bactrocera(Tetradacus)minax Enderlein主要生物学、生态学特点和防治措施的研究进展,包括桔大实蝇在国内的分布情况,对寄主的选择性,各虫态的形态特征、发育历期和不同因子对其生长发育的影响,生活史,种群动态以及农业防治、化学防治、诱杀防治、生物防治、物理防治等不同防治方法的研究和应用情况。

4)Chinese citrus fly柑橘大实蝇

1.Mating and oviposition behavior of theChinese citrus fly,Bactrocera(Tetracus) minax, in Sanxia gorge valley area;三峡河谷地区柑橘大实蝇羽化、交配及产卵习性


1.The effects of the trapping of Bactrocera(Tetradacus)tsuneonis(Miyake) with alluring agents such as methyleugenol, cuelure, trimedlure and hydrolytic protein were investigated in an orange orchard with the fruit fly in Pingxiang Guangxi.本文报道了采用国际通用的监测技术,利用橘小实蝇、瓜实蝇、地中海实蝇引诱剂和水解蛋白诱饵,在广西凭祥市确定存在蜜柑大实蝇的果园开展了针对性的诱捕;诱捕结果表明,瓜实蝇引诱剂和水解蛋白诱饵能够诱捕到蜜柑大实蝇成虫,且水解蛋白诱饵比瓜实蝇引诱剂诱捕效果好。

2.Japanese fruit fly,Bactrocera(Tetradacus)tsuneonis(Miyake),is one of the most important dangerous pests in the world,which could damage citrus crops.蜜柑大实蝇Bactrocera(Tetradacus)tsuneonis(Miyake)是重要的检疫性有害生物,危害柑橘类作物。

6)Japanese citrus fly密柑大实蝇


