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奥村模型 Okumura英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-18 18:38:03


奥村模型 Okumura英语短句 例句大全



2)Biot Model比奥模型

1.Application ofBiot Model In Well-point Dewatering Causing Ground Movement;比奥模型在井点降水引起地面变形中的应用


1.Application of Biot Model In Well-point Dewatering Causing Ground Movement比奥模型在井点降水引起地面变形中的应用

2.Study on Parametric Recognition & Comparison of Improved O Connon Model;奥康纳(O Connon)模型的参数识别与对比研究

3.A Comparison of Destination Competitiveness Mode--Taking Orlando and Las Vegas as An Example;旅游目的地竞争力模型比较:以奥兰多和拉斯韦加斯为例

4.Based on the Biot consolidation theory, a plane strain consolidation finite element program PCONMCC taking the Modified Cam-clay constitutive model is compiled.以比奥固结理论为基础,采用修正剑桥模型,编制了平面固结有限元程序。

parative Study on the Parameters of Mass Center and Gravity Center of Human Body Segment Measuring by Zatsiorlky and Songjing Segment Mass Parameters of Human Body;应用松井秀治和扎齐奥尔斯基模型所测人体环节质心、重心参数的误差比较研究

6.such as the Olympic Games.像奥运会这样大型的国际比赛。

7.feature comparison model特征比较模型特徵比较模型

8.Study on Route Choice Model for Olympic Emergency Transportation Evacuation;奥运应急交通疏散路径选择模型研究

9.The Study of Beijing Olympic Economic Computable General Equilibrium Model;CGE模型在北京奥运经济中的应用研究

10.Bus Operators Integrated Scheduling Optimization Model during the Olympic;奥运期间公交运营综合调度优化模型

11.The Construction of the New Communication Mode of "Humanity Olympics" Concepts;构建“人文奥运”理念传播的新型模式

12.Research on the Input - Output Model Design for Beijing Olympic Economy;北京奥运经济投入产出模型设计研究

parison between Ramsauer Model and Global Opotic Model;Ramsauer模型与球型光学模型的比较

14.Olympic racing is now conducted with boats categorised into one-design classes,现在的奥运会将比赛的帆船归结为一种型号。

15.On the Archetype Analysis of E·Albee s The Zoo Story;《动物园的故事》:E·奥尔比戏剧作品的原型剖析

16.The Bi-level Programming Model Between The IOC And The Hosting City奥运会举办城市与国际奥组委之间的双层优化模型

paring the Structural Equation Model with the Simultaneous Equation Model;结构方程模型与联立方程模型的比较

parative research on the Shenzhen stock market by using the GARCH model and the SV model;GARCH模型和SV模型对深圳股市的比较


Biot Model比奥模型

1.Application ofBiot Model In Well-point Dewatering Causing Ground Movement;比奥模型在井点降水引起地面变形中的应用

3)Kimura"s model木村模型

4)Okumura model奥库穆拉模型

5)Miller Aue Model米勒-奥尔模型

6)The Supply Chain of Olympic Games奥运供应链模型


