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累进税 Progressive Tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-10 21:40:55


累进税 Progressive Tax英语短句 例句大全

累进税,Progressive Tax

1)Progressive Tax累进税


1.Progressive, proportional, and regressive taxes累进税、比例税和累退税

2.Taxes can be further categorised as proportional, progressive or regressive.税种能进一步被划分为比例税、累进税和累退税。

3.graduate taxation累进税美]研究院[所]

4.2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.2.征收高额累进税。

5.A tax will be referred to as progressive where the tax rate increases as the base increases.当税基增长,税率亦增长时,这个税就是累进税。

6.Land Appreciation Tax shall adopt four level progressive rates as follows:土地增值税实行四级超率累进税率:

7.In a graduated tax scheme the more one earns, the more one pays.按照累进税制, 收入多者多纳税.

8.In a graduate tax scheme the more one earns, the more one pays .按照累进税制,收入多者多纳税。

9.In a graduate tax scheme the more one earn , the more one pay按照累进税制, 收入多者多纳税

10.On the Continuous Progressive Tax Rate;连续累进税率:对所得税运行模式的一点改进

11.The Mathematical Analysis and Related Application Study on Progressive Tax Rate s Tax Planning;累进税率税收筹划的数学分析与应用研究

12.Progressive tax rate, as a major concept in The Taxation, is frequently used in income tax.累进税率是税收学中一个非常重要的概念,在所得税中经常使用。

13.Proponents of an accessions Proponents normally argue that it should be levied at progressive rates on the lifetime cumulative amount of gifts received.主张征收继承税的人通常认为应按收到馈赠品的整个期间的累计数按累进税率课税。

14.Now there is one opinion which seeks to adjust the gap between the rich and poor through progressive taxation.现在有一种观点强调用累进税来调节贫富差距。

15.The most direct approach to income redistribution is to levy progressive taxes.收入再分配的最直接的方法就是推行累进税。

16.A Empirical Analysis of Progressive Real Estate Tax and Housing Market Balance;房产累进税和住房供求关系的实证分析

17.Unified Progressive Tax in the Anti-Japanese Base Aras;统一累进税:抗日根据地财政建设的伟大创举

18.Income from wages and salaries shall Be taxed at progressive rates ranging from 5% to 45%工资、薪金所得,适用超额累进税率,税率为百分之五至百分之四十五


Progressive Tax Rate累进税率

3)progressive taxation累进税制

4)progressive tax band累进税阶

5)progressive taxation累进税法

6)progressive income tax累进所得税

1.Hopf bifurcaion of a multiplier-accelerator model withprogressive income tax and parameter interval of limit cycle existence;累进所得税的乘数-加速模型的Hopf分支与极限环存在的参数区间


