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卧床休息 Bed rest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-22 12:32:36


卧床休息 Bed rest英语短句 例句大全

卧床休息,Bed rest

1)Bed rest卧床休息

1.Necessary or unnecessary:a prolonged bed rest following embryo transfer体外受精-胚胎移植术后4~6小时卧床休息的必要性探讨

2.Objective To investigate the effect of bed rest on acute nonspecific low back pain(ANLBP).目的探讨卧床休息对急性非特异性腰痛(ANLBP)恢复的影响。


1.Oh, no, I can"t stay in bed.哦,不。我不能卧床休息。

2.have plenty of water and keep in bed for three days.多喝水并卧床休息三天。

3.Sciatica Patients May Not Benefit from Bed Rest卧床休息也许无助于坐骨神经痛

4.Father"s got a cold so has taken to his bed.父亲患了感冒,所以只好卧床休息。

5.Take this medicine every four hour and stay in bed for two day.每隔四小时服用这些药,卧床休息两天。

6.You look ill, you probably need a few days in bed.你看起来病了,你也许该卧床休息几天。

7.You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed.你应该在治疗之後好好卧床休息.

8.You had better stay in bed for two days and get plenty of water.你最好卧床休息两天,并多喝水。

9.Mother had to keep to her bed for two weeks after her operation.手术后,母亲不得不卧床休息两周。

10.Go home to bed and take one of these pills every three hours.回家卧床休息,每隔三小时服一片药。

11.After two weeks, 70 percent in the bed rest group felt better, compared to 65 percent who were not confined to bed.两周后,70%的卧床休息病人感觉好转,没有卧床休息的病人中只有65%的病情有所改善。

12.Little Tom has come out in spots so he" s staying in bed.小汤姆身上出现了斑点,所以正卧床休息。

13.Effects of cervical cerclage and bed rest on pregnants with cervical incompetence宫颈环扎术加卧床休息治疗宫颈机能不全的临床研究

14.She was kept on absolute Bed rest under close observation with a heart monitoring system and special nursing care.在应用心脏示波临护及特级护理下,绝对卧床休息。

15.I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I were not there for the day如果生病了,我会卧床休息,而不是自认没有我、地球就不转了

16.I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I were not there for the day.如果生病了,我会卧床休息,而不是自认没有我、地球就不转了。

17.Necessary or unnecessary:a prolonged bed rest following embryo transfer体外受精-胚胎移植术后4~6小时卧床休息的必要性探讨

18.Marie Curie"s lungs became affected by this exposure, and doctors ordered her to bed.由于实验中长期接触射线,居里夫人的肺部受到了感染。 医生建议她卧床休息。


Complete Bed Rest绝对卧床休息

3)bed rest卧床休养期

4)A resting place; a couch.休息的地方;躺卧的地方

5)to repose oneself on a bed躺在床上休息


1.Investigation on lack of social activities of oldbedridden patients in Chengdu city;成都市老年卧床病人社会活动缺乏的调查研究

2.The effects of aerobic exercise therapy on the heart rate variability in the elderlybedridden patients;有氧运动疗法对老年卧床患者心率变异性的影响


外感休息痢外感休息痢 外感休息痢 病名。因外感失表,过早收涩,致邪伏肠间,痢疾时作时止,经久不愈。为休息痢之一。见《症因脉治》卷四。详休息痢条。
