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退耕还林还草 conversion of cropland to forest and grassland英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-28 01:15:44


退耕还林还草 conversion of cropland to forest and grassland英语短句 例句大全

退耕还林还草,conversion of cropland to forest and grassland

1)conversion of cropland to forest and grassland退耕还林还草

1.Assessing benefits of theconversion of cropland to forest and grassland project in the mountain area of southern Ningxia;宁南山区退耕还林还草效益评估研究

2.Study on the models ofconversion of cropland to forest and grassland in dry hot and arid river valley subregions & hilly ravine subregions of loess plateau.;干热干旱河谷区和黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕还林还草模式初步研究


1.Sustaining System for Returning Farmland on Hills to Forest or Pasture in Northwest China;西北地区退耕还林还草支撑体系研究

2.Study on Returning Farmland to Forestland or Grassland in Wuchuan County;武川县退耕还林还草评价与对策研究

3.A Study on Conversion of Farmland to Forestland or Grassland and Regional Sustainable Development;退耕还林还草与区域可持续发展研究

4.The raising and operation of Compensation funds for the Cropland Conversion to Forest and Grassland;退耕还林还草补偿资金的筹集与运作

5.Development of Animal Husbangdy in Farmland Return for Planting Trees and Grasses and Western Regions;退耕还林还草与西部地区畜牧业发展

6.The Ecological Basis for the Set-aside Policy of Cropland back into Forests or Grassland;“退耕还林还草”的生态经济学基础

7.Effects Evaluation of Conversing Farmland to Forest or Grass Land in Loess Plateau Area;黄土高原地区退耕还林还草效果评价

8.Reforestation on stopping farming land in the west of China;西部山青水绿 重在退耕还林还草

9.Terraced fields on steep slopes should be returned to forests or pastures in a planned and systematic way陡坡耕地要有计划、有步骤地退耕还林还草。

10.The Evaluation on the Effect of Cropland Conversion to Forest and Grassland in Xilinguolemeng of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古锡林郭勒盟退耕还林还草工程效果评估


12.The project also involves effort to return farmland to grasslands and to lakes and afforest barren hills and wasteland suitable to afforestation.退耕还林的范畴还包括退耕地还林、还草、还湖和相应的宜林荒山荒地造林。

prehensive Analysis of the Conversion of Cropland into Forest/grass in Chifeng;赤峰市退耕还林(草)工程综合效益分析

14.The Application of 3S Technology in Returning Farmland to Forest (Grassland) the County Area;3S技术在县域退耕还林(草)中的应用

15.Reflection on Consolidating the Achievement of Returning Cropland to Forestry in Yanan City;对延安市退耕还林(草)成果巩固的思考

16.Analysis on the Effect of the Returning Farmland into Forest and Grassland in Ping an County of Qinghai Province;青海省平安县退耕还林(草)的效应分析

17.The following industrial development discussion to take back from agriculture to the forest (grass) in Wuqi County;吴起县退耕还林(草)后续产业发展探讨

18.Research on Eco-Economic Compensation System for Conversion of Cropland to Forest Project (CCFP) in China;退耕还林(草)工程生态补偿机制研究


returning farmland to forest and grassland退耕还林还草

1.In order to resolve the problems of ecological environment thoroughly in this area,the state startedreturning farmland to forest and grassland in large scale in the west areas from 2000.水土流失和土地沙化是西部地区突出的生态环境问题,为了从根本上扭转这一地区生态环境问题,2000年国家开始在西部地区大规模地退耕还林还草,5年来,退耕还林还草取得了重要成效。

2.The ecological environment in Jinshajing basin of the upper Yangtze River is getting more and more worse in recent years,therefore,the project ofreturning farmland to forest and grassland in Jinshajiang basin should be focused on.针对长江上游金沙江流域生态环境急剧恶化的现状 ,论述了金沙江流域开展退耕还林还草工程的重要性和紧迫性 ,并就工程中亟待解决的问题 ,进行了深入的探讨 ,提出了实施的对

3.Returning Farmland to Forest and Grassland is an important project that aimed at the ecological environment construction in western China.退耕还林还草是我国在西部大开发中实施的一项重大生态建设工程。

3)returning cultivated land to forestland or grassland退耕还林还草

1.The Study on Returning Cultivated Land to Forestland or Grassland and Adjustment of Agriculture Structure;退耕还林还草与农业结构调整研究

2.As an important support to ecological construction in the north transitional agro_pasture area,returning cultivated land to forestland or grassland has exited some problems inevitably.退耕还林还草作为北方农牧交错带生态重建的切入点,在实际操作中也不可避免地存在一定的问题。

4)grain for green退耕还林还草

1.Research in Vegetation Restoration and Soil Remediation of Grain for Green;退耕还林还草对植被恢复及土壤修复作用的研究

2.It is an important significance for the implementation ofgrain for green project.实施退耕还林还草意义重大,对退耕还林还草项目进行全面、系统的监测评价,是确保退耕还林还草目标得以实现的重要措施。

3.Thus,grain for green is the most important method of building ecological economics.退耕还林还草 ,是四川民族地区达到环境持续、持续和经济持续发展 ,进而实现社会持续发展的手段 ,因此 ,是建立生态经济最重要的路径。

5)returning farmland to forestland or grassland退耕还林还草

1.Application of decision support system based on GIS forreturning farmland to forestland or grassland in the loess hill semi-arid region;基于GIS的黄土丘陵半干旱区退耕还林还草决策系统应用

2.The Project of Returning farmland to forestland or grassland is one of important content of western exploitation of China.退耕还林还草工程是我国西部大开发的重要内容之一,是生态环境恢复和重建的重大举措。

6)grain for green退耕还林(草)

1.Research on Adjustment of Agricultural Industrial Structure in Area of Grain for Green;退耕还林(草)区域农业产业结构调整研究


裴度还带《裴度还带》 元·关汉卿作。写唐代裴度拾宝不昧因而救人性命,最终得中状元的故事。全剧共四折一楔子。剧剧情是:唐代宰相裴度未做官时,因父母双亡家境贫寒,又不肯跟随姨父王员外做生意,只得寄居在山神庙中,幸有一白马寺长老供他斋饭。有一道人为裴度相面,断定他命该横死。此时另有韩太守因廉洁为官被国舅傅彬诬陷入狱,韩夫人与女儿琼英辛苦筹资以救韩太守,幸得朝廷采访使李邦彦赠玉带相助。琼英路过山神庙时不慎失落玉带,被裴度捡到。韩氏母女正要绝望自尽,裴度将玉带归还,韩太守一家三口性命皆得救。就在裴度送韩氏母女出门之时,山神庙倒塌,裴度得以逃脱横死厄运。后裴度赴京赶考,得中状元,并与韩琼英结为夫妇。《裴度还带》全名《山神庙裴度还带》,版本现有:明万历四十三年(1615)脉望馆钞校本、《孤本元明杂剧》本。
