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心血管循环系统 Cardiovascular circulation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-09 18:55:09


心血管循环系统 Cardiovascular circulation system英语短句 例句大全

心血管循环系统,Cardiovascular circulation system

1)Cardiovascular circulation system心血管循环系统

2)cardiovascular system (circulatory system)心脏血管系统(循环系统)

3)Heart and meridian blood circulation system心脉血液循环系统

4)blood circulation system血液循环系统

1.Use of power bond graph method in computer simulation ofblood circulation system;功率键合图法在血液循环系统计算机仿真中的应用


1.The doctor thought that there was something wrong with his blood circulating system.医生认为他的血液循环系统出了毛

2.The Similarity About Press-cooling System And Body Blood Circle System On Dynamatic;谈压缩式制冷系统与人体血液循环系统在动力学方面的相似性

3.Study on the Pharmaceutical Action to Heart and Blood Circulatory System of the Tablet" Yixintong " Extracted from Hawthorn Leaves;山楂叶制剂益心酮对血液循环系统药理作用的研究

4.Direct against: liver, courage improve with the balanced function, can increase resolute strength, improve the reproductive system, improve the hydroncus.针对:肝、有改善平衡之功能。可增加果断力,提升精神改善血液循环系统更能舒畅筋骨。

5.relating to circulatory system or to circulation of the blood.关于循环系统或血液循环的。

6.The flow of blood through the circulatory system of an organism.血流在有机体循环系统中流动的血液

7.The Effect of Head Down Tilt on Blood Circulation and Respiratory System;头低位倾斜对血液循环及呼吸系统的影响

8.gravity circulation water cooling system温差循环液冷却系统

9.natural circulation type cooling system自然循环液冷却系统

10.thermo-siphon circulation type cooling system热流循环液冷却系统

11."The circulatory system carries blood through the body. It includes the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries. "循环系统把血液输送到全身。该系统包括心脏、动脉、静脉及毛细血管。

12.circulatory overloading [transfusion disorder]输血循环系统过负荷

13."In humans, Blood remains within a closed cardiovascular system composed of the heart, Blood vessels, and Blood."人类的血液在一个封闭的心血管系统(由心脏、血管和血液构成)中循环。

14.The system of blood vessels that carries all blood received from the intestines through the liver before passing it to the general circulation is called the hepatic portal system.携带从肠收集来的全部血液入肝(即全身循环)之前的血管系统称做肝门脉系。

15.The heart circulates blood round the body.心脏使血液在全身循环。

16.a blood disorder consisting of a decrease in the volume of circulating blood.循环的血液流量减少。

17.Exercise stimulates the flow of blood.锻炼促进血液循环。

18.Blood circulates through our bodies.血液在我们体内循环。


cardiovascular system (circulatory system)心脏血管系统(循环系统)

3)Heart and meridian blood circulation system心脉血液循环系统

4)blood circulation system血液循环系统

1.Use of power bond graph method in computer simulation ofblood circulation system;功率键合图法在血液循环系统计算机仿真中的应用

5)cardiovascular system心血管系统

1.Effects of oxidative stress induced by cigarette smoking oncardiovascular system and endothelial cells;吸烟介导的氧化应激及其对心血管系统和内皮细胞的影响

2.Clinical analysis of 17 cases withcardiovascular system complication following mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia;肺炎支原体肺炎并发心血管系统损害17例临床分析

3.Adverse Impact of Aldosterone on Cardiovascular System and Its Theray;醛固酮对心血管系统的不良影响与治疗


1.The literatures analysis of the cardiovascular disturbance and prevention of the PMMA bone cement;聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯骨水泥对心血管系统影响及其预防的文献分析

2.Effects of Polymethylmethacrylate toCardiovascular System in Percutaneous Vertebroplasty;经皮穿刺脊椎成形术中聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯对心血管系统的影响

3.Objective To report the incidence and analyze the factor predisposing to cardiovascular complication after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLTx).目的 总结肝移植术后常见的心血管系统并发症及其可能的原因和防治方法。



循环系统的进化鱼的循环系统 李瑞端绘[图]
