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全球趋同 Global Convergence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-19 17:33:07


全球趋同 Global Convergence英语短句 例句大全

全球趋同,Global Convergence

1)Global Convergence全球趋同


1.The general trend of accounting principles is being identical.会计准则全球趋同已是大势所趋。

2.Global Similar Tendency or Unification of Law--An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Institutional Change;论法律的全球趋同——一个制度变迁视角的分析

3.The Relationship between International Tax Coordination and Global Convergence of Accounting Standards;税收国际协调与会计准则全球趋同关系之辨析

4.Accounting standards of different countries are appearing the trends of becoming consistent.在经济全球一体化的影响下,各国会计准则目前正呈现出全球趋同的发展趋势。

5.A New Financial Report Disclosure Model on The Premise of Global Convergence of Accounting Standards;会计准则全球趋同背景下公司财务报告披露的设想

6.The Cultural Convergence and Translation in Globalization;全球化语境下的文化趋同和文化翻译

7.The Convergence of the Model of Corporate Governance in Globalization;全球化背景下公司治理模式的趋同化

8.Financial Convergence Under Economic Globalization Based on Economic Growth Theory;从经济增长理论看经济全球化中的金融趋同

9.On the Question of Chinese Accounting Internationalization under the Global Accounting Convergent Background;论全球会计趋同背景下的中国会计国际化问题

10.Convergence and Divergence-the Thinking to our Country s Higher Education Internationalization under the Globalization Background;趋同与趋异——全球化背景下我国高等教育国际化取向探析

11.The globalization trend in economic development经济发展全球化的趋势

12.The Tendency of Market Economy Globalization and the Trend of Democracy Globalization;市场经济全球化趋势与民主全球化趋势

13.The Universalization of Different Values and the Multicultural Development under the Economic Globalization;价值观念在经济全球化背景下的趋同与多元化发展辨析

14.Convergence and Divergence: Key University Development Policies in the Era of Globalisation--China, Korea and Japan Compared;趋同与趋异:全球化背景下高等教育重点建设政策比较——以中国、韩国、日本三国为例

15.Threats to world security have come in multiple forms and assumed global dimension, which has increased the common interests of countries on the issue of security.当今世界安全威胁呈现多元化、全球化的趋势,各国在安全上的共同利益增多。

16.At the same time, we see a growing trend toward globalization in establishing alliances, managing and hiring employees, and entering new markets.同时也显示如创建联盟、理与员工的雇用及进入新的市场之全球化趋势日增。

17.A global playing field with vast communication networks demands the standardisation of language.这种全球性的大范围、大规模的沟通,迫切要求语言规范化、标准化,它正促使语言趋向大同。

18.More and more evidence show that the climate become warmer, specially in middle-high latitude such as northern Anhui province.越来越多的证据表明,全球特别是中高纬度的气候在变暖,安徽尤其是淮北地区呈现类同趋势。


Global assimilation全球趋同性

3)global accounting convergence全球会计趋同

4)Global Convergence of Accounting Standards会计准则全球趋同

5)Global Trend全球趋势

6)tendency of globalization全球化趋势

1.The tendency of globalizotions of market economy led to thetendency of globalization of democracy, and the former was the latter s foundation.市场经济全球化趋势,又使民主具有了全球化的趋势。

2.On this basis, the author analyses the challenge that the manpower resources management will face under thetendency of globalization and puts forward some countermeasures of meeting the globalization of manpower resources.本文简要介绍了人力资源管理理论的发展与贡献 ,着重分析了在全球化趋势下人力资源管理面临的挑战 ,并提出了比较切实可行的对策。


