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境外加工贸易 processing trade abroad英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-02 10:50:15


境外加工贸易 processing trade abroad英语短句 例句大全

境外加工贸易,processing trade abroad

1)processing trade abroad境外加工贸易

1.On the development ofprocessing trade abroad in western areas;论西部地区境外加工贸易的发展

2.This paper analyzes the main problems in the export of the textile products in our country,discusses the urgency and puts forward some suggestions in connection with developing theprocessing trade abroad for textile clothes industry.文章分析了我国纺织服装出口面临的主要困难 ,论述了推行纺织服装境外加工贸易的紧迫性以及进行境外加工贸易时应着重注意的几个问

3.With the shrinking of the developing space of processing trade at home,the development ofprocessing trade abroad has been placed on the agenda.随着境内加工贸易发展空间的缩小,开展境外加工贸易提上了议事日程。


1.A New Approach to Further Our Country s Processing Trade--Processing Trade Abroad;境外加工贸易——我国加工贸易深化发展的新取向

2.Develop External Processing Trade is the Answer to "Special Protections" of Textiles;发展境外加工贸易 应对纺织品“特保”壁垒

3.Developing Overseas Processing Trade and ActivatingHome Textile Clothes Industry;发展境外加工贸易带动纺织服装业的二次创业

4.Selective Research on the Overseas Processing Trade of China"s Enterprises我国企业开展境外加工贸易选择性研究

5.Economic Globalization and the Strategy of "Going Out" ──On the case of Jincheng Group s "external processing trade model;经济全球化与“走出去”战略──金城集团“境外加工贸易模式”案例研究

6.In the later 2 years,adds an important impaction our traditional industrial structure.近两年来境外加工贸易的兴起为我国传统产业结构调整产生了积极影响。

7.To attract foreign investment, to encourage technology renovations in domestic enterprises, and to promote such trade forms as border trade, processing trade, compensation trade etc..吸引外资,鼓励国内企业的技术革新,促进边境贸易、加工贸易、补偿贸易等贸易形式

8.Outward Processing Unit [Trade Department]外地加工组〔贸易署〕

9.The processing and assembling business is a component part of our foreign trade.加工装配贸易是我们对外贸易的一个组成部分。

10.In my opinion, the further development of Heilongjiang"s frontier trade shall be based on free trade zones, coupled with full-blown processing trade and service trade.黑龙江省边境贸易的进一步发展应该是以自由贸易区为基础,大力开展加工贸易和服务贸易。

11.Transforming and Upgrading of Processing Trade with the Change of China s Foreign Trade Growth Mode;转型升级加工贸易与我国外贸增长方式转变

12.Necessity of Transforming Increasing Mode of Foreign Trade From Processing Trade;从加工贸易看外贸增长方式转变的迫切性

parative Analysis on the Influence of General Trade and Processing Trade on Environmental Pollution of China一般贸易与加工贸易对我国环境污染影响的比较分析

14.The processing and assemble business is a component part of our foreign trade .加工和装配贸易是我国对外贸易的一个组成部分。

15.The structure of foreign trade was improved by adjusting policies concerning export rebates, tariffs and processing trade.调整出口退税、税和加工贸易政策,优化对外贸易结构。

16.Causality Test on the Processing Trade and Environment Pollution in China我国加工贸易与环境污染的因果关系检验

17.On the Investment Environment of Processing Trade in Central and Western Regions中西部地区加工贸易投资环境的实证分析

18.After joining the WTO, China will see great improvement in its trading environment, which will accelerate its foreign trade growth.入世后,中国的贸易环境将得到很大改善,外贸增长将更加迅速。


Overseas Processing Trade境外加工贸易

1.Research on the Development ofOverseas Processing Trade in China;发展我国境外加工贸易的研究

3)transit improvement trade过境加工贸易

4)processing trade加工贸易

1.Industrial Optimization of Processing Trade and Development of Port Industry Cluster in Pear River Delta;加工贸易产业结构的优化与珠三角临港产业集群的发展

2.On the technology spillover effect ofprocessing trade;我国加工贸易的技术溢出效应分析

3.Rregression analysis of the relationship between theprocessing trade and our country′s economic growth;加工贸易与我国经济增长关系的回归模型分析

5)improvement trade加工贸易

1.Main content: First,introducing the present situation ofimprovement trade and dut.并密切结合企业实际运作的现实背景和结合海关法律与政策,应用了一线实际基础数据,对大通关的概念做了一定的阐述,研究了加工贸易监管模式改革可能性,提出了"大通关"的企望要在两方面突破:解放思想,创新海关保税物流监管理念;全国海关一盘棋。

2.As a trade mode to take full advantage of comparable superiority of China and toadapt to economic globalization,improvement trade will exist for a long time.加工贸易作为充分利用我国比较优势,适应经济全球化发展趋势的贸易方式将会长期存在。

3.In generally speaking the present tax policy embodies the support toimprovement trade.总体上说,当前的税收政策体现了对加工贸易的支持,但由于个别政策阻隔了加工贸易在国内环节的延伸,征退税率和不同企业同一间接出口税收负担的不一致,对一般纳税人与小规模纳税人以及新老三资企业与国内企业的区别对待等问题的存在,阻碍了加工贸易的进一步发展。

6)IT manufacturing tradingIT加工贸易

1.The paper analyzes quantitatively the influence of China customs to the SC core competence inIT manufacturing trading industry by means of BP ANN , and provides a theoretical proof for the renovation of China customs.运用BP神经网络模型定量地分析了中国海关运作对IT加工贸易领域供应链核心竞争力的影响,为海关在这一领域的改革提供了理论依据。


