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重庆谈判 Chongqing Negotiation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 06:31:20


重庆谈判 Chongqing Negotiation英语短句 例句大全

重庆谈判,Chongqing Negotiation

1)Chongqing Negotiation重庆谈判

1.The Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance and the Origin ofChongqing Negotiation;《中苏友好同盟条约》与重庆谈判的缘起

2.OnChongqing Negotiation from the View of Science of Negotiations;重庆谈判的谈判学视角分析


1.For the results see "On the Chungking Negotiations", the next article in this volume.关于这次谈判的结果,见本卷《关于重庆谈判》一文。

2.On the Mutual Strengths between the Guomingdang and the Communist Party In the Chongqing Negotiation With the Negotiating Strategy of the Communist Party;国共双方重庆谈判实力以及中共谈判策略述论

3.The Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance and the Origin of Chongqing Negotiation;《中苏友好同盟条约》与重庆谈判的缘起

4.The Propaganda War for Public Opinions between the CPC and the Kuomintang at the Turn of the Chongqing Negotiations;论重庆谈判前后国共双方的舆论宣传

5.This time the negotiations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party at Chungking have lasted forty-three days.这一次,国共两党在重庆谈判,谈了四十三天。

6.Just as we had expected, while Chairman Mao was holding peace negotiations with the Kuomintang in Chongqing, the enemy came in two columns.果然,毛主席到重庆谈判的时候,敌人从两路来。

7.Li Qiankuan is a well-known movie director from Dalian.他执导的《开国大典》、重庆谈判》和《决战前后》。

8.The Strategic Conceive of the Chinese Communist Party Attending Chongqing Negotiations in 1945;1945年中国共产党参加重庆谈判的战略构想

9.The Chungking negotiations, the old Political Consultative Conference held in Chungking and the Nanking negotiations were all debates.重庆的谈判,重庆的旧政协,南京的谈判,都是辩论。

rades Chou En-lai and Wang Jo-fei remained in Chungking to continue the negotiations.周恩来、王若飞仍在重庆继续谈判。

rade Mao Tse-tung and his colleagues arrived in Chungking on August 28 and held negotiations with the Kuomintang for forty-three days.毛泽东等在八月二十八日到重庆,同国民党进行了四十三天的谈判。

12.This inner-Party circular was drafted by Comrade Mao Tse-tung for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China two days before he went to Chungking for peace negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek.这是毛泽东在去重庆同蒋介石进行和平谈判的前两天为中共中央起草的对党内的通知。

13.In Chungking, some people think that Chiang Kai-shek is unreliable and deceitful and that negotiations with him can lead nowhere.在重庆,有些人认为,蒋介石是靠不住的,是骗人的,要同他谈判出什么结果是不可能的。

14.ad hoc meeting on debt renegotiation债务重新谈判专题会议

15.had a large role in the negotiations在谈判中起重大作用

16.Has crisis negotiation"s lead claimed to be the higher authority?重案谈判小组的头算更高级长官吗?

17.a resumption of hostilities, activites, negotiations战事、 活动、 谈判的重新开始.

18.These negotiations are crucial to the future of our firm.这些谈判对我们公司的前途至关重要。


Chongqing Negotiations重庆谈判

1.The Strategic Conceive of the Chinese Communist Party AttendingChongqing Negotiations in 1945;1945年中国共产党参加重庆谈判的战略构想


4)ZHANG Lan and Chongqing Negotiation张澜与重庆谈判

5)Chongqing Tanpan he Shuangshi Xieding重庆谈判和《双十协定》


1.Research on base of compensation and cooperation degreere-negotiation;基于补偿度和合作度的重复谈判研究

2.Research on the Base of Compensation and Commitment Re-negotiation between Agents;Agent间基于补偿和承诺的重复谈判研究

3.Starting from automatic negotiation,to introduce concession degree tore-negotiation,adopt credit degree to record the compensation degree for the opponent s concession,so proposition generating function and judgment proposing function can be obtained.从自动谈判入手,引入让步度到重复谈判中,采用信誉度记录谈判对手对自己让步进行补偿的程度,从而得到提议生成函数和评价提议函数,最后给出了整个重复谈判的流程以验证基于让步度的重复谈判策略的有效性和高效性。


