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木本引种植物 Introduced woody plants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-03 09:17:45


木本引种植物 Introduced woody plants英语短句 例句大全

木本引种植物,Introduced woody plants

1)Introduced woody plants木本引种植物

2)introduced woody plant木本植物引种

1.This paper reviewed the theories and advances in ecological prediction and risk analysis of invasion byintroduced woody plants.首先介绍了目前国内外木本植物引种的概况,对木本植物入侵的生态预测基本原理做了较为详细的总结。

3)introduced plant引种植物

1.The results show that the adaptability ofintroduced plants coming from Australia is comparatively poor in general,and the total survival rate andfruit maturation rate of557introducedplants are 5.通过果熟率和存活率的统计分析,研究了原产澳大利亚的引种植物在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的生长适应性。


1.A Comparison of the Phenological Characteristics of Introduced Plant Species in the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden西双版纳热带植物园引种植物物候特征比较

2.native to Europe but introduced in America.原产于欧洲,引种于美国的一种植物。

3.Studies on the Introduction and Cultivar Classification of Canna;美人蕉属(Canna)植物引种与品种分类研究

4.The botanist introduced a new species of plant to the region.那位植物学家向该地区引入了一种新植物。

5.Study on Introduction and Cultivate of Succulents in Giulin Botanical Garden桂林植物园多肉植物的引种栽培试验研究

6.an annual of tropical Asia naturalized in United States.亚洲热带地区一年生植物,引种于美国。

7.Seventy-one different varieties of tropical plants were introduced into China last year.去年中国引进了71种不同的热带植物。

8.any of various fungi causing rust disease in plants.能引起植物上铁锈病的各种真菌。

9.Introduction, cultivation and propagation of Australian plant-lahua澳洲植物——蜡花的引种栽培和繁殖

10.a evergreen plant with large showy dark green leaves; contains a poison that swells the tongue and throat hence the name.一种热带美洲的草本植物,当咀嚼这种植物时会引起舌头肿大。

11.Study on the Introduction and Application of Three Kinds of Wild Genus Viola三种野生堇菜属植物引种及其园林应用

12.Studies on Cultivation and Adaptability of Several Introduced Colored-leaf Plants;几种彩叶植物的引种栽培及适应性研究

13.Study of Cultivation and Adaptability of Several Introduced Ground Covers;几种地被植物的引种栽培及适应性研究

14.Study on the Species of Rhododendron L. in Hunan and its Adaptability in Hunan Forestry Botanical Garden湖南杜鹃属植物种类及引种适应性研究

15.Research on Introduction and Cutting Propagation of Several Sedum L.Plants几种景天属植物引种及其扦插繁殖研究

16.The direct effect on a hybrid plant produced by the transfer of pollen from one strain to the endosperm of a different strain.异粉性杂交植物的一种直接反应,通过将一种植物的花粉引入另一种植物的内乳中所产生

17.A plant disease, usually caused by fungi, that produces minute spots on leaves and stems.斑疹病一种植物病,通常由真菌引起,在植物的叶和茎上产生小斑点

18.A Brief Study on the Introduction of National Key Preserved Wild Plant Resources in Xi"an Botanical Garden西安植物园国家重点保护野生植物资源引种研究


introduced woody plant木本植物引种

1.This paper reviewed the theories and advances in ecological prediction and risk analysis of invasion byintroduced woody plants.首先介绍了目前国内外木本植物引种的概况,对木本植物入侵的生态预测基本原理做了较为详细的总结。

3)introduced plant引种植物

1.The results show that the adaptability ofintroduced plants coming from Australia is comparatively poor in general,and the total survival rate andfruit maturation rate of557introducedplants are 5.通过果熟率和存活率的统计分析,研究了原产澳大利亚的引种植物在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的生长适应性。

4)plant introduction植物引种

1.It is becoming a base of research ofplant introduction, popular science and education for young people, field practice, and breeding.贵州林业科学研究院树木园始建于1960年,占地面积20hm~2,引种种植433种木本植物,其中已有200余种开花结实,有国家级保护树种49种,是集植物引种研究、青少年科普、教学实习及提供良种种苗的科研基地。

2.Chinese botanical gardens,currently about 160 in number,have made great progresses inplant introduction,acclimatization and domestication,utilization and commercial development,and conservation.中国的植物园目前已达约160个,在植物引种、驯化、开发利用、保护方面取得了巨大成绩,在科普教育、旅游服务方面的重要性得到承认。

5)woody plants木本植物

1.Species diversity and floristic characteristics ofwoody plants in the dry valley of the Bailong River,China;白龙江干旱河谷木本植物多样性及其区系地理特征

2.Discussion on the embolism repairing in xylem ofwoody plants;木本植物木质部栓塞修复机制的探讨

3.Progress of organogenesis and plant regeneration inwoody plants in China;木本植物组织培养器官发生植株再生研究进展

6)woody plant木本植物

1.Heavy metal toxicity and resistant mechanisms inwoody plants;木本植物重金属毒害及抗性机理

bustibility ordering and sorting of 35woody plant species in Kunming area;昆明地区35种森林木本植物的燃烧性排序与分类

3.Florstic analysis of thewoody plant in Jinggangshan Mountain National Nature Reserve;井冈山自然保护区木本植物区系分析


木本1.有木质茎的(植物)。 2.刻有文字等可供拓印的木板。
