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单季晚粳稻 single japonica rice cropping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-23 14:03:17


单季晚粳稻 single japonica rice cropping英语短句 例句大全

单季晚粳稻,single japonica rice cropping

1)single japonica rice cropping单季晚粳稻

1.The population structure of thesingle japonica rice cropping with super-high yield;hm-2的变异,研究了单季晚粳稻武运粳7号不同产量水平的群体结构。

2)Single-cropping late Japonica rice variety单季晚粳

3)Single cropping Japonica rice单季粳稻


1.The Method of Dressing Nitrogen Only Once in the Whole Growing Stage on the Base of Basic Fertilizer in Rice;单季粳稻“基肥基础上一次性准时追肥”施肥法的研究

2.Studies on the Comprehensive Productive Ability of Different Types of Single Cropping Japonica Rice Varieties;单季粳稻不同生育类型品种综合生产力比较研究

3.A Study on the Genotypic Differences in Yield Stability of Late Japanica Rice and Its Physiological Characters双季晚粳稻稳产性的基因型差异及其生理特性的研究

4.Improving the Quality of Erect Head Japonica Rice Using the Quality of Bending Japonica Rice in Japan;利用日本优质粳稻改良直穗型粳稻品质的研究

5.Climatic diagnosis of brown planthopper occurrence degree in single late rice单季晚稻褐飞虱发生程度的气候诊断

6.Precipitation Risk Assessment during Single-Cropping Rice Growth Period in Zhejiang Province浙江省单季稻生长期降水量风险评估

7.Study on High Yielding Cultivation Measures of Japonica Hybrid Rice in North Region北方稻区杂交粳稻高产栽培技术研究

8.Population Characteristics of Super Japonica Rice Ningjing 1 and Ningjing 3 and Its Responses to Nitrogen超高产常规粳稻宁粳1号和宁粳3号群体特征及对氮的响应

9.Restorable Ability of Japonica Male Sterile Lines with Iso-nuclear Allo-cytoplasm to Restorers of Indica and Japonica in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and Genetic Analysis of Quality Traits in Japonica Rice;同核异质粳稻雄性不育系对籼、粳恢复系的育性可恢性及粳稻稻米品质遗传分析

10.Climatic Feasibility Study on the One-season Planting of Brazil Upland Rice in Guangxi广西单季种植巴西旱稻的气候可行性研究分析

11.Study on Occurrence and Protection Technology of Main Diseases of Single Rice Cropping Along Huaihe River沿淮单季稻主要病害发生规律及防控技术研究

12.The weed occurrence and control in single-crop late rice field in Jinshan District of Shanghai上海市金山区单季稻田杂草发生及防除措施

13.Influence of climate warming on single-crop late rice yield in Fengxian District of Shanghai气候变暖对上海奉贤地区单季晚稻产量的影响

14.Screening of Insecticides for Controling the 3~(rd) of the Fifth Generation Rice Eafroller in Middle-late Rice Field;防治单季晚稻第五(3)代稻纵卷叶螟药剂筛选试验

15.Analysis on the High-yield Fertilizer and Water Application Technology of Single Cropping Hybrid Rice in the Riparian Rice Region of Anhui安徽沿江稻区单季杂交水稻高产肥水运筹技术分析

16.In the other grain quality characters, there was not a big difference between hybrid rice and conventional rice.在其它品质性状上,杂交粳稻与常规粳稻差异不明显。

17.Evaluation Results of Nation-wide Japonica Rice Varieties with Better Palatability in Seventh Japonica Rice Development Forum in 第七届粳稻发展论坛之09"全国优良食味粳稻品评结果报告

pared with the japonica hybrids from south China,those from north China showed a lower average value of CGP and CD.在地域上,北方稻区杂交粳稻的垩白粒率、垩白度的平均值低于南方稻区杂交粳稻。


Single-cropping late Japonica rice variety单季晚粳

3)Single cropping Japonica rice单季粳稻

4)single late rice单季晚稻

1.Climatic diagnosis of brown planthopper occurrence degree insingle late rice;单季晚稻褐飞虱发生程度的气候诊断

5)Single cropping late rice单季晚稻

1.The constitutions of panicle, grain and grain weight of intersubspecific hybrid rice as single cropping late rice in different yield levels were used to make correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis between yield traits and yield.分析了不同产量水平下,籼粳亚种间杂交水稻作单季晚稻栽培的穗、粒、重结构,利用相关、回归及通径分析的方法,研究提出了单季杂交晚稻籼粳亚种间杂交水稻高产高效栽培的技术途径:在保证有一定有效穗数的基础上,提高结实率,主攻大穗,适当兼顾粒重。

6)Late japonica rice晚粳稻

1.Studies on difference of double harvest late Japonica rice with different yield stability in yield components and physiological characters:;稳产性双季晚粳稻的产量构成及其生理特性差异的研究


装箱单、重量单、尺码单装箱单、重量单、尺码单[装箱单、皿t单、尺码单1装箱单(Pack-ing Ust)是说明货物包装情况的单据,包括包装材料、包装方式,以及详细的包装内容,如花色、规格搭配等。进口地海关主要依据装箱单对某一特定内容的包装内容进行检查,也是进口商核对货物的依据。装箱单的内容有:单据名称、卖方名称、唆头、件数、规格、数量、毛净重、签字等。重量单(Weight ust)是由卖方或第三者提供的,表明货物重量的单据。一般包括皮、毛、净重。它必须和其他单据上所表示的货物重量一致。尺码单就不详细介绍了。
