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电阻层析成像 electrical resistance tomography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-04 02:59:21


电阻层析成像 electrical resistance tomography英语短句 例句大全

电阻层析成像,electrical resistance tomography

1)electrical resistance tomography电阻层析成像

1.Flow regime identification for oil/water two flowselectrical resistance tomography system;油水两相流电阻层析成像系统流型的辨识

2.Research of the image reconstruction algorithm forelectrical resistance tomography (ERT) based on wavelet neural network;基于WNN的电阻层析成像图像重建算法的研究

3.Analysis and simulation of sensitivity field characteristics forelectrical resistance tomography system;电阻层析成像系统敏感场特性分析及仿真


1.Simulation and Study on 32-electrode Electrical Resistance Tomography System32电极电阻层析成像系统仿真研究

2.Three-dimensional Reconstruction Based on Two-phase Flow Electrical Resistance Tomography;基于两相流电阻层析成像的三维重建

3.Research on Electrical Resistance Tomograghy System Based on DSP;基于DSP的电阻层析成像系统研究

4.Design of the Parallel Data Acquisition System for Electrical Resistance Tomography;电阻层析成像并行数据采集系统设计

5.Algebraic neural network image reconstruction algorithm for electrical resistance tomography代数神经网络电阻层析成像图像重建算法

6.Study of Dynamic Mesh Image Reconstruction on a Stratified Two-Phase Flow Using Electrical Resistance Tomography;层状两相流电阻层析成像的动态网格法研究

7.Design of a Matlab Based Simulation Platform for Electrical Resistance Tomography Measurement;基于matlab的电阻层析成像(ERT)与仿真平台设计

8.Electrical Resistance Tomography System and Two-Phase Flow Measurement;电阻层析成像系统及两相流测量的研究

9.Research on Electrical Resistance Tomography Algorithm and Design of the Application Software;电阻层析成像算法研究及其应用软件设计

10.Measurement of gas/liquid two-phase flow based on electrical resistance tomography基于电阻层析成像技术的气/液两相流测量

11.Study on the Soft-field Characteristic and Image Reconstruction Algorithm of Electrical Resistance Tomography;电阻层析成像技术软场特性及图像重建算法研究

12.Investigation of Electrical Resistance Tomography Based on the Single Drive Electrode Method;基于单电极激励模式的电阻层析成像技术的研究

13.Electrical Resistance Tomographic Measurment Based on Injecting Dual Current Sources基于双电流源激励的电阻层析成像测量技术研究

14.Electrical Resistance Tomographic Measurement Based on a Line Electrode Model and Adaptive Meshing Technology基于线电极和自适应网格的电阻层析成像技术研究

15.Application of Electrical Resistance Tomography System and Cross-correlation Technique in Two-phase Flows Measurement;电阻层析成像系统和相关技术在两相流测量中的应用

16.Research on Communication Method of Electrical Resistance Tomography System Based on USB Technique;基于USB技术的电阻层析成像系统通讯方法的研究

17.Research on Flow Regime Identification Based on Support Vector Machine for Electrical Resistance Tomography System;基于支持向量机的电阻层析成像系统流型识别研究

18.Flow Pattern Identification Based on Neural Network in Electrical Resistance Tomography System;基于神经网络的电阻层析成像系统流型辨识的研究



1.Modeling and Simulating of Equipotential Line Electrode inERT;电阻层析成像系统中等电势线电极传感器建模与仿真

2.The Signal Acquisition ofERT System;电阻层析成像系统中的信号采集

3.In order to resolve the image reconstruction problem of low reconstruction quality or reconstruction speed of electrical resistance tomography (ERT) for two-phase flow, a novel image reconstruction algorithm based on the BFGS optimization principle was proposed.针对目前电阻层析成像(ERT)应用于两相流领域重建图像算法存在成像精度较低和速度较慢的问题,基于BFGS最优化方法,提出一种新型图像重建算法。

3)resistivity tomography电阻率层析成像

bined Prospecting for Lead-zinc Deposit by Resistivity Tomography and Electrical Sounding of Induced Polarization;电阻率层析成像和激电测深对栾川铅锌矿的联合勘探

2.Application ofresistivity tomography nondestructive detection technique to earth-rock dam for Longfengshan Reservoir;龙凤山水库土石坝电阻率层析成像无损检测技术

3.Application ofresistivity tomography technique to detecting hiddendanger in embankment;电阻率层析成像在堤坝隐患探测中的应用

4)electrical resistance tomography电阻率层析成像

5)electrical impedance tomography电阻抗层析成像

1.The nonlinearity in theelectrical impedance tomography (EIT) system has been studied based on the graph method and the uniform design method.基于图方法与均匀设计方法,分析了电阻抗层析成像系统中的非线性特性。

2.Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a new measurement technique developed in recent years.电阻抗层析成像技术(Electrical Impedance Tomography,EIT)是近年来发展起来的新型测量技术,由于该技术具有无辐射、非侵入、响应快、结构简单以及成本低廉等优点,在医学临床监护和工业测量等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

6)electrical resistance tomography电阻层析成像(ERT)


铂电阻温度表(见电阻温度表)铂电阻温度表(见电阻温度表)表。bod旧nZu wendubiao铂电阻温度表见电阻温
