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引资 attracting investment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-08 14:32:38


引资 attracting investment英语短句 例句大全

引资,attracting investment

1)attracting investment引资

1.All of this brings the more serious competition ofattracting investment.区域经济的发展带动了商务成本的增加,而商务成本的增加降低了投资的利润率,使部分资本转移到商务成本相对低廉的区域,这也进一步加剧了区域间的引资竞争。


1.Drawned From The Experiences of The AboardAnd Domestic Coastal Cities in Attracting Foreign Investment For Harbin;国内外引资经验对哈尔滨的引资启示

2.Non-governmental attractors: the attractors except for the government functionaries in this region.社会引资者:除我区公务人员引资者以外的其他引进外来资金者。

3.-- Actively implement the task of attracting merchants and luring investments.--积极做好招商引资工作。

4.The Measures for Rewarding Investment Attractors (for Trial Implementation)招商引资奖励办法(试行)

5.Analysis of Yangtse River Delta district s competition in attracting foreign direct investment;长三角地区吸引外国直接投资的引资竞争分析

6.The Changes in the Investment of Foreign Businessmen and the Adjustment in the Countermeasures of Shangqiu in Attracting Foreign Capital外商投资变化与商丘引资对策调整

7.Vigorous efforts should be made to improve our investment environment and standardize procedures for attracting investment.努力改善投资环境,规范招商引资活动。

8.Strategies for Technology-Orientation Capital Introduction and Adjustment of Foreign Caapital Structure;技术导向型引资战略与外资结构调整

9.Features of International Investment & Foreign Capital Importation;国际投资特点与武汉市招商引资问题

10.International capital direct investment under Chinese attracting investments system;中国招商引资制度下的国际资本直接投资

11.Importing Intelligence and Capital,Mutual Communicating:the foreign affairs and the Central University for Nationalities;引智引资双向交往"——外事工作和中央民族大学

12.On Absorbing FDI s Specific Policies and the Methods of Importing FDI in Middle-Western China;中西部吸引FDI的具体政策及引资手段探讨

13.In accordance with the law, the rewards given by the government and the project owners to the attractors shall be subject to taxation.政府以及项目业主奖励给引资者的奖金,引资者依法纳税。

14.China should seize every new opportunity and adjust its policy of absorbing capital so as to absorb more investments from transnational corporations.中国应抓住这个机遇 ,调整引资政策 ,积极吸引跨国公司投资。

15.The Study of Input Foreign Capital Investment to Hei Longjiang Old Industry;黑龙江老工业基地引入国外风险投资引资策略研究

16.Inter-cities Competition for Foreign Direct Investment: Policy Environment, Economy Environment and Performance;地方政府招商引资的政策环境、经济环境与引资绩效

17.technical information indexing技术情报资料索引法

18.Religious and Ethical Education Resources Catalogue宗教伦理教育资源索引


import intelligence and capital引智引资


4)capital introduction引进资金

1.Through analyzing all the different factors,point out that cost reduction andcapital introduction is the important way to develop coal chemical industry.讨论了当前我国企业发展煤化工的现状,以及所遇到的技术和资金问题,通过对各种因素的分析,指出降低产品成本与引进资金投入是发展煤化工的重要途径。

5)cooperate to attract fuod合作引资

6)inviting outside investment招商引资

1.On local government s role ininviting outside investment;浅谈地方政府在招商引资中的角色定位

2.Studies on the Economic Analyses and Strategies of Preferential Policies for Inviting Outside Investment;招商引资优惠政策的经济分析与对策研究

3.The case describes the development of Huanghuagang Information Park since it s establishment in 1991,including the change of management model, current development scale, organizational structure, the method and channel ofinviting outside investment, the relevant service facilities and the problems it is facing.案例部分描述了广州黄花岗信息园(科技园)自1991年成立以来的发展情况:包括园区管理模式的转变、目前的规模、组织管理模式、招商引资的渠道和方式,配套服务设施及所面临的困难等。


