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文官 civil service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-01 14:42:47


文官 civil service英语短句 例句大全

文官,civil service

1)civil service文官

1.Changes on the Performance Appraisal System of American Civil Service in Late 20th Centary;论20世纪末美国文官考核制度的变革

2.The Historical Evolution of Veterans Preference in the Civil Service Recruitment of American Federal Government;美国文官录用中退伍军人优待政策的历史演变

3.Thecivil service play an important role in the maintenance of social stabilization.文官自诞生之日起,就对社会秩序的稳定,起着非常重要的作用。


1.Literator Official Characters in WANG Yue-wen"s Official Fictions论王跃文官场小说中文人型官员形象

2.He"s a local government administrator, that is to say a Civil Servant.他是地方行政官员, 也就是说是文官.

3.a peaceful change-over to civilian rule和平地转变为文官统治.

4.the transferral of power to a civilian government权力向文官政府的移交.

5.Civil Service Reform Act of1978《1978年文官制度改革法》

6.Uncovering the Mysterious Veil of Officialdom--The Cultural Dialysis of Wang Yuewen s Officialdom Novels;揭开官场神秘的面纱——王跃文官场小说文化透析

7.Used as a title for a civil or military leader, especially in Turkey.阿迦对文官或武官的尊称,特指用于土耳其

bination of scholars and bureaucracy: the establishment of the scholar-officer s civilian polity in the Song Dynasty;士与官僚的合流:宋代士大夫文官政治的确立

9.civil servant; person employed by the Civil Service(政府中的)公务员,文职人员,文官.

10.Theory"Zuo Zhuan"is hit by growth and decline of Wu Guan culture and official historian culture;论《左传》中巫官文化与史官文化之消长


12.(a boat or vessel) not furnished with official documents.(指船只)没有官方的文件。

13.the straitjacket of bureaucratic paperwork.官僚文牍主义的束缚

14.Green book绿皮书(意大利官方文件)

15.the signature of a sovereign on an official document.官方文件元首的签名。

16.Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole.这些话自然是官样文章。

17.He is a civil servant.他是一位文职官员。

18.Government Schools Clerical Staff Association官立学校文职人员协会


civil official文官

1.Taking Germany as example,Sun Zhong Shan proposed a standard to selectcivil officials,with the test system to avoid the malpractice,as well as the establishment with operational mechanism and so on.孙中山提出以德为首选拔文官的标准、用考试制度补救选举和委任制度的弊端,以及建立与之相配套的培养、任用、监察等运行机制的思想,为我国文官制度的近代化作出了杰出贡献。

2.The rules ofcivil official s visiting was systematized from imperial order to established practice after Hongxi period of Ming dynasty.明代文官的省亲、展墓制度经历了由明初"特命而行"到洪熙以后"奉例而行"的制度化过程,主要有给假归省和便道归省两种形式。

3)the civil service文官

1.It is stated that with the development of American history, the system on conduct restriction ofthe civil service has gradually formed with perfection and uniqueness.本文从行为约束与职业道德的角度,就人格标准、职业规范和政治角色等三个方面对美国文官群体进行了综合考察。

2.This article discusses and examines neutrality ofthe civil service in the Untied States by using combination of history and political science.本文运用历史学与政治学相结合的研究方法,讨论与研究美国文官"政治中立"的问题。

4)civil officials文官

1.The ceremonial dress ofcivil officials of the Tang Dynasty reflects social stability, economic prosperity and cultural development, and it combines with traditional style, the western regions style and fashionable style closely.唐代文官服饰质料优良、色彩华丽、纹样精巧,是当时社会稳定、经济繁荣和文化昌盛的反映,更是古代服饰文化特征的具体体现。


1.The Way of Zhu Yuanzhang s Appoint ment ofofficials Comparing with Other Heroes before the Ming Dynasty;明朝草创时期朱元璋对文官的任用与其他雄豪比较谈

2.Before the empire was set up,Zhu Yuan-zhang widely appointedofficials to take part in military affairs,as comparing to the officers,officials were more strategize,faithful,furthermore,some of them had talent for leading army.朱元璋草创时期广泛地任用文官参与军事,因为文官更有战略意识,更忠诚,不乏将才。


1.The period of Shikai Yuan Government was from 1912 to 1916, which enacted aseries of civilian reprimand statutes and constituted a special institution------CivilianReprimand Committee ensured the national administration departments and civilians who could fulfil authority exactly, otherwise who violated the statutes would be punished.这一时期袁世凯政府相继出台了一系列关于文官惩戒方面的法规法令,还成立了专门机构—文官惩戒委员会,依法对违法违纪的官吏进行惩处,以保证国家行政机关及其工作人员能够正确履行职权。

2.As far as the designating system of civilian is concerned,there are seldom dynamic investigation on it\"s evolving process.关于清代文官选任制度,目前学界大都根据光绪朝《大清会典》所载清后期的情况作静态的概述,鲜有对制度在前期的演变过程作动态的考察。


