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渗透规律 infiltration regularity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-26 11:19:52


渗透规律 infiltration regularity英语短句 例句大全

渗透规律,infiltration regularity

1)infiltration regularity渗透规律

1.Study on optimization formula andinfiltration regularity for major auxiliary burden of sugar-vinegar garlic;糖醋大蒜主要辅料优化配比及其渗透规律的研究


1.Testing Study on Seepage Property and Seepage Law of the Coarse Grain;粗粒料渗透特性及渗透规律试验研究

2.Experimental Study on Permeability of L-type Preform for Vacuum Infusion ProcessVIP工艺中L型构件渗透规律的实验研究

3.The Study of Seepage Flow Law on Horizontal Wells Developing in Low Permeability Reservoir低渗透油藏水平井开发渗流规律研究

4.Study on Theory of Flow Through Porous Media in Low Permeability Reservoir of Stress Sensitivity应力敏感性低渗透地层渗流规律研究

5.A study on filtering flow rules and water-oil displacement characteristics in deep pay and low permeability oil reservoirs;深层低渗透油层渗流规律与水驱油特性研究

6.The Macroscopic Description Study of Seepage Flow Laws on CO_2 Flooding in Low Permeability Reservoirs低渗透油藏CO_2驱油渗流规律宏观描述研究

7.Experimental Study of Water-oil Two-phase Fluid Flow in Low Permeability Reservoir by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance核磁共振研究低渗透砂岩油水两相渗流规律


9.Remaining Oil Distribution of Low Permeability Conglomerate Reservoir低渗透砾岩油藏剩余油分布规律研究

10.Research on the Variation and Prediction of Oil Production Rate of Low Permeability Oilfields;低渗透油田产量变化规律及预测方法研究

11.Research on Effect Law of Coal Seam Penetrability after Mining Protection Layer;保护层开采对煤层渗透特性影响规律的研究

12.The Study on Operating Cost Variation in Low Permeable Blocks of Jilin Oil Field;吉林低渗透油田操作成本变化规律研究

13.Practice of Penetrating Psychological Cognition Rule into Teaching of Sight -Singing and Ear-training Listening;将心理认知规律渗透于视唱练耳教学的实践

14.An Attempt on the Infiltration of the History of Physics into the Teaching of Physical Laws;物理规律教学中渗透物理学史教育的尝试

15.The Study on Distribution Law about Fluid in Microscopic Pore of Low Permeability Layer低渗透油层微观孔隙内流体分布规律研究

16.Forecasting method of production decline law of the ultra-low permeability oil reservoirs with abnormal pressure异常高压特低渗透油藏产量递减规律预测方法

17.Study on the change of injectivity for low-extra low permeability reservoirs低—特低渗透油藏注水井吸水能力变化规律研究

18.Production law based on percolation for a gas well in tight sandstone gas reservoirs with low permeability基于渗流特征的低渗透致密砂岩气藏气井生产规律


seepage law渗透定律

1.The development of conception of permeability coefficient is introduced in this paper through the generation of Darcy s formula and study on the physical bases of K, testing for the real limitation ofseepage law and practices of Dupuit s equation for waterwell.本文通过达西公式的产生和许多研究人员对K的物理基础的探讨,渗透定律真实界限的试验和裘布依水井公式实践的简短回顾,介绍了渗透系数概念的发展及可能得到的启迪。

3)Legal Osmosis法律渗透

1.Till now, there are such theories as Reliance theory, Rule of Law theory, Alternative Rule of Law theory,Legal Osmosis theory, and Economic Efficiency theory.对于合理期待原则的法理渊源,目前外国学术界主要观点有信赖说、法治说、法治替代说、法律渗透说、经济效率说。

4)seepage rule渗流规律

1.Study and application of the reservoirseepage rule in E_2d of Huangque oilfield;黄珏油田戴南组油藏渗流规律研究及应用

5)seepage law渗流规律

1.The groutingseepage law of fractured seam was studied.在采场煤体破碎机理研究基础上以支承压力峰值点为分界点将采场注浆区分为塑性区和弹性区两个渗透物理模型来对煤体注浆加固渗流规律进行研究。

2.The gasseepage law in a single fracture under 3D stress is studied and the following conclusions have been made:(1) the tangent deformation has the same effect as normal deformation on fractureseepage law,and (2) gasseepage law is different from waterseepage law.深入研究了三维应力作用下裂缝中气体渗流规律,得出了裂缝剪切变形同法向变形一样,对气体裂缝渗流规律有显著影响的结论,并给出了气体单一裂缝渗透系数的解析式。

3.The experiment analysis of gasseepage law in a single fracture under 3D stress is studied, theinfluence of tangent stress on theseepage law is focused, and the following conclusion has been made: the tangentdeformation has the same effect as normal deformation on fractureseepage law, In the end, an experientialformula of gasseepage law in a single fracture are brought forward.研究了三维应力作用下,侧向应力对气体裂缝渗流规律的影响,得出裂缝剪切变形同裂缝法向变形一样,对气体裂缝渗流规律有显著的影响,并给出了同时考虑法向应力、切向应力和孔隙压影响的气体单一裂缝渗透系数的经验公式。


1.Experimental study ofpercolation in low permeability reservoir based on steady flow method;基于稳定流法的低渗透储层渗流规律实验研究

2.On the basis ofpercolation mechanism analysis for low permeability reservoir,average water cut has been obtained through analyzing the impact of starting pressure gradient onpercolation,and thus matched relative permeability curve.在对低渗透油藏渗流机理分析的基础上,通过分析启动压力梯度对渗流规律的影响,得到油藏平均含水率,从而拟合出油藏相对渗透率曲线。


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
