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补灌 supplementary irrigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-31 02:11:30


补灌 supplementary irrigation英语短句 例句大全

补灌,supplementary irrigation

1)supplementary irrigation补灌

1.Research on developing characteristics of winter wheat/corn intercropping systems withsupplementary irrigation of catchment water;集雨补灌对冬小麦套玉米复合群体生长特性研究

2.Based on on-farm observations and experiments, SWAP Model was used to analyze the seasonal variation of soil salt and impact of groundwater table on the distribution of soil salt under conditions of drainage water reuse in Bojili Irrigation District in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, and simulate the effect ofsupplementary irrigation by surface drainage water on crop s yield.在田间试验观测基础上,采用SWAP模型分析黄河下游簸箕李引黄灌区农田排水再利用下的土壤盐分季节性变化以及地下水位对土壤盐分剖面分布的影响,模拟农田排水补灌对作物产量的效应。

3.Collecting rainwater in fallow period and carrying outsupplementary irrigation in crop growing season is a effective measure to improve yield.收集的雨水应按照作物灌溉制度,以圆艺作物为主要供水对象,大田作物上补灌应以稀植作物为主,密植作物为辅。


1.Study on period and appropriate amount of Rhizosphere complementary irrigation for potato in arid area旱地马铃薯根际补灌栽培最佳补灌时期及适宜补灌量研究

2.Study on Characteristics of Water Consumption of Orchard and Supplementary Irrigation Effect on Loess Plateau of Shanxi Province;晋西黄土区集雨补灌果园耗水特征及补灌效应研究

3.Study on Relationship between Water Consumption and Yield in Supplementary Irrigation Orchard on Loess Plateau of Western Shanxi Province;晋西黄土高原补灌果园耗水及产量关系研究

4.Discussion on role of supplemental irrigation of catching rainwater for agriculture in Loess Plateau of China浅论黄土高原集雨补灌农业的地位与作用

5.Advance in Research of Supplemental Irrigation of Collected Rain Water for Eco-Agriculture in Semi-Arid Loess Plateau of China黄土高原半干旱区集雨补灌生态农业研究进展

6.The Benefit Evaluation of Water-saving Agriculture of Supplemental Irrigation in Southern Ningxia Loess Hilly Region宁南黄土丘陵区集雨补灌节水农业效益评价

7.coefficient of recharge from irrigation灌溉水入渗补给系数

8.tificial recharge人工补给;人工补给地下水;人工补水;人工灌注;回灌

9.Research on technique of storing rainwater in pit for crop supplementary irrigation窖蓄雨水与农作物补充灌溉技术研究

10.Study on Mode of Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in Shandong Province;山东省地下水人工回灌补源模式研究

11.Research on Repairing Concrete s Crack Through Embedded Pipe;预埋管灌浆修补混凝土裂缝试验研究

12.Research on the Protection of the Fountains by Means of Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in Jinan City;济南市人工回灌补源保护泉水的研究

13.Experimental Study on BOTDR Temperature Compensation in Bored Pile Detection灌注桩检测中BOTDR温度补偿试验研究

14.Research for the Secondary Grouting of MMAMMA混凝土修补材料二次灌浆研究

15.Micro-sprinkler irrigation is the way of good water-saving irrigation for pear trees gardens at present, which makes, up and overcomes disadvantages in the practice of trickle and sprinkler irrigation.微喷灌是目前梨园较好的节水灌溉方式,它弥补和克服了滴灌和喷灌在果园应用中的许多弊病。

16.Chemical Grouting of Concrete Cracks for Strengthening of Dam in Construction of Daxia Hydropower Station大峡水电站坝体混凝土裂缝补强化学灌浆

17.Study on the Reason of Quality for Tube Sinking Piles and Prevention and Remedies;沉管灌注桩质量事故成因和预防补救措施研究

18.Research on Irrigation Water Management and Compensation for Water Usufruct Transfer;农业灌溉用水管理及其使用权转让补偿研究


supplemental irrigation补灌

1.Effects ofsupplemental irrigation on pumpkin with film mulching and planting in furrow in the agro-pastoral ecotone of north China;华北农牧交错区覆膜沟作小南瓜的补灌效应

3)supplementary grouting补充灌浆

4)reinforcement by grouting灌浆补强

1.According to the field crack breadth,it introduces different reinforcement measures to crack,represents the crack treatment methods before grouting,discusses the concrete methods treating different cracks,and generalizes the treatment points ofreinforcement by grouting.根据现场裂缝的宽度,介绍了裂缝的不同补强措施,阐述了灌浆前裂缝的处理方法,论述了不同状况封缝的具体方法,总结了灌浆补强处理的要点,经过实践补强应用,证明这些方法是有效的,现浇板也满足了规范要求。

5)grouting for leakage control灌浆补漏

1.On chemicalgrouting for leakage control and inside waterproofing construction of basement;浅谈地下室化学灌浆补漏与内防水施工

6)water source compensationirrigation补源灌溉


