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列车自动驾驶系统 Automatic Train Operation(ATO)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-28 14:37:37


列车自动驾驶系统 Automatic Train Operation(ATO)英语短句 例句大全

列车自动驾驶系统,Automatic Train Operation(ATO)

1)Automatic Train Operation(ATO)列车自动驾驶系统


1.Research and Implementation of Automatic Train Operation System Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传算法的列车自动驾驶系统研究与实现

2.Study on Automatic Train Operation Based on Fuzzy Prediction Control;基于模糊预测控制的列车自动驾驶系统研究

3.Research and Design of Onboard Devices of Localized ATO System in Urban Rail Transit国产化城轨交通列车自动驾驶系统车载设备研究与设计

4.Research on Optimization of Automatic Train Operation System Based on Intelligent Control Algorithm基于智能控制算法的列车自动驾驶系统的优化研究

5.Control Algorithm and Its Simulation for Automatic Train Operation System Based on Fuzzy-PID Soft-Switch基于模糊PID软切换的列车自动驾驶系统控制算法及仿真研究

6.Autonomous Guided Vehicle Navigation System Design and Implementation on Model Car;小型智能车自动驾驶系统设计与实现

7.Research and Design of the System of Detecting Driving State for Motor Vehicle Drivers;机动车驾驶员驾驶状态监控系统研究与设计

8.Effect of Driving Occupation on the Function of the Driver s Cardiovascular System;机动车驾驶职业对驾驶员心血管系统的影响

9.integrated navigation and autopilot system综合导航与自动驾驶系统组合导航与自动驾驶系统

10.automatic bridge control system for unattended engine room无人机舱船舶自动驾驶控制系统无人机舱驾驶室自动控制系统

11.Fuzzy Predictive Control and Its Application in the Automatic Train Operation;模糊预测控制及其在列车自动驾驶中的应用

12.The application of image recognition into the automatic recognition system for truck cab assembly identifier图像识别技术在卡车驾驶室总成标识符自动识别系统中的应用

13.Embedded train driving fatigue detection system design嵌入式列车司机驾驶疲劳检测系统设计

14.Design and Implementation of Carriage Monitoring System Simulation in Train Operation Simulator列车驾驶模拟器客室监控视景仿真系统的实现

15.Design of test system software for the missile autopilot导弹自动驾驶仪测试系统软件的设计

16.Research on Vehicle Automated Driving Based on Driving Simulator;基于汽车驾驶模拟器的车辆自动驾驶研究

17.The Development of 6-DOF Automobile-driving System Adopting VR Technology;基于六自由度的汽车驾驶虚拟现实系统的开发

18.The presence research of automobile driving simulator六自由度汽车驾驶模拟器视景仿真系统研究


automatic train operation列车自动驾驶

1.The model based design ofautomatic train operation simulation system;基于模型库的列车自动驾驶仿真系统设计

2.Fuzzy Predictive Control and Its Application in the Automatic Train Operation;模糊预测控制及其在列车自动驾驶中的应用

3.This paper illustrates the process of analysis and design ofautomatic train operation by use of object-oriented method, and completes the software design of this simulation system.列车自动驾驶是列车运行自动控制系统的重要组成部分,它代替司机完成驾驶列车的任务,保证列车高效节能地运行。


1.It is studied the control algorithms of automatic train operation (ATO), which concerns many functions during the train’s operation, such as efficiency, punctuality, energy-economizing, stop precision, comfort and so on.介绍了列车自动驾驶系统(ATO)的算法,该算法兼顾了列车运行的高效性、准时性、节能、停车精度、舒适性等功能。

4)automatic driving system车辆自动驾驶系统

5)autopilot system自动驾驶仪系统

1.To overcome the bad effect resulting from the nonlinearity、time-variability and uncertainty onautopilot system performance during the motion process of aerodynamics missile,and to further improve the flight quality of missile,theautopilot system and used control method are researched.为了克服飞航导弹运动过程中的非线性、时变性和不确定性对自动驾驶仪系统性能的不良影响,进一步提高导弹的飞行质量,对自动驾驶仪系统及其采用的控制方案进行了研究;首先对系统的整体结构进行了分析,然后在介绍经典PID方案的基础上,分别采用模糊自调整PID方案和神经网络自适应PID方案设计了导弹姿态运动控制器,最后进行了仿真实验;仿真结果的对比展示了所设计控制器良好的品质,验证了将模糊控制和神经网络应用于飞航导弹自动控制中的可行性和有效性,为其它非线性控制理论与导弹传统控制相结合以进一步提高导弹控制系统的性能奠定了基础。

6)ATO Automatic Train Operation自动列车驾驶装置


后勤指挥自动化系统(见后勤指挥自动化)后勤指挥自动化系统(见后勤指挥自动化)automated system of logistic commandhouqin zhihui zidonghua xitong后勤指挥自动化系统(automated、ys-tem of logistie eommand)见后勤指挥自动化。
