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锥不动点定理 fixed point theorem in cones英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-23 16:33:48


锥不动点定理 fixed point theorem in cones英语短句 例句大全

锥不动点定理,fixed point theorem in cones

1)fixed point theorem in cones锥不动点定理

1.It is proved that such a problem has at least two nonnegative T-periodic solutions by usingfixed point theorem in cones under our reasonable conditions.并利用锥不动点定理证明了在适当的条件下这个问题至少存在两个解。

2.Existence is established using afixed point theorem in cones.研究了Logistic差分方程单个和多重周期正解的存在性理论,利用锥不动点定理证明了解的存在性,并应用本文的理论验证了一些生物数学模型。

3.The existence of the first solution is obtained by using a nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder,and the second one is found by using a Krasnoselskiifixed point theorem in cones.第一个正解的存在性是利用非线性L eray-Schauder抉择定理得到的,第二个解是利用K rasnoselsk ii锥不动点定理得到的。

2)fixed point theorem锥不动点定理

1.Some sufficient conditions for the existence and multiplicity solutions of positive periodic solutions were obtained by using thefixed point theorem.讨论一类具分布时滞的微分方程正周期解问题,利用锥不动点定理,获得了这类问题正解存在性和多重性的充分条件,推广和改进了已有文献的相关结果。

2.In this paper,we discuss the existence of positive solution for singular positive boundary value problem of second order differential equations by using a general conefixed point theorem.利用一个普通的锥不动点定理研究了二阶奇异非共振边值问题正解的存在性。

3.Employing afixed point theorem in cones,we discussed mainly the existence of positive solution to periodic problems for the first impulsive functional differential equations,obtained the existence positive periodic solutions of the problem for first impulsive functional differential equations with delay.利用锥不动点定理研究有脉冲的一阶泛函微分方程正周期解的存在性,给出了多时滞的一阶脉冲微分方程周期解存在的充分条件,并且讨论了生态学中所提出的几类时滞脉冲微分方程模型,包括红细胞再生模型、果蝇模型和多时滞的Logistic方程等。

3)fixed point theorem in cone锥不动点定理

1.we present a new existence theory for muitiple positive solutions to a kind of second-order discrete periodic boundary value problems by employing afixed point theorem in cones.运用锥不动点定理,给出了一种二阶离散周期边值问题多重正解的新的存在性定理。

2.This paper presents a new existence theory for positive solutions to a kind of second-order discrete periodic boundary value problems by employing afixed point theorem in cones.运用锥不动点定理,给出了二阶离散周期边值问题正解的新的存在性定理。

4)the cone"s fixed point theorem锥不动点定理

5)fixed point theorem of cone锥上不动点定理

1.Using thefixed point theorem of cone expansion and compression of norm type, the existence of multiple C1 [0, 1] positive solutions are given to singular three-point boundary value problems of a class of second order differential equations whereη∈(0, 1) is a constant,λ1∈(0, 1),λ2∈(1,∞),α∈C((0, 1), [0,∞)).应用锥上不动点定理,给出了二阶三点奇异边值问题至少有两个C1[0,1]正解的存在性。


1.By using fixed point theorem in cone, the authors discuss the existence of positive solutions of fourth order two-point ordinary differential equations.应用锥上不动点定理讨论一类四阶两点边值问题正解存在性。

2.Some New Results of Fixed Point Theorem on Fully Regular Cones全正则锥上算子不动点定理的一些结果

3.Some efficient tools such as topological degree theory, fixed point theory and lower and upper method have been applied.使用的主要方法有锥上的不动点理论、拓扑度理论和上下解方法等。

4.In this paper, we show the existence of the multiple positive solutions of a class of three-order Boundary Value Problems via the fixed point theorem on cone.利用锥拉伸与锥压缩不动点定理研究了一类三阶两点边值问题的无穷多个正解。

5.The Extension on Fixed Point Theorem of Power Arithmetic Operators F~n and F in close Convex Set;闭凸集上幂算子F~n的不动点定理及算子F不动点定理的推广

6.This paper discusses the existence of multiple positive solutions of a class of nonlinear singular boundary value problems by means of the fixed point index Theorem on cones.利用锥映射的不动点指数定理,研究了一类非线性奇异边值问题多个正解的存在性问题。

7.Collectively fixed point theorems on FC-spacesFC-空间上集族不动点定理(英文)

8.Theory of Topological Degree and Fixed Point Theorems in Fuzzy Normed Space;模糊赋范空间上的拓扑度理论与不动点定理


10.Fixed Point Theorems For Multivalued Mappinqs of Upper Hemicontinuous关于弱上半连续多值映象的不动点定理

11.A New Fixed Point Theorem for the Complex Mappings in Menger PM-spaces;Menger PM-空间上复合映射的一个新的不动点定理


13.A Fixed Point Theorem for Quasi-contractive Mappings in Partially Ordered Sets with Applications偏序集上拟压缩映象的一个不动点定理及应用

14.fixed point theorem for many-valued mapping多值映射不动点定理

15.fixed point theorem for measure-preserving mapping保测度映射不动点定理

16.brouwer fixed point theorem布劳丰尔不动点定理

17.Lefschetz fixed-point theorem列夫希兹不动点定理

18.On the Extension of Tarafder Fixed Point Theorem;Tarafder不动点定理的推广


fixed point theorem锥不动点定理

1.Some sufficient conditions for the existence and multiplicity solutions of positive periodic solutions were obtained by using thefixed point theorem.讨论一类具分布时滞的微分方程正周期解问题,利用锥不动点定理,获得了这类问题正解存在性和多重性的充分条件,推广和改进了已有文献的相关结果。

2.In this paper,we discuss the existence of positive solution for singular positive boundary value problem of second order differential equations by using a general conefixed point theorem.利用一个普通的锥不动点定理研究了二阶奇异非共振边值问题正解的存在性。

3.Employing afixed point theorem in cones,we discussed mainly the existence of positive solution to periodic problems for the first impulsive functional differential equations,obtained the existence positive periodic solutions of the problem for first impulsive functional differential equations with delay.利用锥不动点定理研究有脉冲的一阶泛函微分方程正周期解的存在性,给出了多时滞的一阶脉冲微分方程周期解存在的充分条件,并且讨论了生态学中所提出的几类时滞脉冲微分方程模型,包括红细胞再生模型、果蝇模型和多时滞的Logistic方程等。

3)fixed point theorem in cone锥不动点定理

1.we present a new existence theory for muitiple positive solutions to a kind of second-order discrete periodic boundary value problems by employing afixed point theorem in cones.运用锥不动点定理,给出了一种二阶离散周期边值问题多重正解的新的存在性定理。

2.This paper presents a new existence theory for positive solutions to a kind of second-order discrete periodic boundary value problems by employing afixed point theorem in cones.运用锥不动点定理,给出了二阶离散周期边值问题正解的新的存在性定理。

4)the cone"s fixed point theorem锥不动点定理

5)fixed point theorem of cone锥上不动点定理

1.Using thefixed point theorem of cone expansion and compression of norm type, the existence of multiple C1 [0, 1] positive solutions are given to singular three-point boundary value problems of a class of second order differential equations whereη∈(0, 1) is a constant,λ1∈(0, 1),λ2∈(1,∞),α∈C((0, 1), [0,∞)).应用锥上不动点定理,给出了二阶三点奇异边值问题至少有两个C1[0,1]正解的存在性。

6)Krasnoselskii fixed point theoremKrasnoselskii锥不动点定理

1.Sufficient conditions are established for the multiplicity of positive solutions of this problem by usingKrasnoselskii fixed point theorem in cones.通过应用Krasnoselskii锥不动点定理,建立了该问题存在多个正解的充分条件,推广并丰富了以往文献的一些结论。


Borel不动点定理Borel不动点定理Borel fixed - point theoremB吮l不动点定理{B.限l五xe小州nt价e僻m二匆卿,T侧邓吧,f.01”聊叉B“狱班滋n卜.王j设F为代数闭域kl二非空完全代数簇,正则地作用于犷上的连通可解代数群G(见变换的代数群扭1罗-braic goup of transformat一ons))在卜中有不动点.由这个定理可以推出代数群的B.耽l子群(Borel sub-grouP)是共扼的(Bore卜MOI洲)叉)B定理(Borel一Moro-zov theorem)),不动点定理是A.Borel([lj)证明的.Borel定理可以推广到任意域k(不一定代数封闭卜设F为在域k上定义的完全簇若连通可解k分裂群(人一sPlit grouP)G正则地作用在F上,则有理人点集V(k)或者为空集,或者它包含G的一个不动点.因此推广的Bore]子群共扼性定理是:若域k是完满的,则一个连通人定义的代数群H的极大连通可解北可裂子群,在H的k点构成的群中元素作用下互相共辘(f21),
