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显热通量 sensible heat flux英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-16 21:32:14


显热通量 sensible heat flux英语短句 例句大全

显热通量,sensible heat flux

1)sensible heat flux显热通量

1.Then thesensible heat flux of soil and vegetation can be estimated separately.以西北半干旱地区的内蒙古农牧交错地带锡林郭勒盟为研究区,以不同退化程度的草地为研究对象,通过叶面积指数计算各像元的动力传输粗糙度长度,以改进显热通量算法;并结合植被/土壤组分温度分别计算基于亚像元的植被/土壤的显热通量。

2.Sensible heat flux of the paddy field and the cotton field were both positive value in daytime,and negative value in evening.白天稻田和棉田的显热通量为正值,晚上为负值。

3.We analyze latent andsensible heat fluxes of a maize agroecosystem as a case study.m-2(出现在7月8日13∶00),显热通量最大值大约为369w。

2)heat flux热量通量

1.Vihma (1990) based on similarity theory and observations by TOGA-TAO is used to estimate the contributions of systems with different time scale to the latent and sensibleheat fluxes from ocean to atmosphere over the tropical Pacific Ocean.通过分析发现,小尺度系统对热量通量没有太多的影响;天气尺度系统在赤道西太平洋对热量通量的影响较大;天气尺度系统对热量通量的贡献在赤道外地区要比在赤道地区大。

2.Based on the study of Hoskins about baroclinic vortex, we study the influence ofheat fluxes from the ocean on typhoon.本文在Hoskins关于斜压涡旋研究的基础上,研究了来自洋面热量通量对台风的影响。


1.An Observation of Heat Flux and Energy Balance over the North Yellow Sea in Autumn北黄海秋季海表面热量通量与能量收支的观测研究

2.2. The effects of eddy flux and Cu horizontal mixing of heat are of minor importance;2.热量的湍流涡旋通量及积云的热量水平输送作用都比较小。

3.a thermometer that uses thermoelectric current to measure temperature.通过热电流来测量温度的温度计。

4.The square voltage was used to describe thermal noise voltage in determination.热噪声电压通常采用均方值定量描述。

5.The heat insulation quality is much better than the standard glass fa?ade.隔热质量比普通幕墙立面要高很多。

6.Energy equilibrium of heating devices--Common rulesGB/T2587-1981热设备能量平衡通则

7.On the Parameterization of the Transient Eddy Heat Flux in Atmosphere关于大气涡动热通量参数化问题研究

8.Intellective Heat Meter Based on MSP430 and Fiber Communication;基于MSP430和光纤通信的智能热量表

9.Estimate Surface Heat and Water Fluxes by Assimilating MODIS LST Products;同化MODIS温度产品估算地表水热通量

10.Study on Air-sea Heat Fluxes in the Offshore Sea of China;中国近海海—气界面热通量的特征研究

11.Spatial Analysis of Land Surface Temperature and Fluxes in Urban Heat Island over Xi"an City城市热岛效应地表通量空间分布研究

12.Characteristics of Air-Sea Heat Flux in Beibu Gulf in ~~北部湾海-气热通量变化特征

13.a space heater that transfers heat to the surrounding air by convection.通过对流向周围空气传播热量的空气加热器。

14.The part of this apparatus, usually a container for holding a sample, in which the heat measured causes a change of state.量热杯量热计装置的一部分,通常是一个盛放样品的容器,待测的热量在其中引起状态变化

15.measuring apparatus for measuring quantities of heat light or sound测量热量、光量或声量或用测量仪

16.Seasonal-to-Interannual Variability of Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean热带大西洋海表潜热和感热通量的季节和年际变化研究

17.The distribution and variation of latent and sensible heat fluxes of the cyclones were discussed based on the numerical simulation.在数值模拟基础上重点讨论了出海气旋发展过程潜热通量和感热通量的分布及其演变情况。

18.There are negative latent and sensible heat fluxes in south and east of the cyclone central area after it moved to ocean.气旋出海后在气旋中心区南方和东方存在负潜热通量和感热通量区。


heat flux热量通量

1.Vihma (1990) based on similarity theory and observations by TOGA-TAO is used to estimate the contributions of systems with different time scale to the latent and sensibleheat fluxes from ocean to atmosphere over the tropical Pacific Ocean.通过分析发现,小尺度系统对热量通量没有太多的影响;天气尺度系统在赤道西太平洋对热量通量的影响较大;天气尺度系统对热量通量的贡献在赤道外地区要比在赤道地区大。

2.Based on the study of Hoskins about baroclinic vortex, we study the influence ofheat fluxes from the ocean on typhoon.本文在Hoskins关于斜压涡旋研究的基础上,研究了来自洋面热量通量对台风的影响。

3)room calorimeter显式量热计

4)heat flow热流热通量

5)latent heat flux潜热通量

1.This paper used the BIOME-BGC model to simulatelatent heat fluxes of grassland and farmland ecosystem at Tongyu of Jinlin Province,and compare the simulations with the observations from the.作者应用BIOME-BGC模型模拟了国际协调强化观测计划(CEOP)亚洲季风比较研究(CAMP)的一个地面观测基准站半干旱地区吉林通榆2002年10月~9月草地和农田生态系统的潜热通量,并将模拟结果与通榆“干旱化和有序人类活动”长期观测站涡度相关法测定的观测值进行了比较,结果表明两者基本一致。

2.An understanding how changes in evaporatranspiration and evaporative fraction (EF), the ratio oflatent heat flux to the available energy (the value of net radiation flux subtract soil heat flux), is important for determining the irrigation schedule in arid and semiarid area.结果表明,冬小麦在农田郁闭(LAI≥3)且土壤含水量为田间持水量的55%~65%时,晴天日农田潜热通量日变化在正午前后存在明显的“蒸散高地(evapotrans pirationplateau)”现象,持续时间达2。

3.Sensible fluxes(H) andlatent heat fluxes(LE) were measured using the eddy covariance technique.非生长季,森林主要能量支出项为感热通量(H),约占Rn的72%,H最大值出现在5月份;生长季,主要能量支出项为潜热通量(LE),约占Rn的60%,LE最大值出现在7月份。

6)Heat flux热通量

1.The thermal equilibrium equation was built up and analysis and discuss were made- Listed the calculating equation for each heat flux.列出了方程中各个热通量的计算公式,为挤出机头温度控制系统的设计提供了依据。

2.In this paper,the heat flux plate of soil,the mean temperature probe of soil and the measuring meter of soil moisture are used to measure and calculate the heat-increased energy of soil.利用土壤热通量板、平均土壤温度测针和土壤含水率测定仪进行了土壤增热能量的测定与计算,对土壤温度、土壤含水率、土壤热贮量和土壤表面热通量的变化规律进行了分析和研究,为确定合理的农业用水量和水资源优化配置提供科学的依据。


