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舞蹈技巧 the skill of dance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-09 14:46:21


舞蹈技巧 the skill of dance英语短句 例句大全

舞蹈技巧,the skill of dance

1)the skill of dance舞蹈技巧

1.There are three essential characteristics ofthe skill of dance, which are difficult motion of dance, architectural form and profuse sensibility.舞蹈技巧具有三方面的本质特征,即它是一种高难度的舞蹈动作,具有形式美,以表达特定的情感和内容为终极目标,在表演过程中,只有兼顾这三个特征,才能真正把舞蹈技巧的外在美和内在美紧密地结合起来,促进舞蹈技巧表演的成熟和完善。

2)stage techniques舞台技巧

1.By analyzing thestage techniques and images in his Long Day s Journey into Night,the writer of this paper tries to illustrate the perfect use of O Neill s expressionistic skills.文章试以《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》一剧为例,通过对舞台技巧及剧中大量意象的简要分析来说明其表现主义手法在该剧中的完美运用。

2.This essay aims at finding out,from a new angle,its dramatic features through the following aspects:narrative art,plot structure,dramatic language andstage techniques.从这部小说的叙事艺术、情节结构、戏剧语言以及和舞台技巧的契合等方面来对这部小说的戏剧特点进行阐释。


1.The art or practice of acting and stagecraft.戏剧艺术表演与舞台技巧的艺术或实践

2.A confluence of artistry, superb choreography, and stage design.艺术技巧、优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合

3.Classical techniques have been adapted in these dances in praise of labour.在这些舞台中古典技巧被应用来歌颂劳动。

4.The Big Skill on the Small Stage--Probe into the Artistic Value of A Folk Dance of Southern Shaanxi;小舞台上大技巧——陕南民间歌舞小场子艺术价值之初探

5.The Sichuan Opera" facechange" to move up the stage, with the exquisite technique make it become a special art.川剧把“变脸”搬上舞台,用绝妙的技巧使它成为一门独特的艺术。

6.Our full-scale stage magic show is a cutting edge, professional act- complete with manipulation, comedy, mind reading and illusion.我们整出的舞台魔术表演是精炼、业的表演艺术,融合了手法技巧,喜剧,读心和幻术。

7.The Single-sleeve of Performance Skills in Gannan Caicha Dance;谈赣南采茶舞中的表演技巧“单袖筒”

8.Dancing Arrangement for Three-woman Event of Guangxi Woman Acrobatic Gymnastics Team;广西技巧队女子三人项目的舞蹈编排

9.the world of fashion and the world of stage--these were but incidents.服装世界和舞台世界--这些只是偶然的巧合而已。

10.Stage Technique Serves as the Strong Support for the Teaching Reform of Chinese Opera Stage Design舞台科技是戏曲舞台设计教学改革的强劲助力

11.The Uygur folk dances feature vibrating rhythm, diversified movements and superb skill.维吾尔族民间舞蹈中具有:微颤的动律、多变的舞姿、高超的技巧。

12.They were imitating the look and actions of some spirits with floating long sleeves with superb skills.模仿灵鬼的音容笑貌,舞袖翩翻,技巧很高。

13.Classical techniques have been adapted in these dances in praise of labor.古典技巧被应用于这些歌颂劳动的舞蹈中。

14.The Dongba dance of the Naxi people is very ancient and requires high skill.纳西族的东巴舞蹈,不仅古老且有很高的技巧,

15.The new grandeur and skill brought to ballet during the Imperial Russian age.在帝俄时代芭蕾舞增加了新的宏伟气氛和技巧。

16.In the intricate pas de trois, Hikota Taira had a clean technique.在复杂的三人舞中,平良彦太的技巧干净利落。

17.The picture"s title was a clever one: Leading Roles should never be Absent from the Stage, comparing the Earth to a stage of performances for all living species.这幅画的题目构思巧妙,叫《别让舞台少了主角》,这是把地球比作了所有生命进行表演的舞台。

18.show great skill at driving, telling stories, playing billiards显示出驾驶、 讲故事、 打台球的高度技巧.


stage techniques舞台技巧

1.By analyzing thestage techniques and images in his Long Day s Journey into Night,the writer of this paper tries to illustrate the perfect use of O Neill s expressionistic skills.文章试以《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》一剧为例,通过对舞台技巧及剧中大量意象的简要分析来说明其表现主义手法在该剧中的完美运用。

2.This essay aims at finding out,from a new angle,its dramatic features through the following aspects:narrative art,plot structure,dramatic language andstage techniques.从这部小说的叙事艺术、情节结构、戏剧语言以及和舞台技巧的契合等方面来对这部小说的戏剧特点进行阐释。

3)Dancing skills领舞技巧

4)a confluence of artistry,superb choreography,and stage design.艺术技巧、优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合

5)athletics dance竞技体育舞蹈

1.Physical training dance including both sociality dance andathletics dance is either a required course in department of physical training dance or an elective course in university.无论是体育院系体育舞蹈专修课,还是体育院系体育舞蹈选修课或者普通高等院校的选项课,都应该将社交舞与竞技体育舞蹈两者同时作为体育舞蹈课程教学内容的一部分,不能将社交舞与竞技体育舞蹈完全分开,只是可以根据教学目标和任务的不同确定其侧重点。


1.A brief talk about the effect ofdance on human body health;浅谈舞蹈对身心健康的功用

2.Between Rhythm and Posture(Ⅰ)——An analysis on Yeats lyrics and thedance image;在韵律和舞姿之间(一)——叶芝的抒情诗与舞蹈意象探幽

3.On the important significance of Tibetan Folk Dance in the basis teaching of Dance;浅析藏族舞蹈在民间舞基础教学中的重要意义


【图文】情人节送花的技巧 (1)情人节。每年2月14日,通常在情人节中,以赠送一支红玫瑰来表达情人之间的感情。将一支半开的红玫瑰衬上一片形色漂亮的绿叶,然后装在一个透明的单支花的胶袋中,在花柄的下半部用彩带系上一个漂亮的蝴蝶结,形成一个精美秀丽的小型花束,以此作为情人节的最佳礼物。 玫瑰是世界主要的礼品花之一,表明专一,情感和活力。玫瑰一般有深红、粉红、黄色、白色等色彩。著名品种有伊里莎白女王(红色)、初恋(黄色)等。情人节以送红玫瑰的最多。 给情人送玫瑰以几枝为宜?当然是越多越好,一枝取情有独钟之意,三枝则代表“我爱你”。送6枝,8枝代表吉祥数,送11枝,是将10枝送给最心爱的人,另一枝代表自己。至于送24枝则是国际性的常例,12枝为一打,代表一年中的12个月,有追求圆满,年年月月献爱心之意
