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辣椒白粉病 pepper powdery mildew英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-05 12:56:11


辣椒白粉病 pepper powdery mildew英语短句 例句大全

辣椒白粉病,pepper powdery mildew

1)pepper powdery mildew辣椒白粉病

1.The field efficacy experiment was done about kresoxim-methyl 50% WG,flusilazole 8% MF,triadimefon 25% WP and chlorothalonil 75% WP againstpepper powdery mildew./hm2)防治温室辣椒白粉病进行田间药效试验。


1.Study on Control of Red Pepper Powdery Mildew under Some Medicaments几种药剂对温室辣椒白粉病的防治研究

2.Efficacy of Four Kinds of Fungicides against Pepper Powdery Mildew in Greenhouse4种杀菌剂对温室辣椒白粉病的防治效果

3.Relationship between Resistance to Leveillula taurica and PAL Activity in Pepper辣椒白粉病抗性与苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性的关系

4.Effects of Jinlishi Adding Roushuitong Against Pepper Powdery Mildew金力士加柔水通对辣椒白粉病的防治效果

5.Studies on Artificial Inoculation Method to Test Resistance to Pepper Leveillula taurica辣椒抗白粉病人工接种鉴定方法研究

6.Preliminary study on the Inducement of Resistance Against Powdery Mildew of Pepper by Oligochitosan壳寡糖诱导辣椒抗白粉病的初步研究

7.The sauce is made with cream, butter, parmesan cheese and white pepper.酱汁是用奶油、油、脂奶酪和白辣椒粉做的。

8.veloute sauce with sauteed chopped onion and paprika and cream.嫩煎的碎洋葱、辣椒粉和奶油做成的白汁沙司。

9.The control effect of 70% patafol WP. for the pepper blight caused by phyophthora capsici70%百德富可湿性粉剂对辣椒疫病的防治效果

10.He peppered the soup.他在汤里加了辣椒粉。

11.A mild, powdered seasoning made from sweet red peppers.辣椒粉一种用甜红辣椒制成的淡味粉状调味品

12.gingery Chinese food; hot peppers; hot curry; corn chips with peppery salsa; spicy tomato sauce.辣味中国菜;辣胡椒粉;辣咖喱;有胡椒沙拉的玉米片;辣味番茄酱。

13.Guest: Would you bring me a Tabasco and pepper powder?是的,能给我拿点辣椒仔和胡椒粉吗?

14.Changes of Three Enzymes Activities in Resistance to Pepper Leveillula taurica白粉菌侵染过程中不同抗性辣椒品种叶片3种酶活性变化

15.Changes of Activities of Defensive Enzymes in Pepper Leaves Treated with Chito-Oligosaccaride and Inoculated with Powdery Mildew壳寡糖诱导和白粉菌侵染的辣椒叶片防御酶系活性研究

16.Any of various condiments made from the more pungent varieties of Capsicum frutescens, such as cayenne pepper, tabasco pepper, and chili.胡椒调料任何一种由味道较辛辣的辣椒制成的调味品,如胡椒粉、辣酱油和干辣椒

17.The Identification of PMMoV in Pepper Seed辣椒种子中辣椒轻斑驳病毒的检测方法

18.Breeding of New Hybrid Pepper Variety Shenjiao 6 with Early Maturity and Disease Resistance早熟抗病辣椒新品种沈椒6号的选育


pepper southern blight辣椒白绢病

1.Study on biological characteristics and the chemical control effect ofpepper southern blight pathogen Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.;辣椒白绢病菌的生物学特性及其防治效果

3)chili powder辣椒粉

1.It is mainly discussed in this article that the technology of production and all leading elements of using the mixed cultivation system of lactobacillus plantarum,leuconostoc mesenteroides and lactobacillus acidophilus to ferment thechili powder.研究了利用植物乳酸杆菌、肠膜状明串珠菌、嗜酸乳杆菌组成的混合培养体系发酵辣椒粉的生产工艺及各种主要影响因素。

2.This method was applied to the determination of sudanⅡ inchili powder.此法可用于辣椒粉中苏丹红Ⅱ的检测,结果满意。

4)chilli powder辣椒粉

1.According to the physics character that most synthesized pigment are all water-soluble and raising temperature can quicken them solution,after simple decoloration process,people can judgechilli powder color belongs to the color of the artificial increased pigment or the plant luster.根据人工合成色素多为水溶性,升温可加速其溶解这一物理特性,经过简单的脱色处理,借以判断辣椒粉的颜色属于人为添加的色素,还是植物固有的色泽。

2.Selected ion monitoring(SIM) technique was used in the GC/MS determination of Sudan Ⅰ and SudanⅡinchilli powder and hot condiment-containing food products.应用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-M S)方法的选择离子监测技术,测定调味品辣椒粉和腌料中的苏丹红Ⅰ、Ⅱ色素。

5)chilli powder干辣椒粉



