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创新扩散 innovation diffusion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-13 10:42:51


创新扩散 innovation diffusion英语短句 例句大全

创新扩散,innovation diffusion

1)innovation diffusion创新扩散

1.A Review of Innovation Diffusion Models Based on Cellular Automata;基于元胞自动机的创新扩散模型综述

2.Technologicalinnovation diffusion and its barriers: an analysis at micro-level;技术创新扩散及其壁垒:微观层面的分析

3.The spatial correlation mechanism and empirical analysis betweeninnovation diffusion and urban system;创新扩散与城市体系的空间关联机理及实证


1.Analysis on New Model of Events Diffusion in the Process of Technical Innovation Diffusion;分析技术创新扩散过程的事件扩散新模型

2.Industrial Cluster,Technological Innovation and Its Diffusion;产业集群、技术创新和技术创新扩散

3.Industrial cluster,technological innovation,and diffusion of innovative technology;产业集群、技术创新与技术创新扩散

4.Mechanism Analysis and Application of Innovation Diffusion &Innovation Cluster;创新扩散、创新群集机理分析及应用

5.The Diffusion and Adoption of Shopping Online Based on the Theory of Innovation Diffusion从创新扩散理论看网上购物的扩散和采用

6.Research on the Model of Durables Brand Diffusion Based on Innovation Diffusion基于创新扩散的耐用品品牌扩散模型探析

7.Diffusion Field of Technological innovation a New Method of Research on Spatial Diffusion of Technological Innovation;技术创新扩散场──技术创新空间扩散研究的一种新方法

8.Interaction Between Industrial Clusters,Technological Innovation and Its Diffusion;论产业集群、技术创新和技术创新扩散的互动

9.The Influence Analysis of Technology Innovation Spreading Towards Enterprise Cluster Innovation Capacities;技术创新扩散对企业集群创新能力影响分析

10.The Evolution Theory of Apple,Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Innovative Decision of Product苹果细节进化论——创新扩散理论与产品创新决策

11.The Research about Diffusing Effect of Technology Innovation in Industry Gather;产业集聚中的技术创新扩散效果研究

12.ERP Application Empirical Study Based on Diffusion of Innovation Theory;基于创新扩散理论的ERP应用实证研究

13.Cellular Automata and Its Application to Diffusion of Innovation;元胞自动机及其在创新扩散中的应用

14.Social Capital Facilitating Technology Innovation Diffusion;发掘社会资本 促进技术创新扩散

15.Informal Communication--the ImportantChannel to Innovation Diffusion;非正式交流——创新扩散的重要渠道

16.Analysis on Effect of User Innovation Diffusion from View of Small-world Network小世界网络下用户创新扩散效果分析

17.Study on financial innovation diffusion based on consumer network基于消费者网络的金融创新扩散研究

18.Research on Innovations Diffusion Mode with Classical Lotka-Volterra Model基于Lotka-Volterra模型的创新扩散模式研究


diffusion of innovation创新扩散

1.Applying Diffusion of Innovation to analyze iron-fortified soy sauce purchase behavior among women in Guizhou;应用创新扩散理论分析贵州妇女铁酱油购买行为

2.Application ofdiffusion of innovation theory to research of HIV/AIDS related sexual behaviors diffusion in male off-farm workers;创新扩散理论在男性民工群体HIV/AIDS危险性行为扩散调查研究中的应用

3.Cellular Automata and Its Application to Diffusion of Innovation;元胞自动机及其在创新扩散中的应用

3)diffusion of innovations创新扩散

4)Technical innovation diffusion技术创新扩散

1.The change rule of the technical innovation diffusion process has been approached by means of calculus method, revealed the dynamic characteristics of the change rule of the diffusion and introduced a method for the estimation of the model parameters using differential approximation formula.利用微积分方法定量地对技术创新扩散的模式与发展规律进行了探讨 ,揭示了技术创新扩散发展变化的动力学特征 ,并提出了一种估计模型参数的非线性近似估计

5)innovative diffusion model创新扩散模型

6)diffusion field of technological innovation技术创新扩散场


创新扩散对应的英文为the diffusion of innovation,是指一种新的观点、思想、技术一旦被引入到一个社会系统,就会在这个社会系统中从一个决策单位(个人、家庭、集体),随着时间的推移不断的传到下一个单位。这里至少涉及这样几个要素:创新物,时间,社会系统等。创新扩散研究的集大成者是美国著名传播学者e. rogers教授。
