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雌雄性比 sex ratio英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-28 14:39:01


雌雄性比 sex ratio英语短句 例句大全

雌雄性比,sex ratio

1)sex ratio雌雄性比

1.In addition, temperature had definite effects on thesex ratio of B.温度对桔小实蝇雌雄性比也有一定影响,以25℃下雌虫比率最高。

2.convolvuli moth,and investigated its mating pattern and mating rate under the conditions of differentsex ratio,different space size,and different light period in laboratory.在室内条件下,采用行为生态学的研究方法,系统观察了甘薯天蛾的交配行为习性,对不同雌雄性比、空间环境和光照周期下甘薯天蛾的交配行为规律和交配率进行了研究。


1.It was found that the sexual ratio of T. spiralis collected in Changchun was 1.82:1 (1.17-2.59:1).按上列指征检测幼虫的雌雄性比率为1.82:1(1.17—2.59:1)

2.Males are generally taller than females.雄性动物通常长得比雌性动物高。

3.The male bluebird is a brighter blue than the female bluebird.雄性的蓝羽毛要比雌性的更亮泽。

4.The male butterfly is usually more brightly coloured than the female.雄性蝴蝶通常比雌性蝴蝶颜色更鲜艳。

5.A male lanner, smaller than the female, used in falconry.南非雄隼一种雄性南非隼,比雌隼小,用于狩猎中

6.The most likely reason for this is that male plovers outnumber females.导致这种现象最可能的原因是雄性?鸟比雌性多。

parative Studies on the Development of Male and Female Gametophytes Between Fertile Line and Male Sterile Line"s Flowers of Tagetes erecta L.可育与雄性不育万寿菊雌雄配子体发育的比较研究

8.Female elephants are usually smaller and weigh less than the bulls.雌象一般比雄象小,也比雄象轻。

9.In the nature, most male animal ratio pantheress animals are all beautiful, for example the Cape of the" mane" hair, hart and the rich in hues feather of the male peacock of the male lion.自然界中,大多数雄性动物比雌性动物都漂亮,比如雄狮的“鬣”毛、鹿的角和雄孔雀的斑斓羽毛。

10.Having both female and male characteristics; hermaphroditic.雌雄同体的既有雌性又有雄性的特征的;雌雄同体的

11.In most birds the male is bigger and more brightly coloured than the female.大多数雄性鸟类都比雌的大,而且羽毛的颜色也比较鲜艳.

12."Females are much choosier than males--even in humans.敦巴博士说:“雌性动物比雄性动物挑剔得多--人类也是如此。

parative Study of the Acute Toxicity of Male/Female Mice by Gastric-filling of Daohuaxiang Vigor Liquor雌雄小鼠对稻花香活力型酒的急性毒性比较研究

14."In those species in which females are larger than males, the females also tend to be more heavily parasitised, "Dr Wilson said.威尔逊说:“在雌性比雄性块头大的物种当中,雌性往往也更容易患寄生虫

15."This suggests that there is nothing special about being male per se, it is just that males tend to be larger than females(in mammals, at least)".这表明,雄性本身并无特别之处,只是雄性通常比雌性的块头大,至少在哺乳动物中是如此。”

16.Sexual union between a male and a female involving insertion of the penis into the vagina.性交,交媾雄性阴茎插入雌性阴道的雌雄性间的交合


18.An organism, such as an earthworm or a monoclinous plant, having both male and female reproductive organs.雌雄同体兼有雄性和雌性生殖器官的生物体,如蚯蚓或雌雄同花的植物


sex radio雄雌性比

3)ratios of female flower雌雄比例

1.The floral biology,numbers of inflorescence,ratios of female flower and ratios of seed in different zone,different light supply and different space of Jatropha curcus were studied in this paper.选择云南南部4个试验点,对不同光照及不同空间小桐子的开花习性、花序数量、雌雄比例与结实率进行观察。

4)ratio of female to male strobile雌雄比

1.And the strobile quantity, the relationship betweenratio of female to male strobile and ratio of fruiting was also analyzed.本文以贵州都匀马鞍山林场马尾松无性系种子园建园无性系及其子代为研究对象,利用微卫星(SSR)分子标记技术分析了亲、子代遗传多样性,同时对采种第二年的马尾松无性系花量、雌雄比与结实率的关系进行了探讨研究,综合比较了马尾松在改良过程中遗传多样性的变化以及授粉情况对子代遗传多样性的影响,并提出了种子园合理管理策略。

5)Female-male proportion雌雄比列

6)ratio of female and male flowers雌雄花比

1.The natural protective reagent of plants of suitable kind and concentrations of chitosan and BFA made the first blossoming of tomato early,theratio of female and male flowers in cucumbe.结果表明:不同浓度和配比的养护剂对2种作物的生殖生理均有不同的影响,适当的配方可以使番茄首花出现时间提前和提高黄瓜的雌雄花比,并使黄瓜果实中可溶性糖提高7。


雌雄雌雄 雌雄 表示属性相对的事物。《素问·金匮真言论》:“此皆阴阳表里内外雌雄相输应也。故以应天之阴阳也。”
