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分层Logit模型 nested Logit model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-10 12:12:12


分层Logit模型 nested Logit model英语短句 例句大全

分层Logit模型,nested Logit model

1)nested Logit model分层Logit模型


1.Nested Logit model based on a new form of utility function基于一种新效用函数形式的分层Logit模型

2.Method of LOGIT Model in Traffic Mode-split;交通方式划分的LOGIT模型方法

3.Analysis on the Financal Pre-warning in Listed Company based on the Logit Mode;基于Logit模型的上市公司财务预警分析

4.The Nested Logit Model and Its Application in the Analysis of Health Service Utility;嵌套logit模型及其在卫生服务利用分析中的应用

5.Research on LOGIT Mode-split Model Based on BP Neural Network;基于BP神经网络的LOGIT交通方式划分模型研究

6.Analysis on the Farmers Desire to Join in Farmers Specialized Cooperative Organization Based on the Logistic Model;基于Logit模型下农民加入专业合作社的意愿分析

7.Application of Logit Model in Estimating the Distribution Rate of Passenger Flows on Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway;Logit模型在广深铁路客流分担率估算中的应用

8.Traffic Modal Splitting Method for Economic Circle Based on Nested-Logit Model基于Nested-Logit模型的经济圈交通方式划分方法研究

9.Analysis of Passengers" Choice Behavior for Dedicated Passenger Railway Lines Based on Logit Model基于Logit模型的客运专线旅客选择行为分析

10.The Parallel Line Assumption of Ordinal Logit Regression Model and its Test多分类有序logit模型资料平行线假设及检验方法

11.Study on System Requirements of Regional Market Town and Its Scale Determination Based on Logit Model基于Logit模型的区域集镇系统需求分析及规模确定研究

12.Expanse of Box-Cox Logit Model and Its Improved Form;Box-Cox Logit模型扩展及其模型形式改进

13.Study on Externalization of Internal Audit in Universities--A Case Analysis Based on Logit Model;高校内部审计外部化问题研究——基于Logit模型的分析

14.Analysis of Influential Factors of Destination Choice Based on NMNL Model;基于嵌套Logit模型的旅游者目的地选择影响因素分析

15.Survey Analysis to Factors Influencing Employment of Economics and Management Majors based on Logit Model;基于Logit模型经管类大学生就业影响因素调查分析

16.RMB Exchange Rate Regime and Financial Crisis Probability--An Empirical Analysis Based on Probit and Logit Model;人民币汇率制度与金融危机发生概率——基于Probit和Logit模型的实证分析

17.Determinants of Housing Tenure in Six Cities of China-A study based on the China 2000 census with logit model;基于Logit模型的中国城镇家庭住房产权的影响因素分析

18.Utility-Maximization, Logit Transformation and the BasicMathematical Models for Analytical Urban Geography;效用最大化、logit变换和城市地理学的数量分析模型


Logit traffic assignmentLogit分配模型

3)Three Layer Nested Logit Model三层Nest Logit模型

4)multi-level Logit model多层次Logit模型

1.Considering three kinds of influences to travel structure,themulti-level Logit model is developed for travel mode split.本文针对交通影响分析过程中出现的出行结构指标主观性强且缺乏科学依据的问题,在分析出行结构指标影响因素的基础上,以城市宏观模型为基础,充分考虑各因素对城市建设项目交通出行结构的影响,通过细化交通分区及出行人员分类等手段,构建了交通方式划分的多层次Logit模型。

5)logit modellogit模型

1.Determinants of Housing Tenure in Six Cities of China-A study based on the China 2000 census withlogit model;基于Logit模型的中国城镇家庭住房产权的影响因素分析

2.The Maximum Strategy and Application on Nested-Logit Model and Product Differential Theory;基于Nested—Logit模型和产品差异性理论的企业“广义利润”最大化策略及应用

3.Logit model confidence intervals for controlling probability of financial crisis;财务危机发生概率的Logit模型置信区间

6)Mixed Logit modelMixed Logit模型

1.Study on Mixed Logit Model and Its Application in Traffic Mode Split;Mixed Logit模型及其在交通方式分担中的应用研究

2.TheMixed Logit model for transport route choice is established based on the theory of disaggregating model and the private car owners\" trip survey data about congestion pricing in Dalian city.应用非集计模型理论及大连市私家车出行者关于拥挤收费的意愿性调查数据,建立了交通路径选择Mixed Logit模型,特别是将收入因素以非线性形式考虑进效用函数,对各变量系数进行了多种分布形式的探讨。

3.Mixed Logit model is widely used in transportation because it can avoid restrictions caused by other discrete choice models.Mixed Logit模型因能有效地避免其他离散选择模型的限制而被广泛地运用于交通领域,但由于它概率形式的非封闭性而导致了复杂的求解过程。


分层分层stratificationl)当i笋j时,S,自气一必;2)对所有的i6P,S,是局部闭的;3)X=日;,S; 4)如果S,自瓦笋必,则S,C瓦(且在尸中,这等价于i共j).作为一个例子,考虑R’中由不等式尸一少)0给出的子集分成四片退(二,夕):x,一夕,>0},{(x沙):t丫‘一厂,y>0},{(、,夕):厂一广y<叫,{o,0}.现在,设X是一个光滑流形M的子集,X的分层是某个偏序集p的尸分解(S),。,,使得每片是NI的一个光滑子流形.分层(S)称为瑚litney分层(认币i吹y stratifi以-‘ion)女11果对每对具有S.C=瓦的层S,,凡,下面的瑚ljtlley的条件A和B(V刃〕itlley‘5 cond itio斑A andB)成立.假设点列y*〔S收敛于y任S‘,点列x*E戈也收敛于ye凡·进一步,假设切平面兀*凡收敛于某个极限平面T和割线.不不收敛于某条线l(关于环绕流形M中y的某个局部坐标系),则A)兀S,CT;B)l仁了条件B)事实上蕴涵着条件A).涉及V门石tney分层的几个事实和定理如下.一个解析流形的任何闭次解析子集允许一个V刃五切ey分层(〔A51).特别地,R”中的代数集,即由有限多个多项式为零给出的集合(也见半代数集(~‘日罗b几icsct))可以瑚litney分层,认币让ney分层空间可被三角音」分([ A41).分层啤口柱五cati即;c甲。中欣叫H川,亦称层化一个(可能无限维)流形到严格缩减维数的连通子流形的分解.M.H.B创由互ex阳cK而撰【补注】通常,一个空间的“分层”仅只意味着到具有缩减维数的连通片中的某个分解.设(尸,<)是一个偏序集.拓扑空问x的一个尸分解(尸~d邸nlposition)是以尸的元素为标号的X的子空间S,的局部有限集,使得
