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技术标准联盟 technology standards consortia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-08 00:18:24


技术标准联盟 technology standards consortia英语短句 例句大全

技术标准联盟,technology standards consortia

1)technology standards consortia技术标准联盟

1.Patenting technology standards is the mainstream of new property rights contract fortechnology standards consortia in software industry.软件业技术标准联盟是网络经济时代企业由业主制、合伙制、公司制过渡到联盟制的必然产物,是企业、市场、政府三者相互融合的网络组织形式,即能节省交易成本,又能提高社会福利。

2.The forming oftechnology standards consortia is one kind of complex technology and economic phenomena;it has its profound historical inevitability,and contains rich information about the globalization and the knowledge economy society.技术标准联盟的出现是一种复杂的技术、经济现象,有其深刻的历史必然性,蕴含着经济全球化和知识经济时代的丰富内涵。


1.The Research on Value Net of Technological Standard Alliance in High-Technology Industries Enterprise;高技术企业技术标准联盟价值网研究

2.Members Bargaining and Governance Structure of the Technical Standards Alliance;技术标准联盟成员的谈判与联盟治理结构研究

3.A Study on Partner-selection of Technical Standard Alliances of Information Industry;信息产业技术标准联盟伙伴选择研究

4.Research on Patent Permit Pricing in Technical Standards Alliances;技术标准联盟成员专利许可定价研究

5.A Study on the Motivations and Modes for Construction of Technology Standard Alliances;技术标准联盟的构建动因及模式研究

6.Technical Standard Alliances--the New Trend of the Information Industry Development技术标准联盟——信息产业发展的新趋势

7.Intellectual Property Strategies of Technology Standard Alliance of Hi-tech Enterprises;高技术企业技术标准联盟知识产权战略研究

8.The governance mode of the technology standard alliance in the high-tech industry;高技术产业技术标准联盟治理模式分析

9.The Influence of Technical Standard Alliances on the Establishment and Diffusion of Technical Standards;技术标准联盟对技术标准确立与扩散的影响研究

10.Research on Patent Development Strategy of Technology Standard Alliance of Hi-tech Enterprises高科技企业技术标准联盟专利开发战略研究

11.Study on the Formation Mechanism of Standard Setting Consortia from Transaction Cost Economics Perspective基于交易成本的技术标准联盟形成机理研究

12.Research on Core-Member Selection of Technological Standard Alliance in Information Industry;信息产业中技术标准联盟的核心成员选择研究

13.A Study on Controlling of the Market Risk of the Communication Enterprises Technical Standard Alliance;通信企业技术标准联盟市场风险控制研究

14.The Theory Research on Development of Technical Standard Alliances of Information Industry;信息产业技术标准联盟发展阶段理论研究

15.The Adverse Selection about the Trade of Patent under the Technical Standards Alliances Construction;技术标准联盟组建中专利许可交易的逆向选择

16.Analysis on New Property Rights Contract of Technology Standards Consortia in Software Industry;软件业技术标准联盟的新产权契约关系解析

17.Research on the Mode and Mechanism of Technology Standard Alliances通信产业技术标准联盟的模式与机制研究

18.Analysis of Organization Theory Perspective of Technology Standard Alliance组织理论视角的技术标准联盟问题探析


Technical Standards Alliance技术标准联盟

1.The Adverse Selection about the Trade of Patent under theTechnical Standards Alliances Construction;技术标准联盟组建中专利许可交易的逆向选择

2.The significance of technical standard makes the efficient combination of cooperative R&D network and technical standards alliance the trend in hi-tech fields.技术标准的重大意义,使得协作R&D网络与技术标准联盟形成有效契合成为高技术领域发展的一种趋势,双方相互促进协调发展,将注意力集中到契合价值创造的内在过程上,发挥资源协同作用,共同构建技术标准,创造企业价值。

3)Technological standard alliance技术标准联盟

1.In information industry, as a style of strategic alliance, technological standard alliance exists widely in reality, but the theoretical research on it is rare.在信息产业中,技术标准联盟作为战略联盟的一种形式,虽然在现实中已经广泛存在,但是以它为主要研究对象的学术研究还很少。

2.Technological standard alliance, which was used as an important competition mean and weapon by enterprises when participating in technological standard competition, has profound impact on original order of social and economic(the market, enterprises and users).以技术标准为重要竞争手段和武器的技术标准联盟成为高技术企业参与技术标准竞争的主要形式并深刻冲击原有社会和经济秩序(市场,企业和用户)。

4)technology standard alliance技术标准联盟

1.The governance mode of thetechnology standard alliance in the high-tech industry;高技术产业技术标准联盟治理模式分析

5)technical standard alliances技术标准联盟

1.A Study on Partner-selection of Technical Standard Alliances of Information Industry;信息产业技术标准联盟伙伴选择研究

6)technological standardization alliance技术标准化联盟


国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)standards of ITU: see International Telecommunication Union; ITU切网1 Ulan欠jnL心n厅泊ngb泊。zhun国际电伯联盟标准(,tan由Ids际电信联盈。of TYLJ)见国
