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参与机制 participation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-13 05:12:54


参与机制 participation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

参与机制,participation mechanism

1)participation mechanism参与机制

1.But,current citizen s political participation of national region in our country has a long distance compared with the other areas,as far as width and depth are concerned because of such limited factors as economy,education,political culture and politicalparticipation mechanism.但是,由于受到经济、教育、政治文化和参与机制等诸多因素的制约,现阶段我国民族地区公民的政治参与,与内地其他省市相比,无论从广度上还是从深度上讲,都有很大的距离。

2.How to set up theparticipation mechanism in inner-party democracy,which is becoming a new topic in the work of party building during the new period,is a certain choice for our Communist Party of China to follow the trend of the times and to maintain the vigor and efficiency.建立党内民主参与机制是新时期党建工作的新课题,是我们党顺应时代潮流,永葆生机和活力的必然选择。


1.Studies on Social Participate in Public Crisis Management公共危机管理中的社会参与机制研究

2.The Research of Mechanism of Citizen Participation in Public Crisis Management公共危机管理中的公民参与机制研究

3.Railway Restructuring and Private Sector Participation;铁路重组战略与私有部门的参与机制

4.Construction of Public Participation Mechanism of Environmental Collision Settlement;论建立解决环境冲突的公众参与机制

5.Study on Public Participation Mechanism in Land Use Overall Planning;土地利用总体规划公众参与机制研究

6.The Study on the Public Participation System of Urban-rural Planning;城乡规划程序中的公众参与机制研究

7.Study on the Stakeholders of BOT and Its Mutual Participatory Mechanism;BOT利益相关者及其共同参与机制

8.On Establishment of Community Participation Meachanism in Eco-tourism;浅析生态旅游中社区参与机制的构建

9.An Analysis of the Necessity for Establishing Mechanism of Compatible Community Participation;和谐社区参与机制建立的必要性分析

10.On the Mechanism of Public Participation in Urban Transportation Planning城市交通规划中的公众参与机制分析

11.On the Environmental Public Interest Litigation Mechanism for Public Participation论我国环境公益诉讼的公众参与机制

12.Value Consideration of Participating Mechanism for Inner-party Democracy Construction参与机制对党内民主建设的价值考量

13.The Selection of Mechanism and Means for Participation of Land in Macro-control;土地参与宏观调控的机制与手段选择

14.On International Regimes and China s Involvement in International Regimes;试论国际机制及中国对国际机制的参与

15.How can we mobilize grassroots women to participate in the institutional mechanism?如何发动基层妇女参与中央机制?

16.We will improve the mechanisms, procedures and methods for public participation in legislative work.完善公众参与立法的机制、序和方法。

17.The Strategic Choice of China s Participation in UN Peacekeeping Mechanism;中国参与联合国维和机制的战略选择

18.The Agency Mechanism Design of Hydropower Stations in Electricity Market;水电站参与市场竞争的代理机制设计


participating mechanism参与机制

1.On difficulties of introducingparticipating mechanism for reservoir immigrants;水库移民引入参与机制的障碍

2.the Party Congress is a basic system of the inner-party democracy,its essence is a kind ofparticipating mechanism.党的代表大会制度是党内民主的根本制度,其本质就是一种党内参与机制;完善党内选举制度的方式就是让广大党员行使参与权利;保障党员民主权利是党内民主的最终归宿,其实现途径就是党内参与机制;扩大党务公开透明是党内民主的表现形式,其目的就是通畅党内参与渠道;党内监督制度是党内民主的重要功能,其制约作用需要通过参与机制来发挥。

3)participatory mechanism参与型机制

4)public participation mechanism公众参与机制

1.The results indicated local residents" cognitions and participation toward water pollution control projects were quite low,and lack of effectivepublic participation mechanisms may impact the realization of the water pollut.通过对调查资料的整理分析,得出结果:对于淮河/太湖流域水污染防治工作公众认知度和参与度相对较低,缺乏有效的公众参与机制,在一定程度上影响了水污染防治工作的有效落实。

2.This paper analyzes the developing history,implmenting situation,education mode and legal protection system of public participation in the foreign environmental impact assessment,and advances some effecitive paths for perfecting Chinesepublic participation mechanism.分析了国外环境影响评价中公众参与机制的发展历程、实施情况、教育方式和法律保障体系,并提出完善我国公众参与机制的有效途径。

3.This paper expounds the connotations and features of public-service-oriented government, discusses the important practical significance of constructing public-service-oriented government, and points out that constructing public-service-oriented government must strengthen the public participation in governmental administrative action and establish and perfect thepublic participation mechanism.概述了公共服务型政府的内涵及特征,阐述了构建公共服务型政府的重要现实意义,指出要构建公共服务型政府必须加强社会公众对政府行政行为的参与,建立健全公众参与机制。

5)Community participation mechanism社区参与机制

6)Participation Management Mechanism参与式管理机制


