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公众人物 Public figures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-23 05:22:52


公众人物 Public figures英语短句 例句大全

公众人物,Public figures

1)Public figures公众人物

1.Study on principles for public figures: the conflict and balance between right to knowledge and individual privacy;公众人物原则研究——公众知情权与个人隐私权的冲突与平衡

2.On the protection of the privacy of public figures——Talking about the star entertainment news reports about privacy;试论公众人物的隐私权保护——从娱乐新闻的明星隐私报道谈起


1.Study on principles for public figures: the conflict and balance between right to knowledge and individual privacy;公众人物原则研究——公众知情权与个人隐私权的冲突与平衡

2.He became a public figure after succeeding in business.生意成功后,他成了一名公众人物。

3.Special Principles of Protecting the Privacy of Public Personalities;政治公众人物隐私权特殊保护的原则

4.The Right to Privacy of Public Person and the Right to Know Society of Public--Conflict, Coordination and Solution;公众人物隐私权与公众社会知情权——冲突、协调与解决

5.the public good; public libraries; public funds; public parks; a public scandal; public gardens; performers and members of royal families are public figures.公共利益;公共图书馆;公共基金;公园;公开的丑闻;公园;艺人和王室成员是公众人物。

6.Public Figure s Type,Judgment Standard and the Limit of Reputation Right--Take the media violating public figure right of reputation as the center;公众人物的判断标准、类型及其名誉权的限制——以媒体侵害公众人物名誉权为中心

7.Diana, the Princess of Wales, was one of the most publicly covered figures in the modern world.戴安娜王妃曾经是最受瞩目的公众人物之一。

8.Arguably one of the greatest public figures of the 20th century,他可以说是20世纪最伟大的公众人物之一。

9.Images of sports public figures are a key to interpret sports.体育公众人物的形象是现代体育的一种诠释。

10.A Research on the Virtual Communities Influence on the Public Figures Image;网络(虚拟)社区对公众人物及其形象的影响研究

11.Discussion: The Civil Law Protection and Limitation of Right of Privacy of Public Figure;试论公众人物隐私权的民法保护与限制

12.The Conflict and Balance between the Privacy Right of Public Figures and the Press Freedom;公众人物隐私权与新闻自由的冲突与权衡

13.Research on the Conflict and the Balance between the Right of Privacy of the Public Person and the Freedom of Press;试论公众人物隐私权与新闻自由的冲突与平衡

14.On Restrictive Privacy of Public Figure and Its Legal Protection;论公众人物的限制性隐私权及其法律保护

15.Conflict and Relief to the News Right and Reputation of Public Figures;新闻权与公众人物名誉权的冲突与救济

16.Mutual Conditioning between Protection of Reputation and Freedom of Speech:An Analyses of the Theory of the Public Figure;名誉权与言论自由的制衡:“公众人物”理论解析

17.The Restriction and Protection of Privacy of Public Persons in the Process of the Broadcasting;新闻传播过程中公众人物隐私权的限制与保护

18.Perhaps most importantly, the media should respect the privacy of every individual, including public figures.或许最重要的是,媒体应该尊重个人的隐私,包括公众人物的隐私。


public figure公众人物

1.On Protection and Restriction of Public Figure"s Privacy论公众人物隐私权的保护和限制

2.On Professional Ethics of Interview and Report of Public Figures论采写公众人物相关者中涉及的职业道德——以陈幸妤纽约街头“怒骂”围堵记者为由头

3.Privacy ofpublic figure refers to the right,restricted by public and group interests,under whichpublic figure is granted an imprescriptible personal field.公众人物隐私权是一种受公共利益和群体利益制约的,公众人物应有的其当事人不愿他人干涉的个人私事和当事人不愿他人侵入或他人不便侵入的个人领域的权利。

3)public person公众人物

1.Generally speaking,the public opinion direct can not violate right of privacy,but the public benefits need,the party concerned approval,reasonable and public interest,inspect object to be apublic person and make and can t recognize etc.一般而言,舆论监督不得侵害隐私权,但公共利益需要、当事人同意、合理公众兴趣、监督对象是公众人物、使不可辨认等,可以成为新闻媒体应对隐私权侵权指控的主要抗辩事由。

2.The violation of the privacy ofpublic persons in the process of the broadcasting is a very difficult and constantly met issue.新闻传播过程中媒体对公众人物隐私权的侵害是一个司法实践中经常遇到而又较难解决的问题。

3.In today s society, the conflict between the right to privacy ofpublic person and the right to know society of public becomes more and more obvious.当今社会 ,公众人物隐私权与公众社会知情权的冲突日益明显。

4)The public person公众人物

1.The public person, who appeared firstly in the civil law code (draft), was deleted in the succeeding 31st meeting of the standing committee of the ninth national congress.《民法典 (草案 )》首次在立法上使用了“公众人物”的概念 ,但在随后的九届全国人大常委会第 31次会议的审议中即被删除。

2.Currently the theories concerning the protection of the public person s privacy primarily are "the public interest theory" and "the benefits measures theory".目前学界关于公众人物隐私权保护的理论主要有“公众兴趣说”和“利益衡量说”。

5)political public personality政治公众人物

6)sports public figure体育公众人物

1.By the research method of literature,The author made an sociological analysis on the construction,shaping mode,social characteristics,social influences and related social problems of images ofsports public figures.从社会学角度探析了体育公众人物形象的构成、形成机制、社会特征、社会影响及相关社会问题。


第一次与公众见面就玩跳水表演(图)小北极熊跳入水中 6月4日,在圣彼得堡动物园,一只7个月大的小北极熊跳入水中。7个月前,两只小北极熊在这个动物园降生,这是它们第一次与公众见面。
