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项目 project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-03 14:05:45


项目 project英语短句 例句大全



1.Methods and Know-how for Improving Quality of CDM Project;提高清洁发展机制项目质量的方法和技巧

2.High Efficiency Renovation for Slab Casting Project;板坯连铸项目的高效改造

3.Suggestions of determination and construction on biodieselprojects;关于生物柴油项目立项建设的几点建议


munication project交通计划项目(交通项目)

2.Joint European Project欧洲联合项目(联合项目)

3.Unusual and Prior Period Items非常项目和前期项目

4.free-standing project全套项目,独立项目

5.&Add to Project...添加到项目(&A)...

6.Of these, 34 are newly started projects and 29 are ones with their construction continued during the five years.续建项目29项,新开工项目34项。

7.Project name : Specifies the project name of the project.项目名称:指定项目的项目名称。

8.alternative [projects]供选择的(项目),备选(项目),备选方案 [项目]

9.Expands views of the project structure to show the ProjectItem.展开项目结构视图以显示项目项。

10.Follow up account receivable in accorandce with project process.根据项目进程负责项目的款项回收。

11.A single article or unit in a collection, an enumeration, or a series.项目,细目文集、细目或一套中的单独条目或项目

12.The current account includes five kinds of items.经常项目包括五项内容。

13.Housing Authority funded item房委会款项支付项目

14.Load Project Options : Load the project level options (such as the debug settings)加载项目选项:加载项目级选项(如调试设置)

15.Save Project Options : Save the project level options (such as the debug settings).保存项目选项:保存项目级选项(如调试设置)。

16.Add Project Reference : Specifies a Project Reference to add to the project.添加项目引用:指定要添加到项目中的项目引用。

17.You can change the type of an existing article only if it is a table article.仅当项目为表项目时,才可更改现有项目的类型。

18.Improvement projects/ new project/ modification/ addition on the system mentioned above.上述系统的改进项目/项目/改及扩建项目。



1.Discussions on the macro quality control of geological surveyitem;论地勘项目的广义质量控制

2.The work evolvement of “Reducing and Eliminating Items ”;“降消项目”工作进展情况

3.On management of constructingitem;浅谈建筑施工项目的管理


1.On the safety management of construction projectprogram;浅议建设工程项目的安全管理

2.On the cost management of government investedprograms;政府投资项目造价管理工作探讨

3.On the inner cost control and steps of road bridgeprogram;浅谈路桥项目部内部成本控制及措施


1.An analysis on advantages and disadvantages of developing forest carbon sequestrationprojects in China;在我国开展林业碳汇项目的利弊分析

2.On the post-construction management of agricultural comprehensive developmentprojects in Ningxia;关于加强宁夏农业综合开发项目建后管护的思考

3.Study on Feasibility of Technical Innovation Projects of Industrial Enterprises工业企业技术改造项目可行性的研究探讨


1.Design of Model Hierarchy Process on Priority Items of Natural Resources and Environment in The Yellw River Delta;黄河三角洲资源环境优先项目层次分析模型设计

parative Study of the Items, Objects and Efficacy of Maritime Liens;船舶优先权项目、标的及效力之比较研究

3.Study on government-funded non-operatingitems Agent System政府投资非经营性项目代建制研究

6)IT projectIT项目

1.Study on risk management ofIT project manager behavior;IT项目管理者行为风险的四种情形及其应对研究

2.Study onIT project risk assessment based on absorptive capacity theory;基于吸收能力的IT项目风险评估研究

3.Method of evaluating risk factors inIT projects based on evidence theory;基于证据理论的IT项目风险因素评估方法


