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民用工业 civil industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-19 16:42:41


民用工业 civil industry英语短句 例句大全

民用工业,civil industry

1)civil industry民用工业

1.The national government transplanted inward some important industrial and commercial enterprises in Yunnan,includingcivil industry to construct "Wartime Economy".国民政府把包括民用工业在内的一些重要工商企业内迁到云南,进行"战时经济"建设。

2.Thedefense industry and thecivil industry originally have compatibility.军事工业与民用工业本来具有极强的互补性,加强两者的双向交流合作,不仅可以增强国防科研能力,而且可以带动整个国民经济发展,创造新的经济增长点。


1.Conference on International Cooperation to Promote Conversion from Military to Civilian Industry促进军事工业转用于民用工业国际合作会议

2.Industrial and civil architecture工业与民用建筑(工民建)

3.Civil engineering structure design and technical consultation.工业与民用建筑结构设计和业务咨询。

4.The Research of GIS in Industrial and Civil Architecture Construction Management;GIS在工业民用建筑施工管理中的应用研究

5.The Organizing and Implementing of Graduation Design on Industrial and Civil Constructure;工业与民用建筑专业毕业设计的组织与实施

6.The Role of Government in the Development of Sports for Migrant Workers in Civilian-Run Enterprises;民营企业农民工体育发展中政府的作用

7.Government Function in Developing Peasant Labors′ Physical Education in Private Enterprise;民营企业农民工体育开展中政府作用论析

8.Code for design of earthing of industrial and civil electrical installation工业与民用电力装置的接地设计规范

9.Suggestions for Feasible Reliability Works in Civil Electronic Industry;民用电子行业开展可靠性工作的建议

10.Specification for design and construction of poured-pile foundations of industrial and civil buildings工业与民用建筑灌注桩基础设计与施工规程

11.The Development of Industry in the Pearl River Delta:The Function of Peasant Workers and Its Transition;珠江三角洲的工业发展:农民工的作用及其转型

12.Industrial and Civill construction structural design. Management and Administration of Architecture.工业与民用建筑结构设计、筑业经营与管理。

13.How the Vocational Colleges Function in Job Hunting of the Peasant Worters;职业技术学院如何在农民工再就业中起作用

bustible: Generalgarbage,plant waste,plastics,rubbers,tires,dying and finishing industrial waste,plastic foam,polystyrene,resins,discarded engine oil.适用行业:民生废弃物染整业、工厂事业废弃物、代处理业、公有焚烧厂。

15.Structural design consultation on industrial &civil building project, design consultation on groundwork and foundation project.工业与民用建筑工程结构设计咨询、地基与基础工程设计咨询。

16.Rural Migrant Labor Shortage in Labor-intensive Manufacturing: An Explanation Based on the Theory of Sticky Wage;制造业中农民工用工短缺:基于粘性工资的一种解释

17.Therefore, it is necessary for privately run corporations to enhance the ideological and political education of corporations" employees, and make great efforts to improve the credit degree of privately run corporations.为此,民营企业必须加强企业员工的思想政治工作,着力提高民营企业的信用度。

18.Protective system for ground connection wire industrial and civil buildings;工业与民用建筑低压用电工程的接地、接零保护系统


industry/people water used工业/民用水

3)industrial and civil construction工业与民用建筑

1.Based on geological conditions and the practical engineering experiences,this paper introduces the application of the composite foundation with cement-soil pile in theindustrial and civil construction.根据地质条件,结合工程实际情况,介绍了水泥土桩复合地基在工业与民用建筑中的应用。

4)civil aircraft industry民用飞机工业

1.Then reviews history & actuality of Chinacivil aircraft industry, analyses existing problems.本文首先归纳总结了巴西航空工业公司、庞巴迪宇航和费尔柴尔德-道尼尔等世界三大喷气支线客机公司民用飞机发展的成功经验:自主创新、由小到大、渐进提高的发展道路/发展战略,之后评述了我国民用飞机工业的历史和现状,分析存在的问题,最后提出建议:借鉴国外成功经验,选择合适的发展道路/发展战略;进行体制改革和制度创新,大力度改革航空工业体系。

5)gases, industrial and domestic工业和民用气体

6)industrial and civil Architecture management工业民用建筑施工管理


