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零保温 zero time holding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-30 14:46:09


零保温 zero time holding英语短句 例句大全

零保温,zero time holding

1)zero time holding零保温

1.The austenite inverse phase transformation quenching inzero time holding of 25MnV steel;25MnV钢零保温奥氏体逆相变淬火

2.Study on thezero time holding quenching technology ofhydraulic support"s cylinder;液压支柱缸体“零保温”热处理工艺的研究

3.Effect of heating temperature on microstructure and property of 27SiMn steel inzero time holding heat-treatment;零保温热处理温度对27SiMn钢组织性能的影响


1.The Austenite Inverse Phase Transformation Quenching in Zero Time Holding of 40Cr Steel40Cr钢“零保温”奥氏体逆相变淬火

2.Study on Microstructure and Properties of 65 Mn Steel by "Zero Insulation" Quenching65Mn钢“零保温”淬火组织及性能研究

3.Influence of austenitizing temperature without holding on microstructure and properties of 45 steel“零保温”淬火温度对45钢组织与性能的影响

4.Effect of Tempering Process on Hardness of 27SiMn Steel in Zero Time Holding Quenching零保温淬火条件下回火对27SiMn钢硬度的影响

5.The temperature was minus 20 degrees.温度是零下20度。

6.The Influence of Temperature Characteristic of Zero-phase Current Transformer on Capability of Leakage Protective Plugs;零序电流互感器温度特性对漏电保护插头性能的影响

7.Temperatures have stayed above freezing, compared with the average temperature of 23 degrees for January.和以往1月份华氏23度(摄氏零下5度)的平均气温相比,(今年的)气温保持在冰点水平。

8.Control temperature67-75 degree ensure the airend and oil andtec long-life.最佳的设计温度,开启温度为67-75度,确保机体及油品等各零部件的长寿命。

9.The temperature falls to - 30 degrees .气温降至零下30度。

10.The temperature today is below zero .今天的气温在零度以下。

11.The thermometer was depressed to fifteen below温度表降到零下15度。

12.The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero; The gauge read `empty".温度计显示零下13℃。

13.The thermometer shows ten below zero.温度计指着零下十度。

14.The thermometer registered four degrees of frost.温度计指着零下四度。

15.The temperature is now minus 5 degrees.现在气温为零下五度。

16.It was 5 below zero last night.昨晚气温为零下五度。

17.The temperature is minus twenty degrees.温度是零下二十度。

18.The temperature fell to 26°below zero.温度下降到零下26度。


zero holding time quenching"零保温"淬火

3)zero time holdingquenching procedure of 60Si2Mn steel60Si2Mn钢"零保温"淬火工艺

4)zero temperature and zero pressure零温零压

1.The density of solids underzero temperature and zero pressure is an important physical parameter.固体在零温零压下的密度是一个重要的物态参数。

5)zero-meter temperature零米温度

6)zero-temperature space-time零温时空


