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民政 civil administration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-28 13:45:38


民政 civil administration英语短句 例句大全

民政,civil administration

1)civil administration民政

1.Facing with the chance of citizen education adjustment,andcivil administration and social work are looking for the new growth point as well,it has defined its place and obtained the development opportunity.中国民政社会工作教育历经了从干部培训到普通学历教育到职业技术教育的发展历程,面对国民教育结构调整和民政社会工作寻找新的生长点的契机,找准了自己的定位,赢得了自身的发展机遇。

2.Based on Tyler抯 curriculum theory,this paper expounds the importance of forming a scientific curriculumsystem of general education incivil administration vocational institutes,the practice of general education in institutesboth home and abroad,and the main content and practical method of the curriculum of general education in civiladministration vocational institutes.本文根据泰勒理论,运用比较研究、历史研究、系统研究方法,对构建科学的民政高职通识教育课程体系的重要性、国内外高校通识教育实践、民政高职通识教育课程设置的主要内容和实践方式等进行了阐述,并尝试构建新的民政高职通识教育课程体系。

3.It has become the basic guidance for all tle work including thecivil administration.江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想 ,在科学总结我们党 80年历史经验的基础上 ,对新世纪党的建设提出了更高的要求 ,成为当前全面推进和做好包括民政工作在内的各项事业的根本指针。


1.the civil [military] authorities民政 [军事] 当局

2.International Research Institute for Immigration and Emigration Politics国际移民政策研究所(移民政策所)

3.Wuhan National Government and the Construction of Democratic Regime in China武汉国民政府与中国民主政权建设

4.Political control by a mob.暴民政治由暴民进行的政治统治

5.The More Flourishing the CPPCC,the Better Developed the Democratic Politics;人民政协愈繁荣 民主政治愈昌明

6.Political civilization and public participation in politics and civil society;政治文明与公民政治参与、公民社会

7.Civil Politics, Civil Culture and the Western Representative Government公民政治、公民文化与西方代议制政府

8.From Politics to Civil Politics--A Perspective of political civilization;从臣民政治到公民政治——政治文明的一个视角

9.Can we refrain from exercising the people"s democratic dictatorship?人民民主专政能不用吗?

10.The people"s democratic dictatorship has been consolidated.人民民主专政业已巩固。

11.Association des parties democratiques(APADEC)民主政党协会(民协)

12.The government opened up the policy on immigration.政府开放移民的政策。

13.The new government announces its policy to the people .新政府向人民宣布政策。

14.democracy in the three main fields(political democracy,economic democracy and military democracy)三大民主(政治民主、经济民主、军事民主)

15.II. Civil and Political Rights二、公民、政治权利

16.This is what we mean by strengthening the people"s democratic dictatorship.我们说加强人民民主专政,这就是人民民主专政。

17.A government which is not afraid of its people is not a government of the people."不害怕人民的政府不是人民的政府。”

18.A public opinion poll proved that the voters subscribed to the government"s policy.民意测验表明选民是支持政府政策的。


National Government国民政府

1.On Land Report of theNational Government During Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期国民政府的土地陈报

2.ChineseNational Government & Establishment of UN s Proposal;国民政府与联合国筹建方案的确立

3.The Regulation and Planning of the Policy for Studying Abroad of NanjingNational Government before Anti-Japanese War Period;抗战前南京国民政府对留学政策的调整与规划

3)administrative basic-humane民本行政

1.Administrative accountability is constitution that we can solve the unlawful action and result of government,and the responsibility of the government and reforming the management of government,Anhui province researches the management of government,legality,the balance of the right and response,administrative basic-humane about administrative accountabilit安徽省在政府管理创新、法制保障、权责平衡、民本行政等方面对行政问责制进行了探索。

4)immigration policy移民政策

1.On the Factors Leading to the Success of French Immigration Policy before 1970s;20世纪70年代以前法国移民政策的成功因素

2.Discussion about the Influence on Chinese Struggle for Illegal Emigration under External Immigration Policy;浅析国外移民政策对我国打击非法移民的影响

3.Some suggestions on implementingimmigration policy are pointed out.在世行贷款云南城市环境建设项目移民的实践基础上,对移民政策与实践进行初步探讨,对云南城市环境建设项目移民工作将会涉及的问题进行浅析,提出在云南城市环境建设项目中开展项目优化设计,参与者活动,制定合理的移民行动计划,制定和执行针对贫困群体的优惠收费政策,施工期间安全和便利的维护,建设项目后续管理机制的有关建议。

5)resettlement policy移民政策

1.The South-to-North Water Diversion Project is not the same to the general water resources project,which needs establishing newresettlement policy and management system.南水北调工程不同于一般的水利工程,需要构建新的移民政策和移民管理体制。

2.It is shown by the survey data that the relocatees of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir have higher mental acceptance to the stateresettlement policy during the process of relocating, but they also.调查资料显示:小浪底工程征地移民在搬迁安置过程中,对国家的移民政策具有较高的心理认同程度,但是,移民认识的局限和从自身的利益出发,又表现出较强的顾虑心理。

6)being in power for people执政为民

1.Keeps firmly in mind the "Two Musts" to persistbeing in power for people;牢记“两个务必” 坚持执政为民

2.Sticking tobeing in power for people is the essence of 16th CCCPC;坚持执政为民:十六大精神的本质

3.This article attempts to expound why our Party looks on Party building for the public andbeing in power for people as a essential demamd of"Three Representives"in theory from the nature and aim of Party,historical dominant role of the masses,historical position and mission of Party and so on.本文从党的性质和宗旨、人民群众的历史主体地位、党的历史使命、苏联亡党的经验教训以及增强全党的执政意识和忧患意识等五个方面 ,阐述了新时期我们党为什么把“立党为公 ,执政为民”作为“三个代表”的本质要求。


