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第一句子网 > 丢包率 packet loss rate英语短句 例句大全

丢包率 packet loss rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-17 13:25:17


丢包率 packet loss rate英语短句 例句大全

丢包率,packet loss rate

1)packet loss rate丢包率

1.The NS2 simulation indicates that the advanced BLUE algorithm remain the lowpacket loss rate and show the better performance than BLUE in terms of queue size and link utilization,an estimate table about performance is presented,and the best way to improve the efficiency of algorithms is to select the performance index by genetic algorithm.对BLUE及其改进算法BLUE+、EBLUE、FBLUE进行分析,NS2仿真结果表明,其改进算法保持了BLUE算法丢包率低的优点,并在队列长度、带宽利用率上明显优于BIUE算法;给出了性能评价表,并指出采用遗传算法对性能指标进行取舍是提高算法效率的有效方法。

2.This paper simulates thepacket loss rate of the wireless channel.通过在以太网上模拟无线信道的丢包率,对数据链监视信息的无中心处理进行了仿真研究,得出了两点结论:(1)无线通信的不可靠性的确对监视信息的无中心处理存在影响;(2)系统进入稳定的统一航迹状态的过程是一个逐渐收敛的过程。

3.This paper analyzes and summarizes VANET channel laws, and indicates that there are three distributions ofpacket loss rate with distance on VANET channel.通过探索分析VANET信道规律,发现VANET信道随距离变化存在3种不同丢包率分布状态。


1.Loss Performance Inference Algorithm Based on Network Tomography基于网络层析的丢包率推断算法研究

2.Adaptive Algorithm Based on Loss Rate of MAC Layer一种基于MAC层丢包率的自适应算法

3.Simulation and Analysis of Packet Loss Ratio and Packet Loss Factors in City Vehicular Ad Hoc Network城市车载Ad Hoc网络中丢包率与丢包因素的仿真分析

4.Research on Loss Inference Algorithm Based on Network Tomography;基于网络透视技术的丢包率推理算法研究

5.Congestion control research in P2P streaming transmission based on Loss Rate estimation基于丢包率预测的P2P流传输拥塞控制研究

6.Inference method for link loss rates with internal monitors基于内部监测器的链路丢包率的推测方法

7.Research on Packet Loss Rate in Wireless Sensor Networks基于传感器网络的无线链路丢包率研究

8.Effect of packet loss probability of transmission on greenhouse WSN measurement and control system网络传输丢包率对温室WSN测控系统的影响

9.PPLR-based Load Balancing Scheme over Multipath Network基于丢包率预测的多路径网络负载均衡策略

10.Adaptive area location algorithm combining with packet lost rate and RSSI in wireless sensor networks无线传感器网络中结合丢包率和RSSI的自适应区域定位算法

11.Broadcasting Retransmission Approach in Lower Packets Loss Rate Wireless Networks Based on Network Coding一种低丢包率无线网络中基于网络编码的广播重传方法

12.It can be seen from comparison in simulation that it can minimum the delay, delay jitter and loss rate.最后,通过仿真比较可以推知,该协议能最小化时延和时延抖动及丢包率.

13.In a wired network, random bit error rate may be neglected and the congestion result from packets loss.在有线网络中随机比特差错率可以忽略,拥塞主要由包丢失造成。

14.The algorithm calculated packet loss rate according to the average queue length and waiting time.这种算法根据平均队列长度和等待时间计算数据包的丢弃概率。

15.She left her bag behind in the train.她把提包丢在列车上了。

16.The Book has lost its jacket.那本书的包皮纸丢了。

17.When they came home, she found she had lost her wallet.回家后发现钱包丢失了。

18.Just our luck to have lost the wallet.真倒霉把钱包丢了。


loss rate丢包率

1.In order to measurement the performance indicators such as delay andloss rate in the IP video transmission network,the model for delay measurement based on components and the model forloss rate measure based on TCP dialog and windows controlling have been introduced and discussed,and the realization of the models hasbeen presented too.为测量IP视频传输网中的延迟、丢包率等主要性能指标,提出了基于组成分析的延迟测量模型和基于TCP会话和窗口控制的丢包率测量模型,在对上述测量模型进行详细的原理论述的基础上,给出了实现方法;在测试中,阐述了Winpcap与Winsock相结合的测量程序架构的设计和实现;最后,根据实验测试结果,分析了视频传输网的运行情况;从实际应用效果来看,所提出的模型可以满足IP视频网中延迟、丢包率等指标的测量要求。

2.Finally, the effects on speech caused by delay, jitter,loss rate and speech packet length are analyzed in detail.最后详细分析了时延、抖动、丢包率和语音包的大小对话音质量的影

3.The arithmetic described in this paper is based on multicast network tomography end-to-end measurement,computing theloss rate.丢包率层析的主要方法是利用最大似然估计(MLE),但是计算复杂度高且计算时间较长;基于伪似然估计(PMLE)方法可以较快估计各链路丢包率,但是在非叶节点链路的误差较大。

3)packet loss ratio丢包率

1.The scheme withpacket loss ratio less not only guarantees the bandwidth of multicast sessions and their end to end delay constrains,but also controls the algorithm complexi.此方案不仅保证了组播业务所需的带宽、端到端延时 ,减小了丢包率 ,而且有效地控制了算法的复杂性并可适用于大规模的网络中。

2.In simulation experiments of city Vehicular Mobile Ad Hoc Network,it is foundpacket loss ratio is a main issue of network evaluation because of its influence on network performance.在针对城市车载ad hoc网络性能的仿真实验中发现,丢包率是影响和衡量城市VANET网络性能的重要指标。

4)packet loss probability丢包率

1.Simulation results and analysis show that the architecture can decreasepacket loss probability effectively and achieve reasonable .仿真和分析表明这种新型结构能有效降低丢包率,并可以取得令人满意的光分组平均延时参数;随着光纤延迟矩阵规模的增大,该结构仅需增加很少数目的光纤延迟线单元便可实现核心节点的扩展;在使用的总光纤延迟线单元数目上,该结构更能体现其优越性。

5)loss probability丢包率

1.This paper introduces the achievements of Internet end to end performance measurement technologies,including metric induced topology inference,delay inference,loss probability inference and bandwidth measurement.本文介绍了Internet端到端测量技术的最新进展 ,包括性能拓扑推测、时延测量、丢包率测量 。

2.Aiming to reduce systemloss probability and to increase the switch efficiency ofcore node, this research probes into different switch efficiency of the OBS core nodeachieved by FDL and TWC respectively.本课题从降低系统的丢包率,提高核心交换节点的交换性能入手,对OBS核心交换节点在采用不同的FDL和TWC配置情况下的交换性能进行了研究。

3.Aiming to reduce systemloss probability and to increase the switch efficiency of core node, this research probed into different switch efficiency of the OBS core node achieved by FDL and TWC respectively.9时,k=7,在B=8D的条件下能达到较低的丢包率(10 -6),交换性能更优异。

6)Packet loss丢包率

1.Packet loss rate prediction algorithm,in terms of stable network or dramatic changes in the network environment,can more accurately predict the packet loss of the next time.此算法包括首发视频选择算法,丢包率预测算法,及自适应视频码率调整算法。

2.Simulation results indicate the packet loss rate statistics on a variety number of monitor nodes.仿真结果表明丢包率随着网络数目的增加显著提高。

3.In order to decipher the packet loss in wireless Ad hoc networks,a packet loss model is drawed based on the fact that when the normalized throughput increasing the packet loss rate also increasing.针对无线Ad hoc网络中的丢包现象,假设网络中节点的丢包率是与归一化吞吐量有关的,并且在此假设的基础上提出一种分析丢包率的数学模型,利用这种模型可以一定程度的解释无线Ad hoc网络中的丢包。


丢开1.使开;放开。 2.撇去;放下。
