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增值业务 Value-added service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-23 12:46:36


增值业务 Value-added service英语短句 例句大全

增值业务,Value-added service

1)Value-added service增值业务

1.On the operation strategy of the value-added service of 3G mobile communication;3G移动通信增值业务运营策略研究

2.Application of digital right management in mobile value-added service;面向移动增值业务的数字版权管理方案

3.Technologies of CLIP Value-Added Services;来显控制增值业务实现技术


1.Mobile Value-added Service Base on Internet;基于Internet的移动增值业务

2.The Value-Added Business Analysis of the SZMS Company and the Research of the Business Extend;SZMS公司增值业务分析与业务拓展研究

3.A VoIP Server Supporting Value-Added Multimedia Service;一种支持多媒体增值业务的VoIP服务器

4.Research and Realization for the SIP Server and Pickup Value-added Service;SIP服务器与Pickup增值业务的研究与实现

5.Design and Implementation of Business for Location Based Service on 3G Phone;3G移动位置服务增值业务设计与实现

6.The Marketing Strategy of Telecom Value-Added Enterprise Services;企业级电信增值业务的发展战略研究

7.The Study and Innovation in the Business Model of Mobile Value Added Services;移动增值业务商业模式的借鉴与创新

8.Cloud Computing and Value-added CATV Industry Platform Construction云计算与有线行业增值业务平台建设

9.The Research of Distribution Mode of Mobile Value-Added Services Industry Chain in Our Country我国移动增值业务产业链价值分配模式研究

10.A look at the Primary Characteristics of Mobile VAS From the Perspect of WAP Services;从WAP业务发展规律看移动增值业务的一般特性

11.A research on business co-operation between Chinapost and Telecom;邮政与电信业务合作及短信增值业务的探讨

12.Development Study of Kodak Imaging Network"s Add-value Business柯达(中国)零售连销增值业务发展研究

13.Middleware Application in Telecom Added Value Service中间件技术在电信增值业务中的应用

14.Support more network increment service in future.支持将来更多网络增值业务的接入。

15.Research and Design of Boss in Web2.0 Value-Added Business;Web2.0增值业务BOSS系统的研究与设计

16.The Research&Design of Parlay Based Value-added Services in NGN;基于Parlay的NGN增值业务研究与实现

17.Investigation and Implementation of Value-Added Service SMS Platform;移动增值业务短信平台的研究与开发

18.Research of Mobile Stream Media Value-added Service Based on JAVA;基于JAVA的移动流媒体增值业务研究


value-added services增值业务

1.In order to realize morevalue-added services in broadcasting and television network, the multifunction remote controller is proposed to cooperate with the unidirectional set-top box.为了在广电网上实现更多的增值业务,提出了使用多功能遥控器配合单向机顶盒的方案,并详细地介绍了该遥控器的软件和硬件设计。

2., the voice connection,digital running andvalue-added services.为了实现在智能公用电话上提供各种增值业务,使公用电话也可以访问互联网上的服务,提出了将PSTN网络和IP网络相结合,由语音接入平台、数字运营平台和增值业务平台三部分组成的智能公话系统平台·系统采用了软交换的思想,将呼叫控制与业务承载相分离,增值业务平台可以通过服务提供商接口随时加入新的增值业务·阐述了智能公话系统平台的设计与实现,并进行了平台的性能分析

3)value added service增值业务

1.Performance Research of Value Added Service in Mobile Networks;移动网络中增值业务性能的研究

2.How to carry out variousvalue added services utilizing existing digital CATV systems is becoming an important topic.如何利用现有的数字CATV系统开展各种增值业务已成为一个重要课题。

3.Multimedia ring back tone service is avalue added service which makes multimedia as the ring back tone.多媒体彩铃(MRBT)业务是一种采用多种媒体作为回铃音的增值业务。

4)value-added business增值业务

1.Research and practice of system for sustaining value chains invalue-added business of telecom;电信增值业务价值链支撑系统的研究与实践

2.Study on Load Balancing Algorithm of the Value-added Business Billing System;增值业务计费系统负载均衡算法研究

3.5G networks the domestic operators have build their ownvalue-added business management platform throug.5G网络建立了自己的增值业务管理平台,通过打造统一业务品牌,提供丰富的业务种类,吸引了相对固定的用户群体。

5)increment business增值业务

1.Design of SIP-Based NGN Increment Business Platform;基于SIP的下一代网络增值业务平台的设计

2.It is a main way of developingincrement business that build HFC network into a high-speed exchange network by Cable Modem.采用CableModem技术将HFC网建成高速数据交换网络是利用现有资源开展增值业务的主要手段 ,从组网的原理与功能等方面对利用双向CATV系统开展宽带综合业务、视频点播、小区住宅智能化管理以及可视对讲门禁等的方法进行分

6)IPTV value-added serviceIPTV增值业务

1.First, 7 classes ofIPTV value-added services are described.本文首先介绍了什么是IPTV增值业务以及IPTV增值业务的分类,然后提出了IPTV增值业务平台的概念,对IPTV增值业务平台的结构和功能进行了描述,接着对IPTV增值业务实现中的关键技术进行探讨,最后提出了IPTV增值业务的分阶段发展建议。


