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收支分类 classification of government revenue and expenditures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-28 14:46:08


收支分类 classification of government revenue and expenditures英语短句 例句大全

收支分类,classification of government revenue and expenditures

1)classification of government revenue and expenditures收支分类


1.How water sector adapts to government reform on income and expenses谈水利部门如何适应政府收支分类改革

2.The Research on the Reform of the Governmental Revenue and Expenditure Classified of China in GFS Pattern;以GFS为模式构建我国政府收支分类体系研究

3.On Reform of Classification of Government Income and Expenses and Governance Effect;关于政府收支分类改革与政府治理效果的研究

4.Reformation of Sorting Govermmentai Income and Outcome & Accountant Handbook for Govermment Unit;政府收支分类改革与行政单位会计实务

5.the Construction of the Informationized Platform of Fiscal Accounting Based on the Reform of the Classification of Government Incomeand Expenses;基于政府收支分类改革的财政会计信息化建设

6.On the Influence of the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense on China s Budget for Education;政府收支分类改革对教育经费预算的影响

7.On Understanding of Implementing the Reform of the Classification of Government Revenue and Expenditures and Corresponding Suggestions对实施政府收支分类改革的认识与建议

8.The Research on Expenditure Budget Management from the Perspective of the Governmental Revenue and Expenditure Classified of China;基于政府收支分类体系改革的支出预算管理研究

9.The Analysis About The Government s Income And Expenses Classification Reform s Effect On Higher Academy Budget Management Model;政府收支分类改革对高校预算管理模式影响分析

10.Improvement of the Content of General Financial Budget Accounting from the Government Expense and Receipt Classification;财政总预算会计核算内容的扩展——从政府收支分类视角分析

11.The Composition Analysis of China"s Financial Input to Science & Technology and Policy Implication after the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense财政收支分类改革后财政科技投入构成分析及政策启示

12.How the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense Influence on Financial Investment and Assessment for Education;政府收支分类改革对财政性教育经费投入与评价的影响

13.Fiscal reform will focus on improving the public finance system, transfer payment system and budget management system, and reforming the classification of government revenue and expenditures.财政改革重点集中在改善公共财政体系,转移支付体系和预算管理体系以及政府收支分类改革。

14.Upper bound of convergence for smooth support vector classifier光滑支持向量分类机的收敛上界研究

15.The Cluster and Distinction Analysis of Farmer Family Revenue and Expenditure of National Various Areas;全国各地区农民家庭收支的聚类与判别分析

16.Understanding of the Setting up and Classification System of Reformed Government Revenue and Expenditure Subjects改革后的政府收支科目设置分类体系理解

17.absorption approach to balance of payments国际收支吸收分析法

18.Dynamic Stability and Bifurcation of Two Typical Biology Systems with Harvesting;带有收获项的两类典型生物系统的动态稳定性与分支


government expense and receipt classification政府收支分类

1.The scheme ofgovernment expense and receipt classification will be implemented from January 1,.从1月1日起执行的政府收支分类方案,将有助于建立起我国财政信息管理系统,但因其基础数据主要来自会计系统,改革现行的预算会计制度势在必行。

3)reform of government revenue & expenditure classification政府收支分类改革

4)the categorization reform of government income and expense财政收支分类改革

1.Afterthe categorization reform of government income and expense,the composition of Science & Technology input has changed greatly,this paper analyses the conversion between the new government income and expenses classification and the old one,the new composition results,a key subject and some policy Implication is given.财政收支分类改革后科技投入的科目、构成发生了很大变化,本文在对新旧科目转换对比的基础上,分析了新科目下科技投入构成及重点科目,给出建设"创新型"国家的科技投入政策启示。

5)cladistic classification分支分类

1.The maximal same step method ofcladistic classification is used in the study of Asparagus genus.利用最大同步法对蒙古高原天门冬属植物进行了分支分类研究,将本属植物分为2个亚属,天门冬亚属分为2个组。

2.The minimal parallel evolutionary method ofcladistic classification is used in studying of Spiraea genus,the sequence of its evolution as following:Sect.利用最小平行进化法对蒙古高原绣线菊属植物进行了分支分类研究 ,将本属植物分为 4个组、6个系。

6)Cladistic taxonomy分支分类

1.Study on character evolution and cladistic taxonomy of wild rapes (Brassica campestris and B.juncea) in Tibet;西藏野生油菜性状演化与分支分类研究


收支1.指钱物的收入与支出。 2.犹出纳。掌管钱物收入与支出的人。
