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深度访谈法 in-depth interview英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-03 11:15:35


深度访谈法 in-depth interview英语短句 例句大全

深度访谈法,in-depth interview

1)in-depth interview深度访谈法

1.Application of semi-structured andin-depth interview on optimization of clinical research program in traditional Chinese medicine基于半结构深度访谈法探讨中医临床研究的方案优化

2.The main one is to form a base about applyingin-depth interview for clinical research of Chinese Medicine in future.目的:主要目的:探讨定性研究深度访谈法在中医临床研究中的基本步骤和规范以及数据分析程序。


1.A Primary Study about the Application of In-depth Interview on the Research of Optimizing Clinical Research Programme of Chinese Medicine;基于深度访谈法初步研究中医临床实施方案优化

2.Application of semi-structured and in-depth interview on optimization of clinical research program in traditional Chinese medicine基于半结构深度访谈法探讨中医临床研究的方案优化

3.For the in-depth interview the semi-structured programming method is used to collect data.研究的方法,以半结构式问题,进行深度访谈。

4.Methods The application of field investigation and deep interview.方法采用实地调查和深入访谈的方式。

5.Data were collected in semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by content analysis and SPSS software.采半结构性深度访谈方式,并将访谈过程记录下来。

6.Practice and Understanding of In-depth Interview in Assessment of Talent Cultivation人才培养工作评估深度访谈的实践与认识

7.In-depth interviews were conducted to collect narrative data from4 voluntary women who received counseling provided by the Taiwanese nonprofit agency.以「命史探究法」采立意选样方式,深度访谈4位曾接受励馨基金会谘商的女性。

8.Twelve hundred and sixty-four teachers completed the teacher questionnaire and comprised the response rate as 71.0%.研究者并以方便取样抽取18位卫生组长做深度访谈。

9.Phenomena,Reasons and Countermeasures of Underage Feminine on Their Morality Defect;未成年女性道德缺陷的表现、成因与对策——基于深度访谈的理性探索

10.The Features of Publishing Graduate Education in the UK:an Empirical Study Based on In-depth Interviews英国出版学研究生教育的特征分析——一项基于深度访谈的实证研究

11.In-depth Interview on Hospital Information System Construction of Wu Han City武汉市医院信息化建设深入访谈研究

12.Investigation on Counseling Session Depth:Comparison of the Overall and the Portion Measuring Methods;整体与切割评估法考察咨询会谈深度结果比较

13.Views on Social Roles of Women in the Process of Urbanization--A Case study of eight women from a village in Sichuan;城市化进程中女性生活状况的社会性别视角——对四川城郊某村多位女性的深度访谈

14.Research on Family Education of Floating Population in Qingdao and its Appeal Based on an Analysis of In-depth Interviews with 27 Families青岛市流动人口家庭教育问题及诉求研究——对27户家庭深度访谈的分析

15.Methods Four hundred and seventy-four patients of3 STD clinics in Shanghai were inve stigated with questionaires and interviewed.方法对上海市3个性病门诊的474例患者进行了问卷调查和深入访谈。

16.Using in-depth Interviewing Methods with Suicide Attempters and Their Associates to Assess Their Ideas about the Characteristics and Causes of the Attempt;运用深入访谈探究自杀未遂者及其亲友对自杀未遂发生原因的看法

17.KING: You then would not recommend any immediate in-depth interview?你也不赞同近期之内的深度访问?

18.The Use and Development of In-depth Interviews in Ethnographic Research;现代人类学研究中深入访谈的运用与发展


depth interview深度访谈

1.Thedepth interview,as the method of qualitative research,has an important position in sociology field.深度访谈作为定性研究的方法,在社会学领域中有着重要的地位。

3)In-depth Interview深度访谈

1.This paper,combining with the actual situation in practice,discusses on in-depth interview\"s applicability,limitation,outline,preparation,questioning skills and so on.深度访谈已经成为新评估方案现场重点考察的主要方式。

4)deep interview report深度访谈型

1.Based on the sociological study in China,the article divides the qualitative reports into the two types of case study report anddeep interview report,and analyzes their writing characteristics,and at the same time points out that a good report should include introduction,research design,conclusion,discussion,appendix and references.根据中国社会学的研究传统,定性研究报告可以分为个案型和深度访谈型两种。

5)Thorough talks深入访谈法

6)In-depth individual interview个人深入访谈法


