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个税征管人性化 humanized collection and administration of individual income tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-31 21:43:51


个税征管人性化 humanized collection and administration of individual income tax英语短句 例句大全

个税征管人性化,humanized collection and administration of individual income tax

1)humanized collection and administration of individual income tax个税征管人性化

2)individual income tax collection and administration个人所得税征管


1.Issues in Individual Income Tax Collection and Administration and Their Countermeasures;个人所得税征管中存在的问题与对策

2.The Present Situation and Countermeasures of the Collection of the Income Tax in Ningbo;宁波市个人所得税征管的现状与对策

3.The Current Situation of Personal Income-tax on Terms of Levy and Control and Reform Measures in China;我国个人所得税征管现状与改革措施

4.The Case of Evading Tax of Wang DongWen--Strengthening The Avility of Levy And Management of Personal Income Tax, Adjusting Personal Income Effectively.;《案例》:王东文偷税案——加强个人所得税征管,有效调节个人收入

5.Study on Collection and Administration of Individual Income Tax of High-income Community in Changsha;长沙市高收入群体个人所得税征管问题研究

6.Study on the Practical Measures of Strengthening the Collection and Administration of Personal Income Tax;加强我国个人所得税征管的现实措施研究

7.Ponders on the current situation of personal income tax collection and the reform;我国个人所得税征管现状及改革的思考

8.The Exist Problems and Countermeasures in Personal Income Tax Levy;个人所得税征管中存在的问题及对策思考

9.Thinking on the Current Situation of Individual Income Tax Levy and its Development Countermeasure;个人所得税征管现状及发展对策的思考

10.Ponderation of the Existent Problem in Our Country Individual Income Tax Levy and Administration;对我国个人所得税征管中存在问题的思考

11.Talking about the Present Situation and Perfection of the Collection and Management of Individual Income Tax in China;浅谈我国个人所得税征管现状及其完善

12.The Reform and the Countermeasures of Means of Imposing Individual Income Tax in the New Tax System;新税制模式下的个人所得税征管方式改革及对策

13.Analysis of China s Personal Income Tax Couection;我国个人所得税之征管“个性化”浅析

14.How to Strengthen the Administration of Personal Income Taxes;加强个人所得税的征收与管理之我见

15.Perfect Individual Income Tax System in Terms of Tax System and Management;从税制与征管关系角度完善我国个人所得税

16.A Study of Taxation Scope and Income Subject to Taxation in The Law of the People s Republic of China on Individual Income Tax;《个人所得税法》征税范围和应税所得制度研究

17.The Research on Improving the System, Collection and Management of Individual Tncome Tax;我国个人所得税制度改革及其征管的完善研究

18.Perfecting the Individual Income Tax System and Intensifying the Levy Management;完善个人所得税制 加大立法和征管力度


individual income tax collection and administration个人所得税征管

3)Management of income tax个人所得税管理

4)individual face个性化人

1.In this paper,a metho d for im-age-basedindividual face modeling generation system is presented.三维个性化人脸建模一直是计算机图形学中一个具有挑战性的课题。

5)specific character个性化特征

6)starting point for levying personal income tax个人所得税起征点

1.At present,the reason thatstarting point for levying personal income tax arose dispute in our nation is which salary workers become main body levied,need to upgrade starting point, there are many defects like not thinking of life expense growth, inflation and different income.目前,个人所得税起征点在国内引起争议的主要原因是工薪层成了征收主体,普遍要求提高起征点;未考虑到纳税人所必需支付的有关费用与生计费用的增加;费用扣除未考虑通货膨胀;缺少整体调节;扣费标准未考虑收入差异。


