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主体性纬度 subject latitude英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-18 02:56:56


主体性纬度 subject latitude英语短句 例句大全

主体性纬度,subject latitude

1)subject latitude主体性纬度

1.Adopting the anthropological mode of thinking and returning to thesubject latitude valued by Marx can overcome the defects in the research into the cyber society.如果采用人类学的思维方式,回归马克思研究社会形态所注重的主体性纬度来探讨网络社会问题,可以克服目前研究的缺陷。


1.The Return of the Subject Latitude主体性纬度的回归——网络社会探讨的一种可能路向

2.Relationship between Main Agricultural Traits and Yield in High Latitudes;高纬度地区大豆主要农艺性状与产量的关系

3.The angular distance of a celestial object above the horizon.地平纬度地平线以上天体的角度距离

4.latitudinal extent纬度相距, 纬线跨度

5.A Tentative Study of the Modernity of Lao She s Ideas;试论老舍“现代性”思想的纬度与深度

6.Lines of equal latitude are called parallels.相等纬度的连线叫纬圈。

7.Mauritius hurricane印度洋热带性低气压(南纬10°~12°

8.Genetic Analysis of Main Characteristics Related to Cold Tolerance in japonica Rice from Low-Latitude Plateau and High-Latitude Plain低纬高原和高纬平原粳稻主要耐冷相关性状的遗传分析

9.parallel of latitude纬度平行圈等纬圈黄纬平行圈

10.A Study on the Formation Mechanism of Advanced Dimensions of the Brand Characteristics of Durable Consumable;耐用消费品品牌个性高级性纬度形成机制研究

11.The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.黄纬黄道以南或以北天体的用角度量的距离

12.Studies on the Annual and Semiannual Anomalies and Storm Characteristics of Mid- and Low Latitudes Ionosphere;中低纬电离层年度异常与暴时特性研究

13.A Survey of the Development of Lexical Richness in L2 Compositions from a Multidimensional Perspective;二语学习者作文词汇丰富性发展多纬度研究

14.A Probe on Effectiveness of Morality Education from Human’s Three Developing Altitude;从人的三个发展纬度来审视德育的有效性

15.Policy alternatives of agricultural trade liberalization-from the perspective of factor mobility;贸易政策选择:要素流动性纬度的理论分析

16.Study on the Highway Tunnel of Distortion Character and Structural Force in the High-latitude Cold Regions高纬度寒区公路隧道变形性状与结构受力研究

17.Effect of Latitude on Growth Period and Quality of Maize(Zea mays L.)玉米生育期和品质性状的纬度效应研究

18.A degree or circle of longitude or latitude drawn on a map or globe.经线,纬线,经纬度地图或地球仪上的经纬线或经纬度


advanced dimension高级性纬度

1.Theadvanced dimensions of the brand characteristics of durable consumable can be divided into the two dimensions of "fashion" and "top grade".耐用消费品品牌个性的高级性纬度可以分为"时尚"与"高档"两个次级纬度,"时尚"纬度的主要驱动因素是品牌视觉元素、消费者的时尚形象、品牌知名度与消费者的社会地位,"高档"纬度的主要驱动要素是品牌视觉元素、消费者的社会地位、感知服务品质、消费者的时尚形象、商品价格与产品感知品质。

3)The Reasonableness of Latitude合理性纬度

4)multi-dimensional subjectivity多角度主体性


6)local variation of latitude地方性纬度变化


