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经济法律 Economic law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-24 22:06:16


经济法律 Economic law英语短句 例句大全

经济法律,Economic law

1)Economic law经济法律

1.Introduces the design of economic law service center based on Internet and its relative technology.介绍了基于 Internet的经济法律服务中心的设计思想及其相关技


1.unified joint economic legal relations统一连带经济法律关系

2.The Contemporary Economic Law System of Foreign Countries当代外国经济法律制度

3.Law Systems of Contemporary Western Economy当代西方经济法律制度

4.Be engaged in legal affairs concerning foreign economic issues从事对外经济法律事务

5.Economic Jurisprudence:Economic Analysis Of Law & Legal Analysis Of Economy;法经济学:法律的经济分析和经济的法律分析

6.The Origination and Development of Law and Economics;从经济学到法学:法律经济学发展研究

7.Legal, Economic and other Instruments法律、经济和其他文书

8.Legal, Environment and Transitional Economics Branch法律、环境和转型经济处

9.Law is the reflection of economic conditions.法律是经济状况的反映。

10.From Marx’s Economics Analysis of Law to Modern Law Economics;从马克思对法律的经济分析到当代法律经济学

11.Law and Economic Development:Unscrambling on the Function of Law from the Economists Views;法律与经济发展:读解经济学家眼中的法律作用

12.The Development Way of Law Economics in Civil Law System--The Analysis of Law Economy as Methodology;大陆法系法律经济学的进路——作为方法论的法律经济分析

13.State Law and Non-governmental Law in Legal Economics法律经济学视角下的国家法和民间法

14.Legal Economy,Legal Reform in China and The Future ChineseJurisprudence;法律经济学和中国法律改革、未来中国法学

15.The Legal Regulations between Economic Law and the Economic Management by the Government;经济法与政府经济管理行为之法律规制

16.Influence of Law and Economics on the Development of Chinese Economic Law;从法律经济学的成功看经济法学的危机

17.An Economics Dimension in Jurisprudential Study;法学研究的经济学维度——基于法律经济学的思考

18.On Economic Function of Law;法律的经济功能──要素资源配置的法经济学分析


law economy法律经济

3)economic rhythm method经济节律法;经济节律法

4)Law and economics法律经济学

1.The Law and Economics Study on the Handicap in the Legislation of Autonomous Region s Regulations on the Exercise of Autonomy;自治区自治条例出台阻滞的法律经济学分析

2.Economic Analysis of Legal Rules: A Summary of Law and Economics;法律规则的经济学建构——法律经济学的研究成果综述

3.Legal Research Methodology and the Modernization of Criminal Procedure——The Illustration of Legal Research Methodology of Law and Economics;法学研究方法论与刑事诉讼的现代化——以法律经济学研究方法论为例的检视

5)law economics法律经济学

1.However,the criticism is not only fragile,but also through the criticism,we will find some causes that lead to difficulties in the development oflaw economics .法律与经济学"邂逅"之后,在中国受到了许多责难与非议,比如,法律经济学逻辑起点具有很强的非现实性;过分强调效率而忽略了公平;总是用金钱衡量一切,而生命、健康、家庭幸福以及人格尊严等无法用金钱衡量,等等。

2.Law Economics has improved the distribution efficiency of resources by employing taxation different from the traditional one, offering allowances and internalizing external influences.外部性问题是造成市场失灵的一个重要原因,法律经济学运用了不同于传统的庇古税或补贴以及外部影响内部化的方法,提高了资源的配置效率。

3.Thelaw economics theory has been criticized by many scholars since it was created.法律经济学自诞生之日起就受到了诸多学者的批判。

6)Legal Economics法律经济学

1.On the Discipline Preposition and Opening ofLegal Economics;法律经济学的学科定位与设置

2.An analysis of our country"s product quality protection clause from the viewpoint of legal economics我国产品质保条款的法律经济学分析

3.This thesis tries to use the theory of legal economics and exchanging cost to study the international law,that s the innovation of this thesis.随着经济学对法学领域的影响越来越深刻,法律经济学也日益发展壮大,条约作为解决国际争端的重要依据,其自身也可能因为当事方对条约的缔结、内容及其履行方面所产生的分歧或冲突而发生争端。


