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品种搭配 Collocation of rice varieties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-27 07:57:46


品种搭配 Collocation of rice varieties英语短句 例句大全

品种搭配,Collocation of rice varieties

1)Collocation of rice varieties品种搭配


1.Study on optimization of variety combination and N P K fertilizer allocation for winter wheat and summer corn double cropping system冬小麦、夏玉米品种搭配及氮磷钾统筹施肥技术研究

2.Gray Correlation Analyses on Different Wheat Blending to Make Special Flour for Lanzhou Hand-extended Noodle不同小麦品种搭配生产兰州拉面专用粉的灰色关联度分析

3.Buying plant nearly when insurance product is tie-in, we should consider accident risk above all.在购买险种保险产品搭配的时候,我们应该首先考虑意外险。

4.Breakfast: Chinese/ western buffet; Lunch& Supper: Table dinner with a la carte and Various anthentic Chinese foods: Beijing roast duck, and local snack.午晚餐:圆桌餐。荤素搭配,品种多样,营养卫生。旅游时品尝地道北京烤鸭及地方风味小吃。

5.We can"t find a match for this ornament.我们找不到可以搭配这个饰品的东西。

6.The Unusual Collocation in Chinese Literature and Its Pragmatic Effect;文学作品中的超常搭配及其语用效果

7.You "d better pack 2 - 3 design each box so that we can put them directly to the market for sale .装箱时最好每箱搭配上2~3个花色品种,这样我们就可以直接投放市场销售了。

8.Some radio stations really play a really great mix of music.一些电台把各种音乐搭配、接得非常好。

9.Your order for either assortment will be much appreciated.对任何一种搭配均欢迎订购。

10.One category of such a set.性的类别这样搭配的一种类别

11.High Yields in Grass Crap Juvenile Culture Were Fed with Compound Feeds and Duckweed配合饲料搭配浮萍培育草鱼种高产试验

12.Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词, 请参考有关词条

13.What a great taste you have!You have to know how to dress well.你的品味真高啊,你应该知道怎么搭配好衣服。

14.Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned.查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词,请参考有关词条。

15.Effects of Different Fertilizer Combinations on the Growth,Yield and Quality of Brassica juncea var. multisecta L. H. Bailey不同肥料搭配对京水菜生长、产量及品质的影响

16.HONG KONG-- Chinese doctors have long experimented with combinations of herbs to cure disease.中医一直通过搭配使用各种草药来给人治病。

17.a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments.一种可以单独购买而和其它衣服搭配穿的衣服。

18.Probe on Structure of Adverbial-Nuclear Form with Super-common Collocation in Literary Language;文学语言中一种超常搭配的状中式结构探析


product mix产品品种搭配

3)collocation pattern of rice cultivars早、晚稻品种搭配

4)releasing different fingerlings in proper proportion鱼种搭配

5)currency mismatch币种搭配不当

6)integrated variety配套品种


茶树品种搭配茶树品种搭配varieties protortion in tea planting茶树品种搭配(varieties proportionin tea Planting)一个茶场在栽培方式中选用具有不同发芽期和不同特性的茶树品种进行搭配种植的方法。品种搭配种植能提高茶场的经营管理和经济效益。在茶园布局中,茶树品种搭配方式主要根据以下三个因素综合考虑:①按发芽期早、中、晚的搭配,使各茶园的采摘期错开,防止采叶量过分集中,可做到采茶劳动力的妥薛安排和生产设备的充分利用,②按制茶品质不同特色的搭配,以起到产品原料拼配和品质互相补充的作用。③按茶树抗性强弱的搭配,可防止或减少自然灾害的损失。品种搭配的比例,随各地气候、土城和茶类等特点不同而异。据福建省农业科学院茶叶研究所的经验是:早芽品种占37.5%(包括福抓大白茶和云南大叶种系列品种),中芽品种占44.7%(包括毛公、梅占、坦洋菜茶等),迟芽品种占14.3%(包括政和大白茶等).其他占3.5%。湖南省涟原茶场从品质和发芽期两方面综合制订的搭配方案是涟茶1号占10%(发芽早,茶叶香气高,白毫多),涟茶2号占50%(中芽类型,产量最高,品质全面,但均不突出),涟茶5号占10%(发芽期偏晚,香气清香持久较突出,白毫亦多),涟茶7号占20%(发芽期偏早,叶片最小,其特点是多酚类含t高,所制的红碎茶滋味浓强)。(陈炳环)
