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错花 Broken figures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-30 11:35:55


错花 Broken figures英语短句 例句大全

错花,Broken figures

1)Broken figures错花


1.An analysis on the defects and broken pattern of the piezoelectric ceramic jacquard products压电陶瓷贾卡提花产品的疵点及错花分析

2.he has delusions of competence.他说得天花乱坠,引起年青少女的错觉。

3.we often found ourselves making money mistakes,我们经常发现自己在花钱时犯错误,

4.Bright red color of looks good in the .蕃茄鲜红的颜色在花园里看起来不错。

5.We can get a fair meal for eighty cents.我们花八角钱可吃上一顿不错的饭。

6.Maybe you could improve it if you use a lot of elbow grease.如果你花力气打扫一下,或许会不错的。

7.Care for diverseness poppy ,.Hempen difficult guilty?喜欢种种罂粟花、大麻难道有错吗?

8.He spent much time correcting my grammar.他花了很多时间来改我的语法错误。

9.A Wrong-Opened Flower--On Culture Identity of Zhang Cheng-zhi s Creation;错开的花——论张承志创作的文化身份

10.Analysing the Factors Contributing Sexual Inversion Phenomenon in Treasured Book for Judging Actors;《品花宝鉴》性别倒错现象成因分析

11.Dark green, leafy produce, like broccoli, is a good dietary source of folic acid.深绿色叶子菜如花菜是不错的摄取叶酸的来源。

12.Sure, only you spent about three hours shopping.没错。可是你却花了三个小时左右的时间。

13.W: We have Tomato egg flower soup, It tastes delicious.您二位可以试一试西红柿蛋花汤,味道挺不错的。

14.You is wrong to lead back on the third trick.你在打第三墩牌时因攻搭档出的花色就错了。

15.There, too, most people have it wrong.许多理解错了, 财富是指你的积累而非花费。

16.You can bet your boots that Johnny will come home when his money is gone.约翰尼把钱花光了就会回家的,管保没错。

17.a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone.为行骗而引用花巧的推理的蓄意错误议论。

18.You"re wrong to lead back on the third trick.你在打第三墩牌时回攻搭档出的花色就错了。


unfit-printing analysis错花分析

3)dislocation pattern位错花样

1.The effect of boundary conditions on computer simulatingdislocation patterns of a fatigued copper single crystals was studied by using the method of discrete dislocation dynamics in two-dimensional system.利用二维离散位错动力学方法,研究了边界条件对计算机模拟疲劳Cu单晶位错花样的影响,结果表明:边界条件在模拟位错花样这类多体问题时是非常重要的;在其它模拟机制均完全相同的情况下,不同边界条件会形成不同的模拟结果,自由空间边界条件是最简单、也是最不现实的边界条件,模拟结果与实验结果相差甚远;而一维最近邻周期性边界条件与二维近邻周期性边界条件的模拟结果基本相同,与Cu单晶早期疲劳位错花样的实验比较吻合。

2.During cyclic deformation, thedislocation pattern formed at the early stages and its evolution were simulated by using the method of discrete dislocation dynamics and observed with the electron channeling contract (ECC) technique in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on a single-slip- oriented copper single crystals.采用离散的位错动力学方法,用计算机模拟循环形变单滑移取向Cu单晶中疲劳早期位错花样的形成和演化过程,并利用扫描电镜电子通道衬度(SEM—ECC)技术对其进行了观察。

4)The Flower in Wrong Time《错开的花》

1.Mysticism andThe Flower in Wrong Time;神秘主义与《错开的花》──张承志小说论之七

5)Pattern Shift花纹错位



