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社会支持 social support英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-20 02:44:15


社会支持 social support英语短句 例句大全

社会支持,social support

1)social support社会支持

1.A study onsocial support and coping style of breast cancer patients and its relationship with their personality;乳腺癌病人社会支持和应对方式及其与人格关系的研究

2.A survey onsocial supports for hypertensives and nursing interventions;高血压病患者社会支持状况调查及对策

3.Study onsocial support for patients with HIV/AIDS in rural area;农村HIV/AIDS的社会支持研究


1.From Social Support to Social Support Network:Towards a Practice Pattern of Social Support for the Disadvantaged;社会支持与社会支持网——弱势群体社会支持的工作模式初探

2.Sports Association:Social Support and Relief of Social Pressure;体育社团:社会支持与社会压力的缓解

3.Perceived Social Support,Enacted Social Support and Depression in a Sample of College Students;领悟社会支持、实际社会支持与大学生抑郁

4.Social Transformation, the Retired College Teachers and Social Support;社会转型、高校离退休教师与社会支持

5.On Working Out a Comprchensive Network of Community Support to Weak Groups According to the Principle of "Social Assistance"in Sociology;以社会学的“社会支持”理论 构建弱势群体的社区支持综合网络


7.Social Support Network of the Aged:Different Support Provided By Different People;农村老年人社会支持网:何种人提供何种支持

8.Effects of Social and Policy Supports on Work-family Conflict in Physicians医生工作家庭冲突与社会支持、制度支持的关系

9.It introduced the influence of social support on quality of life in leukemia patients from aspects of information support, emotional support, virtual support and ascription support.从信息支持、感支持、质支持、属支持方面,介绍了白血病病人社会支持对生命质量的影响。

10.On the newly born weak groups and social supporting in the social transformation论转型期社会新生弱势群体与社会支持

11.The Study on the Relationship of Social Skills、Social Support and Mental Health of College Students;大学生社会技能、社会支持、心理健康关系研究

12.A Research on Social Adaptation and Social Support for Urban Female Marriage Immigrants;城市女性婚姻移民的社会适应和社会支持研究

13.The Studies on the Social Support Systems of Political Participation of Women during Social Transformation Era;社会转型期妇女参政的社会支持系统研究

14.Social Support for Social Vulnerable Groups During China s Transitional Period;论中国社会转型期对弱势群体的社会支持

15.On Social Psychological Conflict and Social Help for Those in Poverty;论城市贫困群体社会心理冲突与社会支持

16.Economic Status, Social Support and Self-identification of Migrants;社会经济地位、社会支持与流动农民身份意识

17.Cross-Correlation between Higher Education and Social Supporting Factors in the Social Transitional Period;社会转型期高等教育与社会支持因素的相关性

18.Population-based Study on Social Support,Social Function Disability and its Determinants;社会支持与社会功能及其影响因素的人群研究


social supports社会支持

1.Study on the correlation betweensocial supports and family rehabilitation among old patients with hip fracture after operation;老年髋部骨折患者术后家庭康复与社会支持的关系研究

2.This paper first describes the elusiveness of breast cancer, then explores the psychological experiences of the sufferers, and finally puts forward some suggestions onsocial supports, including promoting communication between doctors and patients, improving social welfare and calling o.首先描述了乳腺癌的隐蔽性,接着考察了患者的心理体验,最后提出了加强乳腺癌患者社会支持的一些建议,包括增加医患交流,提高社会福利,发动全社会的支持。

3.Objective:To explore the characteristics ofsocial supports and personal relationships of children left in rural areas by their parents working out of town.目的:探索农村留守学生社会支持和校园人际关系的特点。

3)society support社会支持

1.Objective:To study the depressive emotion in male drug addicts and to know the relationship of depressive emotion and addiction behavior andsociety support.目的:研究男性吸毒者中的抑郁情绪存在情况,了解不同抑郁状况与吸毒者成瘾行为和社会支持之间的关系。

2.Objective To show thesociety support status of the patients with cancer and analysis the weakly group equired lowersociety support.目的:了解癌症患者的社会支持状况,分析出社会支持较低的弱势群体。

4)Social supporting社会支持

1.On the newly born weak groups and social supporting in the social transformation;论转型期社会新生弱势群体与社会支持

2.In this paper, the ways of social supporting of rural migrant workers joining the urban community are put forward from the view of the sociology .本文以农民工群体为研究对象,从社会学的视角去探索农民工城市融入的社会支持途径。

5)coping style社会支持

1.Social support andcoping style in patients with breast cancer;乳腺癌患者的社会支持和应对方式对照研究

2.ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship among social support,coping style and mental health on university librarians.目的探讨高校图书馆员工的社会支持、应对方式与心理健康的相关程度。

6)Social support degree社会支持度


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
