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边境小额贸易 small-amount boundary trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-08 12:13:06


边境小额贸易 small-amount boundary trade英语短句 例句大全

边境小额贸易,small-amount boundary trade

1)small-amount boundary trade边境小额贸易

1.Thesmall-amount boundary trade between Dandong and North Korea has a long history and is developing at a high speed.边境小额贸易不仅是进出口贸易的重要组成部分,也是边境地区发展外向型经济的主要途径,对稳定边境地区的安全也起了积极的影响。


1.Analysis of Small-amount Boundary Trade between Dandong and North Korea丹东对朝边境小额贸易发展问题探析

2.Small-amount Border Trade between China and North Korea: Effect on Economic Growth of Dandong;中朝边境小额贸易与丹东城市经济发展

3.Where the export in small amount of border trade is settled in RMB, no matter what is the amount,对边境小额贸易出口以人民币结算的,无论出口金额大小,

4.To adopt flexible verification and writing-off polices for small amount of border trade, lift the restrictions on the verification and writing-off form in RMB or foreign cashes.采取灵活的边境小额贸易出口核销政策, 放开以人民币或外币现钞进行出口核销的限制。

5.The State Council or the department empowered by the State Council shall also specify the duty reduction or exemption items of small-scale border trade and draw up detailed rules on such reduction or exemption.边境小额贸易减征或者免征关税的范围和办法,由国务院或者国务院授权的机关规定。

6.Taiwan may be small, but we are actually the eighth-largest trading partner of the United States. Last year, bilateral trade volume amounted to US$60 billion dollars.台湾也许很小,但我们却是美国第八大贸易伙伴,去年双边贸易额达600亿美元。

7.Cross-border Small-scale Trading in South-Eastern Europe: Do Embeddedness and Social Capital Explain Enough?东南欧跨境小额贸易:嵌入性与社会资本能给予充分解释吗?

8.New estimates of Sino-American bilateral trade imbalance;中美双边贸易不平衡额的重新估算——兼析美中贸易巨额逆差的原因

9.Frontier trade is centered on the low-cost consumable supplies and consignation trade.边境贸易以低附加值商品和易货贸易为主;

10.Frontier trade and the economic development in ethnic minority areas in the borderland;边境贸易与边疆民族地区的经济发展

11.balances of tradeph.1. 贸易差额贸易状况

12.Balance of trade贸易差额,国际贸易平衡

13.Issues of Trade and the Environment in the New Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations;新一轮多边贸易谈判中的贸易与环境问题

14.Develop frontier commerce,Quicken shaking off poverty and make a fortune of the frontier area;发展边境贸易 加快边境民族地区脱贫致富

15.China"s large bilateral trade surplus with America proves nothing.中国对美国的巨额双边贸易顺差证明不了什么。

16.Last year, bilateral trade reached a staggering $37.1 billion, demonstrating a 21% year-on-year increase.去年双边贸易额达371亿美元,同比增长21%。

17.Circular of the State Council Regarding Relevant Issues on Frontier Trade国务院关于边境贸易有关问题的通知

18.Establishment of border trade district is one of efficient routes.设立边境互市贸易区是有效途径之一。


border trade边境贸易

1.Onborder trade development of west areas;西部地区边境贸易之发展

2.The Development and Prospect of the Border Trade between China s Tibet and India;中国西藏与印度边境贸易发展及其前景

3.Sino-Russia Border Trade: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study;中俄边境贸易:理论分析与实证研究

3)Frontier trade边境贸易

1.A research on frontier trade of province Yunnan;论云南省发展边境贸易的有利条件

4)cross-border trade边境贸易

1.However,RMB has not been widely used as a means of payment and settlement for thecross-border trade between Xinjiang and the five Central Asian countries and the quantity of circulation is limited as well.人民币在周边国家或地区的流通量已经逐年增加,但是,在新疆与中亚五国的边境贸易中人民币作为支付和结算手段尚未广泛使用,人民币的流通数量也非常有限。

panies involved incross-border trade have the right to choose RMB as their currency of first settlement according to the principle of settlement convenience.随着人民币国际影响的不断扩大,在朝鲜外汇资源稀缺、银行对外汇路不通等情况下,结算便利化原则使得人民币成为丹东地区对朝边境贸易结算的首选货币。

3.This paper studies thecross-border trade case in Suifenhe, Heilongjiang Province and analyzes the necessary resource advantages of the trade.本文通过对黑龙江省绥芬河口岸的边境贸易进行个案研究,分析了口岸贸易所必需的资源优势,并进一步探讨限制其发展的政策风险和资源约束,从资源战略和金融支持的角度提出了相应政策建议。

5)border trade district边境贸易区

6)frontier trade industry边境贸易业

1.The history of Pingxiangfrontier trade industry is glorious.凭祥边境贸易业历史悠久,在我国对外贸易中影响力不断扩大,并取得了良好的经济和社会效益。


