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经济全球化理论 economic globalization theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-07 07:04:07


经济全球化理论 economic globalization theory英语短句 例句大全

经济全球化理论,economic globalization theory

1)economic globalization theory经济全球化理论

1.We take“economic globalization theory, macro economic theory and economic balance theory of open economy”as the theoretic foundation of economic globalization.而要研究经济全球化,必须研究经济全球化理论。


1.The Summary and Pondering of Researching on Theories of Economy Globalization;当代西方经济全球化理论研究综述及其反思

2.Globalization and Financial Liberalization经济全球化与金融自由化的理论思考

3.Global Value Chain Theory: A New Paradigm for Contemporary Industry and Trade Research under Economic Globalization Condition;经济全球化条件下的全球价值链理论研究

4.Marx s world history theory and economical globalization;马克思的世界历史理论与经济全球化

5.On the Governmental Coordination and Administration Economy under Globalization;论全球化背景下的政府协调管理经济

6.A Brief Study of Modern Enterprise Management from the Perspective of Economy Globalization;论经济全球化视野中的现代企业管理

7.Economic Globalization and DENG Xiao Ping s Theory of Opening to The Outside World;经济全球化与邓小平的对外开放理论

8.Financial Convergence Under Economic Globalization Based on Economic Growth Theory;从经济增长理论看经济全球化中的金融趋同

9.The Impact of Economic Globalization and Economic Financialization on the Evolution of Development Economics;经济全球化、经济金融化与发展经济学理论的发展

10.A Discussion of the Globalization of Accounting in the Condition of Globalization of Economy;试论经济全球化形势下的会计全球化

11.The Theory s Methodology Meaning of the Transcending of Kafting Valley in the Time of Global Economy;经济全球化背景下“跨越理论”的方法论意义

12.On Canonical Form Innovation in Industrial Organization Theory Under Economic Globalization;论经济全球化时代产业组织理论的范式创新

13.A tentative analysis of the influence of economic globalization on laws--Comment on the theory of "law globalization;浅析经济全球化对法律的影响——兼评“法律全球化”理论

14.Influence of Economy Globalization on National Economy Sovereignty;论经济全球化对国家经济主权的影响

15.On the Changes of Economic System under the Economic Globalization;论经济全球化背景下的经济制度变迁

16.On the Influence of the Economic Globalization in the world Economic structure;论经济全球化对世界经济格局的影响

17.Discuss Globality of Economics Toward Infection of the? County Administration Manage System Fashion ??论经济全球化对县级行政管理体制改革的影响

18.Marx s Open Theory and Chinese s Countermeasures to Economic Globalization;马克思开放理论与中国应对经济全球化


New Idea on Economic Globalization经济全球化新论

3)Economy Globalization经济全球化

1.Research on the necessities and policies to strengthen ideological politics education during the process of economy globalization;经济全球化进程中强化思想政治教育的必要性及对策研究

2.Analysis of the factors of carrying out strategy for developing talents in Shandong province in the situation of economy globalization;经济全球化态势下山东省实施人才发展战略的因素分析

3.Marketing innovations in the medium and small enterprises during the times of economy globalization;经济全球化时代中小企业的营销创新

4)economic globalization经济全球化

1.China"s mineral resources security undereconomic globalization;经济全球化下的矿产资源安全

2.The challenges ofeconomic globalization to Chinese medical and pharmaceutical intellectual property and our countermeasures;经济全球化背景下的我国医药知识产权保护

3.A probe into the impact ofeconomic globalization on the all-round development of college students;探析经济全球化对大学生全面发展之影响


1.Globalization"s Influence on Environment;经济全球化对生态环境的影响

2.On the Challenges and Opportunities Brought by Globalization to University Moral Education;经济全球化给大学德育带来的挑战与机遇

3.Significance and characteristics of administration psychology underglobalization;经济全球化背景下管理心理学研究新视野

6)economical globalization经济全球化

1.The dialectical consideration of theeconomical globalization and Chinese characteristic socialism;经济全球化与中国特色社会主义的辩证思考

2.The opportunity and challenge that Scientific Socialism faces with in the wave ofeconomical globalization;科学社会主义在经济全球化浪潮中面临的机遇与挑战

3.On China s Foreign Direct Investment in Service Industry under the Economical Globalization;论经济全球化下的中国服务业对外直接投资


