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战略经济对话 Strategic Economic Dialogue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-25 16:49:51


战略经济对话 Strategic Economic Dialogue英语短句 例句大全

战略经济对话,Strategic Economic Dialogue

1)Strategic Economic Dialogue战略经济对话

1.China and the United States attempt to further deepen bilateral economic and trade relations through theStrategic Economic Dialogue (SED).中美两国试图从战略的高度,通过战略经济对话,进一步深化两国经贸关系,并为21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系健康发展奠定基础。


1.Behind the successful 4th China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue;第四次中美战略经济对话双赢的背后

2.A New Framework of International Economic Coordination;中美战略经济对话:国际经济协调新框架

3.Analysis on Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue and Its Impact on Sino-US Relations试析中美战略经济对话及其对中美关系的影响

4.The third SED will be held in Beijing in December .第三次中美战略经济对话将于12月在北京举行。

5.China sees the first Sino-US strategic economic dialogue as an opportunity to correct misunderstandings between the two sides, Vice-Premier Wu Yi said yesterday at the start of the talks.昨天,副主席吴仪在对话开始的时候说,中国将首次中美战略经济对话作为更正双方误解的机会。

6.Changing strategies for the enterprise management to meet the challenges of knowledge economy;转变企业经营策略 应对知识经济挑战

7.The Impact of East-Asian Economic Integration on the Economic Growth and Development Strategies of Taiwan;东亚经济整合对台湾经济及发展战略的影响

8.The Changing of Japan s Foreign Economic Police under the Economic Globalization;经济全球化中日本对外经济战略的转变

9.On MAO Ze-dong s Contribution to Economics of Development;经济发展战略:毛泽东对发展经济学的贡献

10.India: Its External Economic Development Strategy and Policy Tendency印度的对外经济发展战略及政策趋向

11.Research on Development Strategy and Countermeasures of Circular Economy in TianJin City;天津市循环经济发展战略及对策研究

12.On Science Technology Cooperation Strategy in Economic Zone of East Zhejiang Province;浙东经济区科技合作战略定位和对策

13.Japan s Foreign Strategy on Regional Economic Cooperation in the Beginning of 21st Century;21世纪初日本对外区域经济合作战略

14.Exploration on Strategic System of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in Guangxi;对广西北部湾经济区战略体系的探索

15.On Challenge about Economic profit to Traditional Accountant Profit;略论经济利润对传统会计利润的挑战

16.The Strategies for Tourism Development in Incheon Free Economic Zone;仁川经济自由区观光产业的对应战略

17.The Strategic Significance of Developing Service Economy on Henan Development;发展劳务经济对河南发展的战略意义

18.Strategy of Coping with Green Technology of Chinese Non-timber Forest;我国经济林应对绿色技术壁垒的战略


Sino-US SED中美战略经济对话

1.Sino-US strategic economic dialogue (Sino-US SED) has been held five successfully with great achievements, and it has been playing a positive role in the stability of Sino-US relations and safeguarding world economic order.中美战略经济对话至今已经成功的举行了五次,取得了举世瞩目的成果,对稳定中美关系、维护世界经济秩序起到了积极的作用。

3)foreign economic strategy对外经济战略

1.So some politicians began to make a series offoreign economic strategy to establish economic hegemony.美国成了战后惟一的经济大国,为其建立经济霸权提供了机遇,而美国也确实通过一系列的对外经济战略行为抓住了这个机遇。

4)Economic policy to China对华经济战略

5)strategic dialogue战略对话

1.This paper concludes that the reasons for the distrust lie in the rise of China with the cultural and political system different from United States and the measures against the distrust are long-termstrategic dialogue and productive cooperation in the context of international institutions.造成中美互不信任的主要原因在于中国的崛起和不同的社会文化与政治体制,解决中美互不信任问题的对策则是进行长期战略对话和在国际制度框架内进行有效的合作。

6)Economic strategy经济战略

1.The Economic Strategy of Western Regions in Tai WuEmperor times,Beiwei Dynasty;北魏太武帝时期的西域经济战略

2.The economic strategy of Japan s aggression against China was to "sustain the war by the war".日本侵华的经济战略是"以战养战"。

3.The academies at home and abroad study the economic strategy and political strategy separately when they are studying the enterprise strategy which are not in favor of instructing the business managers to make decisions integrally .国内外学术界在研究企业战略时一般是把经济战略和政治战略单独研究,这不利于指导企业管理人员进行整体决策。


