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微磨粒磨损 micro-scale abrasive wear英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-30 00:10:51


微磨粒磨损 micro-scale abrasive wear英语短句 例句大全

微磨粒磨损,micro-scale abrasive wear

1)micro-scale abrasive wear微磨粒磨损

1.Based on the surface analysis,the mechanism ofmicro-scale abrasive wear was discussed.研究了医用Ti6Al4V合金在蒸馏水中的微磨粒磨损行为,考察了载荷、滑行距离、料浆浓度和转速对微磨粒磨损规律的影响,并对微磨粒磨损机制进行了讨论。

2.Micro-scale abrasive wear was an important reason for the invalidation of metal implanted materials, and the particularity of body internal environment result in themicro-scale abrasive wear of metal implanted materials different from generalmicro-scale abrasive wear.微磨粒磨损是导致金属植入材料失效的一个重要原因,而人体体内环境的特殊性,又决定了金属植入材料在服役期间其微磨粒磨损状况不同于简单的微磨粒磨损。

3.Themicro-scale abrasive wear behaviors of TAMZ alloy were studied using a TE66 micro-scale abrasion tester.采用TE66试验机对新型TAMZ钛合金的微磨粒磨损行为进行了研究。


1.Research on Micro-scale Abrasive Wear of TZNT Titanium Alloys in Simulated Body Fluid Environment;模拟体液环境下TZNT钛合金微磨粒磨损研究

2.Research on Micro-scale Abrasive Wear of TLM Titanium Alloys in Simulated Body Fluid Environment人体腐蚀环境下TLM钛合金的微磨粒磨损研究

3.Micro-abrasion Performances of TAMZ Alloy in Simulated Body Fluid模拟体液环境下TAMZ合金的微磨粒磨损行为研究

4.The physical wearing process of 20+# steel by SBR is mainly resulted from the abrasion wear.结果表明 ,2 0 # 钢被磨损的物理过程为磨粒磨损 (微切削 )。

5.Study of Micrology Shape Analysis and Automatic Identification Technique for Wear Particles;磨损磨粒的显微形态分析与自动识别技术研究

6.Study on the relationship between microtopography of brazed diamond and the abrasion of grinding grains钎焊金刚石微观形貌与磨粒磨损状态关系研究

7.Grain-abrasion Behaviour of Wear-Resistant Steel BHARDY耐磨钢BHARDY的磨粒磨损行为

8.Influence of SiC Concentration in Slurry on Microscale Abrasive Wear of TZNT Titanium Alloys料浆中碳化硅含量对TZNT钛合金微粒磨粒磨损性能的影响

9.Otinulation of osteolytic cytokine expression by micrometer-diameter wear particles微米级磨损微粒刺激溶骨性细胞因子表达

10.Under the condition of boundary lubrication,adhere wear mechanism and abrasive grain wear mechanism do the business at the same time.在边界润滑条件下,镀层的磨损机制为粘着磨损与磨粒磨损并存.

11.Analyses of the Chips of High-Cr Iron Worn off under Abrasive Wear Conditions高铬铸铁在磨粒磨损工况的磨屑形貌分析

12.The Study on Formation Process of Three Kinds of the Typical Abrasive Debris三种典型磨粒磨损磨屑形成过程的研究

13.Study of Computer Identification and Analysis System for Wear Debris;磨损磨粒的计算机识别分析系统研究

14.particulate glass made by grinding and used as an abrasive.被研磨成微粒的玻璃,用作磨料。

15.Grain size and grain size distribution of microgrits for coated abrasives涂附磨具用磨料微粉粒度及其组成

16.The study indicates that main types of damage to the coupler are adhesive damage and abrasion damage.研究表明,车钩磨损的主要形式是粘着磨损以及伴随粘着磨损而产生的磨粒磨损。

17.Study on the Tribology Characteristic of Nano/micro Additives;纳米/微米减磨剂的摩擦磨损特性研究

18.Study of Surface Characteristics Both of Wear Particles & Wear Components and Their Relationship in Wear Process;磨损过程中的磨粒表面和磨损表面特征及其相互关系研究


Wear debris磨损微粒

1.Effect of alendronate on osteoclastogenesis induced by wear debris阿仑膦酸钠对人工关节磨损微粒刺激破骨细胞分化形成的影响

3)micro-abrasive wear rate微粒磨损率

1.Generally themicro-abrasive wear rate of the CrN coatings was governed by OEM rather than by the bias.在TeerUDP 550型闭合场非平衡磁控溅射离子镀设备上制备CrN镀层,以球-盘方法测定的比磨损率和微粒磨损法测定的微粒磨损率评价CrN镀层的耐磨性能,采用高速钢镀层钻头的钻孔数评价镀层的切削性能。

4)Titanium Particles磨损钛微粒

5)abrasive wear磨粒磨损

1.Study onabrasive wear resistance of boronized layer eutecticumed with laser;激光共晶化渗硼层磨粒磨损试验研究

2.Research onabrasive wear of cladding metal of flux cored wire for repairing of pedrail engineering machine;履带式工程机械行走系修复用堆焊药芯焊丝磨粒磨损性能研究

3.Two bodyabrasive wear mechanism ofTiNiSMA;TiNi 系形状记忆合金两体磨粒磨损机制研究

6)wear debris磨损磨粒

1.Study of Computer Identification and Analysis System for Wear Debris;磨损磨粒的计算机识别分析系统研究

2.In order to classifywear debris in lubricating oil more effectively,awear debris recognition method based on rough set and neural network was put forward.为了更有效地对润滑油中的磨损磨粒进行识别,探讨了基于粗糙集和神经网络的磨粒识别。


摩擦学:微动磨损微动磨损 在相互压紧的金属表面间由於小振幅振动而產生的一种复合型式的磨损。在有振动的机械中﹐螺纹联接﹑花键联接和过盈配合联接等都容易发生微动磨损。一般认为﹐微动磨损的机理是﹕摩擦表面间的法向压力使表面上的微凸体黏著。黏合点被小振幅振动剪断成为磨屑﹐磨屑接著被氧化。被氧化的磨屑在磨损过程中起著磨粒的作用﹐使摩擦表面形成麻点或虫纹形伤疤。这些麻点或伤疤是应力集中的根源﹐因而也是零件受动载失效的根源。根据被氧化磨屑的顏色﹐往往可以断定是否发生微动磨损。如被氧化的铁屑呈红色﹐被氧化的铝屑呈黑色﹐则振动时就会引起磨损。有氧化腐蚀现象的微动磨损也称微动磨蚀。在交变应力下的微动磨损称为微动疲劳磨损。微动磨损的特点是﹕在一定范围内磨损率随载荷增加而增加﹐超过某极大值后又逐渐下降﹔温度昇高则磨损加速﹔抗黏著磨损好的材料抗微动磨损也好﹔零件金属氧化物的硬度与金属硬度之比较大时﹐容易剥落成为磨粒﹐增加磨损﹔若氧化物能牢固地黏附在金属表面﹐则可减轻磨损﹔一般湿度增大则磨损下降。在界面间加入非腐蚀性润滑剂或对钢进行表面处理﹐可减小微动磨损。螺纹联接加装聚四氟乙烯垫圈也可减小微动磨损。
