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GPTMS溶胶 GPTMS sol英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-20 11:36:46


GPTMS溶胶 GPTMS sol英语短句 例句大全



1.The main target of this paper is developing the anti-piling finishing process of super-low-twisted cotton yarn(cheese) by usingGPTMS sol as agent.本文的主要任务是采用GPTMS溶胶作为整理剂,对超低捻纯棉纱线(筒子纱)进行抗起毛起球整理,使整理过的纱线在织成针织物后能达到良好的抗起毛起球性能,同时避免了对针织物做抗起毛起球整理。


1.Synthesis of MoO3 nanobelts with no template via a simple hydrothermal method from peroxomolybdic acidsols was reported.以过氧钼酸溶胶为反应前驱体采用简单的水热方法,在没有任何模板剂的条件下合成三氧化钼纳米带,通过XRD,SEM,TEM和IR等测试方法对产物进行结构表征和形貌分析。

2.Translucent SiO_2sols are prepared from TEOS using NH_3·H_2O as catalyzer,polyelectrolyte/ SiO_2 composite films are fabricated via electrostatic self-assembly multilayer method,and SiO_2 thin films are formed by heat-treating the polyelectrolyte/SiO_2 composite films to eliminate the polyelectrolyte and other components in compos- ite films.以氨水为催化剂,通过水解正硅酸乙酯制备了乳白色二氧化硅溶胶,采用静电自组装薄膜技术制备了聚电解质/二氧化硅复合薄膜,并通过热处理制备了二氧化硅薄膜。

3.The average thickness of the interface layer wrapped aboutsols usually is determined by fitting the Porod curve that shows a negative deviation from Porod"s law.溶胶界面层厚度通常是用Porod法对高角区负偏离的Porod曲线进行拟合求算 ,但本文研究表明还可通过分别测定Porod负偏离校正前后体系粒子的平均半径之差而获得平均界面厚度 。


1.lyophilic colloid亲液溶胶,亲液胶体

2.a colloid is a more solid form than a sol.比溶胶更致密的胶体。

3.Preparation of RDX/SiO_2 Film by Sol-gel Method溶胶-凝胶法制备RDX/SiO_2膜

4.Preparation of SnP_2O_7 Powders by Sol-Gel Method溶胶-凝胶法制备SnP_2O_7粉体

5.Preparation of Alumina Aerogels with Sol-Gel Method by Ambient-dried Technique常压干燥溶胶-凝胶法制备Al_2O_3气凝胶

6.Preparation of Organic-inorganic Composite Binder by Sol-gel Process溶胶凝胶法制备有机无机复合胶粘剂

7.International Society for Aerosols in Medicine国际医用气溶胶学会

8.aerosol grease dispersions空气溶胶分散润滑脂

9.ultrafine monodisperse aerosol超细单分散性气溶胶

10.stratospheric aerosol measurement (device) (SAM)平流层气溶胶测定装置

11.gas-aerosol fire extinguishing system气体-气溶胶灭火系统

12.Lysozyme Immobilized by Sol-gel on Wool Fabric for Anti-bacterial Finishing羊毛织物的溶胶凝胶法固定化溶菌酶抗菌整理

13.Immobilization of lysozyme on wool fabric by sol-gel method基于溶胶凝胶法的羊毛织物溶菌酶固定

14.TiO_2 microcrystals prepared by the solvothermal crystallization of titania Sol.;溶胶溶剂热晶化法制备纳米TiO_2微晶

15.Inorganic/Organic Composites by Sol-Gel Techniquse用溶胶-凝胶法合成有机/无机复合材料

16.Applications of Sol-Gel Process in New Glasses Materials溶胶—凝胶法在新型玻璃材料中的应用

17.Fabrication and Evaluation of Coatings on Titanium by Sol-gel Method;溶胶—凝胶法钛表面涂层的改性研究

18.The Study on Application of the Sol-Gel Technology on Textile;溶胶—凝胶技术在纺织上的应用与研究



1.Synthesis of MoO3 nanobelts with no template via a simple hydrothermal method from peroxomolybdic acidsols was reported.以过氧钼酸溶胶为反应前驱体采用简单的水热方法,在没有任何模板剂的条件下合成三氧化钼纳米带,通过XRD,SEM,TEM和IR等测试方法对产物进行结构表征和形貌分析。

2.Translucent SiO_2sols are prepared from TEOS using NH_3·H_2O as catalyzer,polyelectrolyte/ SiO_2 composite films are fabricated via electrostatic self-assembly multilayer method,and SiO_2 thin films are formed by heat-treating the polyelectrolyte/SiO_2 composite films to eliminate the polyelectrolyte and other components in compos- ite films.以氨水为催化剂,通过水解正硅酸乙酯制备了乳白色二氧化硅溶胶,采用静电自组装薄膜技术制备了聚电解质/二氧化硅复合薄膜,并通过热处理制备了二氧化硅薄膜。

3.The average thickness of the interface layer wrapped aboutsols usually is determined by fitting the Porod curve that shows a negative deviation from Porod"s law.溶胶界面层厚度通常是用Porod法对高角区负偏离的Porod曲线进行拟合求算 ,但本文研究表明还可通过分别测定Porod负偏离校正前后体系粒子的平均半径之差而获得平均界面厚度 。


1.During the process ofpeptization and hydrothermal crystallization, the aggregation behavior and the resulting morphology of nanocrystalline titania (TiO2) were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS) techniques.通过XRD、SEM和动态光散射粒度测定仪(DLS)研究了胶溶及水热晶化过程中纳米TiO2晶粒聚集行为及形貌。

2.The A1(OH)3 sol and Al(0H)3—Zr(OH)4 sol is prepared bypeptization method with A1(NO3)3 , ZrOCl2 and NH3H2O as starting materials, using A1(NO3)3 solution and Zr(OH)4 sol as peptizing agents, and the preparation process, preparation conditions and colloid structure are analyzed.本文以Al(NO_3)_3,ZrOCl_2和氨水为原料,分别以Al(NO_3)_3溶液和Zr(OH)_4溶胶作为胶溶剂,通过胶溶法制备Al(OH)_3溶胶和Al(OH)_3—Zr(OH)_4溶胶,并对两种溶胶的制备过程,制备条件和胶团结构进行了分析。


1.A Simple Method for Preparation of Nano-PdColloid;一种制备纳米级Pd溶胶的简易方法

2.A method of gathering and enhancing of microbial flocculants(MBF) was established,in which the FeO(OH)colloid was loaded MBF from the fresh activated sludge which came from biochemical treatment of beer wastewater and needn’t culture in any specially prepared nutrient medium.研究了 pH值、调pH值的时机、上清液与水合氧化铁溶胶投量比以及Ca2 + 的存在对脱色效果的影响 ,结果表明 :pH值为 10 ;上清液与水合氧化铁溶胶投量比为 1 5 ;pH值的调节在FeO(OH)溶胶加入之前 ,直接黄染料 (DY4 )的最高脱色率达 98 7%。

3.The acid-treated MWNTs can be dispersed into water to form very stable black aqueous colloids with the help of ultrasonication.在超声作用的帮助下可以把这种酸处理的多壁碳管分散在水中形成一种黑色的水溶胶 。


1.UV screening property of cotton fabric treated with TiO_2/SiO_2 nano compositesol;纳米TiO_2/SiO_2复合溶胶处理棉织物的抗紫外性能

2.Studies on viscosity properties of dioxane-ligninsol;二氧六环-木素溶胶粘度特性的研究

3.Study on non-fluoro water repellent finish of cotton fabric bysol-gel progress;棉织物溶胶-凝胶法的无氟拒水整理研究


1.Selection of Conducting Solution During Testing z Potential of Fe(OH)_3 Collosol;Fe(OH)_3溶胶ζ电位测定中导电液的选择问题

2.Preparation of Cyclodextrin Polymer Glass Capillary Column by Collosol Adsorption Method;溶胶吸附法制备β环糊精聚合物玻璃毛细管柱


